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-   -   「 ☆ ★ ☆ Twisted ⊰ M ⊱ U/C (

Mizeria 05-13-2012 06:06 AM

「 ☆ ★ ☆ Twisted ⊰ M ⊱ U/C

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x xxxxxxx Twisted xxxxx
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x x x Rated [ M ] for the containment of mature themes


This is a place for everyone to Enjoy.
Please ignore the wild looks, and the slightly insane actions of the others present.
My name is Mizzy and I'm here to serve.

Come in, Come in

We await you with our arms outstretched, inviting you in. Holding you close.
Fear not, we shall not harm you... much.
Oh whats that knife you ask? I was making lunch. Its quite the task.
We will bring you refreshments shortly.
I hope you join me and listen to our stories as we all fall still and stare at your hungrily.
Welcome to a world of things never heard of.

I am making this place for you, the lovely people of Trisphee, because I feel we all deserve a place to be ourselves.

: Intro`. Rules`. About`. Contests`. Quotes`. Reserved`. Reserved`. Open`.

Mizeria 05-13-2012 06:15 AM

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x xxxxxxxx Rules xxxxxx
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-- Always, Always, Always follow ALL Trisphee ToS, of course. No flaming, etc.

-★- Be respectful.


-★- Please DON'T Stretch the page!! Thanks~

-- Most of all please have fun!

*More May Be Added

: Intro`. Rules`. About`. Contests`. Quotes`. Reserved`. Reserved`. Open`.

Mizeria 05-13-2012 06:42 AM

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x xxxxxxxx About xxxxx
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x x xAbout Twisted

Twisted is supposed to be just a random and fun place for everyone to hangout.
I couldn't think of a 'theme' [like I know some hangouts have]
I knew I wanted to start a hangout.... So here it is.

Once again, Mature themes will be present.
If this is an issue you should probably leave now.

xx -trap door opens up under some people and they disappear-

Now then, lets get this party started...

x x x xAbout Mizeria

I'm just your friendly Mod Leader.
Call me
Miz, Mizzy, Mize, Mizzie, Mizeria.
You can try to come up with other nicknames but I might not realize you're talking to me.

Born October 23rd, 1990.
This girl is a gamer, not hardcore, but the love for games is still there.
Passions for reading, writing, singing, traveling, roleplaying, and music also exist within this being.
40+ hours a week the US Postal Service lays claim to my soul.
The rest of the time is spent online or with friends in real life.

Often times words are blunt and to the point.
If you can not deal with hard truths, deepest apologies.
For life is short and there seems to be no reason to beat 'round the bush.
Crazy and random at most times.
Truly, I hope you will stay and get to know me.

: Intro`. Rules`. About`. Contests`. Quotes`. Reserved`. Reserved`. Open`.

Mizeria 05-13-2012 06:48 AM

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x xxxxxxx Contests xxxx
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x x x x: Construction Contest:: Closing Date; 7-13-12

This ever popular contest has been done before.
It is not my original idea

x x x x


x x x xContest Rank: -
x x x xTotal Items: -
x x x xTotal Points Possible: -

Contest Note:
If there are any Tattoos on the avi, and it is made by ME. You can be sure theres more then one of them. I layer tattoos, and other see through items until I get the desired effect or color. I count EACH ITEM. Meaning I would count each tattoo, not just count all of them as one.

A correct answer is worth +2pts.

You may enter an unlimited amount of times.

Your highest score will be posted on the front page.

PM your guesses to me, Mizeria!
I will tell you your score, but I will not tell you which ones you got right/wrong. So keep guessing and I'll keep the highest score!
★ You do not have to get the name of the item exactly right. Just "Avril Hair" or "Royal Flush" will do.

I encourage you to check the shops, and the item guide thread for some extra help

x x x xHigh Scores
x x x x: ``
x x x x: ``

x x x xPrizes

x x x x: First Place, 1o,ooo au
x x x x: Second Place, 5,ooo au
x x x x: Third Place, 2,5oo au

: Intro`. Rules`. About`. Contests`. Quotes`. Reserved`. Reserved`. Open`.

Mizeria 05-13-2012 06:50 AM

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x xxxxxxxx Quotes xxxx
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- ★ - None Yet - ★ -

: Intro`. Rules`. About`. Contests`. Quotes`. Reserved`. Reserved`. Open`.

Mizeria 05-13-2012 06:51 AM

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x xxxxxx Reserved xxxx
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Mizeria 05-13-2012 06:53 AM

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x xxxxxx Reserved xxxx
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Mizeria 05-13-2012 06:54 AM

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x xxxxxxxx Open xxxxxx
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Lauv Keiko 05-13-2012 11:56 AM

*le steals first post*


*cricket noises*

Ducky 05-13-2012 12:03 PM

Yay! I've missed having a place to talk to you, Mizzy!

-eats crickets- o3o

Mizeria 05-13-2012 12:22 PM

Oh My God~
-is excited-

Thanks for posting guys. I was starting to think no one would

Gotta run to work
but I will be back

Ducky 05-13-2012 12:27 PM

I posted as soon as I noticed his place >_<

-sits around and waits-

Batty 05-13-2012 01:04 PM


Lauv Keiko 05-13-2012 01:07 PM

@ducky: It has been open for a while now. :3
I just logged in in my comp here @ work and I had to post somewhere...and then

Ducky 05-13-2012 01:22 PM

I only got back to internet late last night, so just now was my first real chance to notice it xD

Funkduder 05-13-2012 01:34 PM

Kill me now. I'm so tired

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