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Default   #2   Espy Espy is offline

Pfft. Beautiful?

ANYWAYS. Silhouettes Anonymous is a place for us all to share in our love for (-le gasp!-) Silhouettes.

...Ok, ok, not really >.>

Silhouettes Anonymous is our very own Trisphee Silhouette Competition! Our lovely (-cough choke splutter-) host Ashy will post five different silhouettes of shapes. It's your job to draw what you think the object(s) casting the silhouette might look like. You can't go outside the silhouette, and your image must fill the whole outline. I recommend using MS Paint or another similar program; the drawings don't need to be high quality, but I do need to be able to tell what they are.

Oh. Wait. ...Prizes. Can't forget about those, of course.

Winners - 30 Rations and 15 Waters
Runners Up - 15 Rations and 5 Waters
Judges Choice(Ashy and Espy) - One full event set
Judges Choice(Ashy) - 1 Water Set
Judges Choice(Espy) - One Ration set
Honourable Mentions - 10 Rations and 6 Waters

There will be a winner and a runner up for each shape; more prizes may be added depending on participation.

Everyone that enters for at least one shape will get 5 Rations and 3 Waters. All entries must be PM'd to Ashy.

You may only enter once for each image; any posts from mules will be disqualified. Please make sure you are happy with your entry as you will not be able to change it once entered.

Keep your eyes peeled for word on the end date of the contest, it will be when the event is over.

Aaaand...-chucks the mic back to Ashy-
Last edited by Ashy; 03-16-2012 at 04:21 AM.
Old Posted 02-17-2012, 03:58 AM