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Squeaking in shock as a young man popped up in front of her Tayu blinked. "Uhm," she quickly made note of his air bending and tilted her head to the side. Not a cousin, at least that shew knew, so...there were other air benders? "Tayu," she rocked back on her heels, her hair swishing from side to side. "Are you an air bender? Of course you are, but still, are you a new cousin? I thought that Uncle had brought in all the other cousins already. Where ya from? Did you wanna go to the lake and see the koi?" She barely took breaths between the comments, it was like being caught in a whirlwind of words.
Waving a hand at the city, "Have you gotten lost yet? I lived out in the country before Uncle took me in, so I get lost all the time. I think the lake is that way," she pointed east. "I'm trying to avoid having to go back to the island, b'sides the koi might be giant koi and then I could ride them." Finally taking a breath she tipped her head the other direction. "You don't say much do you?"
((Sorry Ju! She's sorta always hyper so she tends to talk over people, good luck!))
I've gone to look for myself, if I should return before I get back keep me here.
|What is your Quest?|
Nikko was here out of love for Fey. <3

beautiful art by littl3chocobo
Old Posted 06-14-2012, 10:38 AM Reply With Quote