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Default   #70   Cazzidy Cazzidy is offline
Notorious Pirate Captain
-=What you're allergic to cats?...=-

@Valkyrie---I've added your offer on the front page...

@everyone---I'm actually trying to get the 1 set of Anka and 7 BEta Fishes for my charity... I'm focusing on them first... But other offers are much appreciated... I have more than 1 set of Pandora Boxes and there are still to come on Sept. 30... Aurum and Runes offers are much considered but again I'm focusing on the Anka Set and 7 Beta Fishes...

-=It's alright, I'm allergic to you...=-

"Semper Liberi et Fidelis in Infinitum"

Crimson Regrets' Pirate Captain

Member since 07-28-2010

Old Posted 09-22-2010, 04:55 AM