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Kaguya Kaguya is offline
an evil, possessed, psycho doll
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Junko was new to the city and hadn't exactly made many friends, it wasn't like she couldn't be a popular kid as she found out in her last school, it was more to do with the fact she knew what the true intentions behind some actions where and even stopped a few fatal mistakes so decided it best to keep to herself. She sat in a quiet part of the library like she had done every day since the move wanting to know more about the history of her new home. It caught the librarian off guard when she asked where the history books where instead of the stories other girls her age read.

She had been reading the same book for the past week and had finally finished it, standing she moved out of her chair with the book back to the isle she first found it in. Placing it back she looked for a new one to read when finally one just seemed to fall off the shelf. blinking she tilted her head as she picked it up turning to look at the back of the book reading it she moved herself back to the table "Otokoyo...?" she whispered opening the book reading a little about it "Seven children must gather to play... the masks are beautiful." she said her hand going over one that way full, a white base and golden wispy clouds "Divine wind?" she whispered to herself as she red on shaking her head "This is foolish if it was so dangerous there wouldn't be a book on it." she laughed a little closing the book as the librarian stated that it was time to close.

Walking out of the library she tilted her head a little walking towards where the book said the game took place, as a child she was naturally curious but as it was a new town she wanted to explore her new surroundings. Knowing all myths had some truth in them.
Originally Posted by Trakadon
I give you the right to yell at anyone that breaks my RP rules >:U
Nikko is my nii sama and Reyoki is my nee sama


Old Posted 09-06-2012, 01:24 PM Reply With Quote