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Ein Blackwood...

It was a slow afternoon at the nightclub where Ein Blackwood worked.The blond was currently on break for an indefinite amount of time.Ein nursed a rum and coke and stared inattentively at the wall in front of him.The young man decided that he needed some fresh air so he walked out of the bar and leaned against the wall of the building.In the distance,Ein spotted what appeared to be a well-dressed man on all fours on the sidewalk. "O...kay." The blond said with an arched brow.The young man limped forward a few steps and saw that there was a bloody woman under the man! She didn't appear to be moving,so she was either unconscious or dead.Was this man attacking her? "Hey!" Ein shouted to get the man's attention.He turned around,blood dripping from his lips,and some entrails dangling from his teeth.Did he eat...that woman? Ein looked at the woman again,and she had a large pool of blood around her.There was no way she could survive without all that blood.The man was walking slowly toward Ein,dragging one foot behind him,arms outstretched in front of him.Ein pulled his handgun out of the strap on his leg.As the unknown man approached,the blond observed that he had ashen skin which appeared to be severely cracked.His eyes were entirely white and were for the most part,lifeless.Ein quickly took aim and shot the man in the head,killing him.That guy looked like the zombies in Resident Evil! But zombies,didn't exist,did they? "What the hell was that?" The blond asked himself.After a few moments,the woman rose and came at him like the other zombie had.The young man killed her,too.Ein went back into the club and downed his drink in one go. "God,I'm going to need another drink." He told the bartender as much,and soon enough,another rum and coke sat in front of him.Ein played Resident Evil a lot,but he never expected to see zombies in real life!

Professional Badass.
Please use masculine pronouns (He,Him,His) When talking or referring to me.

All hail the Female Courier who seduced Benny with her sick mind and Black Widow trait and then killed him in his sleep!
Last edited by TheCourier; 07-11-2012 at 06:35 AM. Reason: Because I can.
Old Posted 07-11-2012, 06:29 AM Reply With Quote