Thread: Mac or PC
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EclipseFox EclipseFox is offline
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Linux is another operating system it can be commonly used on private servers and also is used on Ubuntu a free linux OS there are many arguments saying linux is the best but that is only true if you know how to use linux because it is very technical and uses a lot of command lines so you need to know what you are doing. on linux you can also remove viruses from mac or windows computers because they don't affect linux systems so some would say it is Superior but the reverse is also true you could fix any linux or apple computer using windows because that doesn't affect the system. People says windows has so many viruses so its bad but the thing is the most commonly used software will always have viruses if more people use mac then it will have more viruses too and the same with linux. The business standard is Windows XP most schools use macs most hackers use some form of linux. so is there really a best out there I would say no there isn't but there is a best for each person if you like art get a mac if you like general internet surfing and downloading programs use windows and if you like to be a computer geek (not that there is anything wrong with them) get linuxs and a large text book on how to use it. that is all I have to say ^^
Hi I'm new here I am fox I know I don't have fur yet but I will get it eventually this is my quest :D
Old Posted 06-30-2012, 03:52 PM Reply With Quote