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Default   #14   Dawn Dawn is offline
Morbidly Obsessed
Damn, this idiot has dripped blood all over the floor I just cleaned.. Chloe thought in disgust as she stands over the unconscious customer. The handle of the broom was covered in bright, sticky blood from where she had whacked the living daylights out of the old fart when he had leapt to attack her. What the hell have they been putting in the water supply now? Chloe made a mental note not to touch the tap water.

Placing the broom against the nearest wall, Chloe reaches down to feel for a pulse before pulling her hand back, the guy's skin felt like rubber. And the pallor of the skin, this didn't make any sense.. all the evidence before her eyes told her the old fart had been dead for hours yet he had been stumbling around a few moments ago like he was still alive.

A word flashed across Chloe's mind but she pushed it out of her thoughts.. There was no way this guy could be a zombie, they just don't exist in anything but movies and video games.. there had to be another reason why the guy's skin was this color, some medical reason..

{as long as the post gets the message across. :3}
Old Posted 07-16-2012, 04:47 PM Reply With Quote