Thread: Writing scifi.
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Default   #8   Quiet Man Cometh Quiet Man Cometh is offline
We're all mad here.
I'll let you know more on the Erikson thing. I'm still plugging away at it.

I think that one snag with genre pieces outside of the actual writing of them, is that people may read them solely for their furnishings, rather than for thier literary merit. "I like dragons! I'm going to read this book with dragons!" I don't think a lot of people pick up a fantasy or sci-fi book with the intention of reading a story about coming of age or personal struggle of character. I could be wrong though.

That said, on the book question in the original post, I try writing books but so far have always managed to run out of steam after a few chapters. My inspiration usually comes from an idea and that idea is not usually enough to fill the pages of a novel. I tend to like to focus on one particular thing at a time, rather then playing with several at once.
Old Posted 08-14-2012, 03:00 AM Reply With Quote