Thread: War Game. [M]
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Characters from the White Army
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Username- Zika
Name- Vandyke Felxic
Gender- Male
Age- Twenty-Three
Personality- Vandyke is very arrogant, loud and brash, he thinks that he is the best at everything he does and is very over-confident, he won’t give up easily and he fights hard, he thinks he’s charming and thinks he can get any girl he wants, he’s a jerk. He finds it fun to make fun of other’s and enjoys inflicting pain on people, that’s the reason he joined the army, so he could hurt people and get away with it. He’s not very intelligent at all, he’s all bronze and no brains, he’s only good at talking himself out of situations.
Appearance- Vandyke is six foot four with broad shoulders and a toned-built chest. He has dark piercing brown eyes that seem to look right into a person’s soul ,and shaggy dark blond hair that stops just at the top of his ears and is shaved in the back with a small ‘V’ shaved on the back of his head right above the back of his neck. He has a wide forehead with a cross-like shape scarred into the right side of it that’s about an inch in length. His expression is often dark, his skin is pale and his face scared, a scar goes straight across his nose and cheeks, and there is a scar on his chin from years of fighting, his arms are also battle-scarred, his left ear has a chunk of top cartilage missing from it. He can be found in his armorthat is similar to this picture just white instead of silver and the blue part is red, the design continues down the legs and they’re white and black just like the chest piece with heavy black bottomed boots. When he’s not in his armor, he’s wearing a white tunic with black pants and black boots and his weapons still with him, to cause fear in the people he comes across.
Background- Twenty-three years ago, Vandyke was born in a small house in the kingdom of Plyx to a commoner girl and a soldier of the Plyx army. His mother died right after she gave birth to him and left his father with the job of taking care of the new born, but the man saw great evil within his son and tried to drown him in holy water, but was caught by a nun, who then took the babe from the man and took him to the church. There he was raised by the nuns and brothers of the church, but no matter how much good they tried to teach him, he would always do things that he knew were wrong; from killing cats, to throwing stones at children younger than himself. When he turned thirteen, the Church decided they could no longer house him and sent him to the army barracks to live with his father and be trained as a soldier. He learned quickly and when he turned eighteen, he was sent straight into the Knight rank, even though he was experienced, he was young and the army leaders and the king didn’t want the other’s to think they were playing favorites just because his father had been a good soldier, even though the man ‘mysteriously’ died close after Vandyke’s eighteenth birthday.
Rank- Knight
Citizenship- Plyx
Weapon- Vandyke carries a silver long sword that has two silver flame-like designs coming out of the hilt, he also keeps two silver short swords on either of his hips on his black belts connected to his white armor.
Fighting style- Vandyke’s style of fighting is quick and not very planned out, he acts before he thinks, he tends to just jump into battles and tries to use brute force to win, when it comes to fighting an intelligent opponent, he tends to have quite a lot of trouble when it comes to trying to destroy them.
Other- Vandkye has enhanced, in a way, strength, he can lift things that other men cannot because the objects are too heavy, he can lift up to about four-hundred-eighty pounds but only throw two-hundred-forty, this also gives him a more powerful punch and swing of his sword(s).
Old Posted 08-23-2012, 03:02 AM Reply With Quote