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H. Sang Ki H. Sang Ki is offline
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What did you enjoy?
the story. very well done~

What could be better?
i understand the need to create activity on the site, but needing to post so much just to have a complete set (no duplicates) is not all that lurker friendly for me. we all cannot be posting machines and post 15o+ times in a few hours xD

but it's made up for with the length of the event and the number of currency needed for each item~ ^^

Things we could do in the future?
keep the bundle idea, 2 week long event, and letting us be able to see how many items, how much currency, and the poses of the items, either all at once or slowly added to the shop.

Where the items good?
most of them look pretty decent. favorites include the Guise and Bundle sets. i enjoy the bundle idea a lot.
the Withering Nox looks a bit weird; it looks harsh with the dark lines and then blurring at the same time. the Griffin looks a tad blurry as well. i still wish you only needed ONE of the items to use ALL the items. but i suppose you'd be able to get more revenue the way it is, seeing as people will want to wear more than one item of a set so will buy more.
Old Posted 09-23-2010, 08:57 PM