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Originally Posted by Arikana View Post
Yeah, I feel like I've told you that before. But no worries, I don't mind telling you over and over again. :]
Really? You can't get Keith's in USAland? owo
Why haven't you cooked in nine years? owo

No. Please don't disappear again, Pinkie. ;w; Everyone here at Trisphee loves and misses you. Very much. <3
~Kat peeks her nose out from under the couch-of-hiding~
Sorry, I went *poof* for a while (super bad depression relapse). I'm pretty stable for now, so I'm back timid, but back.

I'm not allowed to cook because I burn myself by doing stupid things that I have only been doing since I got sick. When I pulled a cookie sheet out of a 450°F oven without oven mitts on, Eric said, "That's it! No more cooking or baking for you!". *pout* I used to love to bake. I've baked one cake since then- but only with Eric's help. It's okay, though, because he's become an awesome cook ^_^

I've had a great deal of cognitive improvement since going on the Alzheimer's drug called Aricept, but I still have a really hard time with mid- and short-term memory problems. The weird thing is that I can recall the most obscure details from 25 years ago... but I can't remember what I ate for dinner last night :/

And, last I checked (which, admittedly was a few years ago), still no Alexander Keith's beer here in the States. My last trip to Lower Alaska Canada was 1999, and Toronto had just recently started getting it. It didn't hit further West Canada until after that (or so I was told). Curses on the person who got me hooked on that infernal beer! *shakes fist in feigned anger* LOL
S'okay. I still have Rolling Rock. Not that I drink it (or any alcohol) much any more. I drank quite a bit before I got sick. I also smoked and was overweight before I got sick. By late 2000 I had quit smoking and got down to a dress size 5 (my preferred size is 3 or 5... but I'd kill to get back in a 9 these days *GAH!*)... and by late 2001 I had cut my drinking down to just a drink here and there. Then, January 2002 *BAM!* I got sick and had to quit working.
My best friend from high school, who had also moved to Phoenix as an adult told me she thought about quitting drinking and smoking and was going to lose weight. She said, "You did all that, and blow look at you. YOU'RE FUCKED!" LOL It was a funny coincidence, yes, but I'm really glad that I had quit smoking and basically quit drinking. I'm glad I had lost the weight when I did, too, because it helped m self esteem which in turn helped my social life. I used to have a lot of fun and was fun to be around when I didn't hate myself. I'm glad I had a few good years there towards the end.

~Kat pulls Pinkie out of the shadows~
You can *ninja* all ya want, but if I can't disappear, neither can joo!!
*chains Pinkie's ankle to the radiator*
Hmph. There ya go! *triumphant pose*
Hi! I'm Kat!
Kat's Kwest for Shiny Objects
Seeking BAKENEKO- I has runes, au & other currencies
THANK YOU: Reyo for Celestial Wolf & Anon for BOTH Pandora's Boxes <3 I WILL GET JOO!
I use my phone 95% of internet, beware of auto co-wrecks

Faux is my SquishyPinkie is my Ninja in Shiny ArmorAri & Serena are my Lil Sisters
F/Married/Over 30/6 feline kids
Possibly hikikomori
Old Posted 03-28-2012, 09:46 PM