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Default   #4   Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
This lesson is so boring.. Kaya thought to herself, forcing herself to keep her eyes open and focused on the blackboard as her teacher continued on with the lesson. Kaya was a good student but sometimes the lessons like today, just couldn't interest her enough to want to pay attention. Turning her attention to look at the window and sighing, she was wasting a perfectly good day being stuck at School.

A word her teacher suddenly mentioned caught her attention and she turns her attention back to hear her teacher talking about something called Otokoyo.

"Has anyone in here heard about this lore before?" the teacher asked, writing the name on the blackboard. When no one answers, she continues, "It's a game, much like Hide and Seek but played with demons."

A small burst of laughter escaped from the room, earning a frown from the teacher, "This is no laughing matter, my dear pupils." The laughing stopped and Kaya couldn't help but cup her chin in her hands and wait for the teacher to continue, now this sounded interesting, "Seven children, no more or no less, gather to play, each wearing a kitsune mask. They say, the game takes place in the abandoned part of town and kids have gone missing, never to be seen again."

As the teacher finished this, the atmosphere in the room felt heavy. None of her classmates seemed to know what to say, to Kaya, it sounded interesting. Suddenly, the bell residing that the end of School day rang, making most of the pupils jump in their seats.

Plucking her bag up, Kaya heads out of the classroom and outside, hearing her classmates whisper to one another, "Do you think what teacher said was real? Does a game like that exist?"

With a wide smile, Kaya decides it was definitely worth checking out and not saying a word to anyone else, heads off in the direction of where her teacher said the game took place. After all, teacher was only trying to scare them, how would any game be that dangerous?
Old Posted 09-08-2012, 11:42 AM Reply With Quote