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Default   #4   Kiddiss Kiddiss is offline
One Fish

And when applicable, WHAT KAT IS SELLING
or has listed for trade solely towards her MAIN KWEST ITEM

***YEARLY ITEM: SPIRIT OF TREASON*** (Worth= 50 runes)

I will try to keep this as up-to-date as my Kwest page.
I WILL make it prettier after I get some sleep.
~Kat been up for almost 24 hours *shot*~

Hi! I'm Kat!
Kat's Kwest for Shiny Objects
Seeking BAKENEKO- I has runes, au & other currencies
THANK YOU: Reyo for Celestial Wolf & Anon for BOTH Pandora's Boxes <3 I WILL GET JOO!
I use my phone 95% of internet, beware of auto co-wrecks

Faux is my SquishyPinkie is my Ninja in Shiny ArmorAri & Serena are my Lil Sisters
F/Married/Over 30/6 feline kids
Possibly hikikomori
Old Posted 03-04-2012, 11:19 AM Reply With Quote