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littl3chocobo 10-21-2011 01:15 PM

the tower(m)
this thread has been titled 'm' for abuse, drug abuse, psychological abuse, torture, death, violence, references to abuse, terrorism, gore, homicide, potential adult situations, mental abuse, abusive/violent language, implied bondage, potential implied bondage(with sexual connotations), and potential whatever else, this story is an attempt at getting deep in the nitty-gritty of stockholm syndrome, it's sister lima syndrome and isolation. should this rp go beyond the tos a marker ---- will be used to show the cut and the story will be taken elsewhere until it gets back on track

the world has grown too small and in an effort to sustain the human race technicians have come up with ingenious domiciles that can remain self-sustaining with up to 20 people at a time. they are commonly referred to as 'towers'. several towers have been successfully placed along the great plates of the atlantic ocean and the earth's moon, new plans to put them on mars, earth's closest sister planet are in the testing phase, three towers have been placed in the borealis basin. the three test towers are set in a triangle surrounding a landing basin it takes 16 weeks to get from earth to mars. each tower as a precaution runs enough to support 10 members and is within communicating distance from the other two. four people man each tower, all are trained in mechanics, computer technologies, botany, health sciences, and are certified electricians the rest are workers

he stretched, hauler dregs were not made for comfort but soon he'd be free. the stupid boy who's cubby he stowed in should have known better than to hide a stow-away but as was the way with the poor and stupid, a bit of gold and a bit of thigh was all it ever took to sway them. he spat, the idiot didn't even know when he was being poisoned, but that was negligible. nineteen bodies and eighteen suits would not be noticed by a staff with a near-dead crewman until it was too late, there were no resources to spare turning around once the ship made it to orbit and the thirty-two weeks it'd take for them to get back to mars was plenty for him to have killed everyone and dismantle the towers. he smiled to himself. it was time to get this show on the road.

DarkForbidden-Love 10-21-2011 01:44 PM

Samuel was deep within his tower when he got a signal saying a ship was arriving. "Hey, I though the Missy upstairs takes care of these kind of things." He grumbled, he would prefer to stay down here and not face the outside world at all, but orders where order and must be obeyed, "I'll be up in a sec." He informed the opperator. The only reason he was actually on Mars was to fix the towers up to make sure they would not kill Mars immediatly. Earth's president would much rather have him back on earth as he was so valuable but personally Samuel though it was a load of bull to keep him under wing.

littl3chocobo 10-21-2011 01:47 PM

he tucked his long russet locks under the helmet, he was glad for the anonymity the suits allowed him. he left the changing room and joined the others in the storage dock. he said nothing and simply followed the others in unloading the boxes and crates. it took hours and by the end he was hot and tired but he knew better than to complain or stop, suspicious people got questioned and he did not want to die so early in the game. just before they were finished he pulled a crewman to the side 'i don't feel so good, tell boss i need to go lay down' he was sure his voice was not a good match but as he was playing the sick as long as he got the muddy accent right it did not matter. the man accepted his plea and he made as if to go to the docks. instead he popped a box lid and slid inside. a few minutes later he felt his box being lifted and carried to the station landing. with a thump he was dropped and left, hiding for several more minutes he waited for the sounds of the ship leaving before popping his box and escaping, he left the suit hidden in a corner where it was sure not to be noticed and passed into the first tower and headed for the communications room.

ten minutes past the 11th hour the signal from tower one went out for six minutes, emergency communications were broadcasted and a return signal was sent /all is well/ /failed cable/ /back up in 36 hours/ /no help needed/

DarkForbidden-Love 10-21-2011 02:00 PM

Samuel ended up not being need at the docks before he even emerged into the Mashian air, "Next time think before sending me out!" He yelled at the communications officer. "I actually have important work to do, unlike some aparently." Samuel ignored the squaking of the radio that told him all was fine a Tower Three. "Can absolutly no on do their job right?" Because he had been called to Docks then Communication he now had to rewalk several stories to get back to what he had been doing before. "Damn incopetents."

littl3chocobo 10-21-2011 02:09 PM

he all but flew down the connecting tunnel to tower two. he had to be very careful to get all three towers out as soon as the last tower sent out it's daily report to home base, he wanted at least a day to rig the explosives and set up the camera. if this went well he'd be able to get these damn atrocities off the planet forever. he made it to the hatch and popped it open with a fake card he slid in quietly

twenty-nine minutes past the 11th hour the signal from tower two went out for four minutes, emergency communications were broadcasted and a return signal was sent /checking cause now/ /back up no later than tomorrow/ /no help needed/

DarkForbidden-Love 10-21-2011 02:21 PM

By the time Tower Two blackedout everyone became worried in Tower Three. "Tower Three personal please report to your Communication area, I reapeat Tower Three personal please report to Communication area."

"And what am I, chopped liver?" Samuel techniquely worked on all three towers but figured he should just head to the commications area of the tower he was currently in.

The message repeated several times before it was replaced with the message of, "Darik, Methisula, Tiva, Gregory, Marha, Mattius, Jova, and Travler, please report to your communication areas."

Samuel gave a long suffering sigh and walked back to communications grumbling all along.

littl3chocobo 10-21-2011 02:45 PM

he left this tower slower than before. he was getting tied but he had no time. he fished for an adrenaline syringe. he unwrapped the package and popped out the the needle, quickly he snapped it in place he paused long enough to tap out any air and push it in. it would take a minute or two to kick in but it would be enough, he forced himself into a second win and kept going he had until the twelfth hour to take out the final tower

DarkForbidden-Love 10-21-2011 02:52 PM

Even as Samuel went further up into the tower he wondered what was causing the towers to black out. He had not noticed untill radio silence the the tower saying no help was need. For all anyone could know it was a couple kids playing with circuit brakers or it could be something else entirely.

littl3chocobo 10-21-2011 08:34 PM

six he thought to himself six of ten the synthetic kicked in around the time he found the first technician three bodies ago. he was running on that alone now. he skidded to a stop and hugged a wall as he heard someone come down the hall. he looked for a place to hide but none were avalible to him so he took a chance, sliding down to the corner of the hallway he waited for the footsteps to draw close damn! he could make out a second set now, he touched the charm around his neck. it was too late now. as the first body turned the corner he tackled it. it was a blonde lady. he grabbed her by her thin neck and snapped it. the other walking with her, a tall man get out a garbled word he could only assume started out as a curse. he leaped off of the woman and grabbed the man by his coat causing them both to fall, the man had just enough time to scream before he was throttled to death. he prayed to his goddess that noone heard, there were still two more bodies on this hell-tower and one of them was a technician. he got up quickly and took back off

DarkForbidden-Love 10-21-2011 08:55 PM

When none of the others responded to the call togather, Samuel got slightly worried. He doubted all eight of them would suddenly decide not to call up and tell them they would be there in a few minutes. He picked up his radio, old fashioned but still worked fine, he turned it to a private frequency, "I'll go see what is taking the others so long." He said into it. He was only slightly worried and for all he knew they could have found the probelm already and have decided to fix it.

littl3chocobo 10-21-2011 09:02 PM

he figured the last two would be on the top floor at this time so he skipped the parameter check for the last two and took the back stairs straight up. the door closed before he could hear the ding of the elevator signaling a passenger

DarkForbidden-Love 10-21-2011 09:09 PM

Samuel stepped out of the elevator and looked around. The hallway was empty and could not hear anything. That in itself was odd someone was always doing something down here. Samuel walked further down into the tower and stopped at the first body. He let loose a few swear words and did not even bother to check the person's pulse, they were dead. "One found, dead looks to be chocked." He reported calmly. The person to kill them was a male and about his same age. He quickly came across a female killed much in the same way, "Another kid is dead, female this time." As Samuel walked further along he could not help but wonder is it was the last person on the Tower that had killed the other. He gave his radio a horrifyed look, could he have been broadcasting to the enemy?

littl3chocobo 10-24-2011 01:44 PM

this was not good. this was very not good. in six minutes he'd have to send out the daily report back to the moon and the person missing was a technician. he had to decide whether it would be better to stick it out and give the report, knowing full well the other could try to run for another tower or sabotage the one they were in to disrupt signal and alert home base, or, try and catch the stray in enough time to send signal back and allot himself the couple of days he needed to properly destroy the towers, send his message and escape.

DarkForbidden-Love 10-24-2011 04:36 PM

Samuel quickened his pace after the second body and stops using his radio. He barely noticed the other bodies as he went further towards the bottom of the tower. At the bottom he could probably get a better accessment of the current situation, he was either the only one left or the murdered was still in the tower.

littl3chocobo 10-24-2011 05:01 PM

he looked around for the camera controls, he remembered coming across them as he was going over the blueprints for the proto-tower, one-hundred-ninty-seven cameras sixteen in use. he found them quick enough and turned them all on. he slid into a chair and rolled to the dashboard. he typed in each non-room channel until he found the right one, he could see the last technician descending the fifth-floor stair. he looked at the timer on his watch. two minutes. if he left now he would not be able to make it back up until three minutes after the report was due but it would be nine minutes until he could get down there if he stayed. he cursed to himself, he did not want to use the force-feed but he had no choice. he rolled his chair over and laid the small box he had in his jacket pocket on the main console, it was only the size of a memory stick but it was smart enough to complete complicated tasks with few if any errors. he hoped today would be an error-free day. he flipped the toggle and let the box load then he typed up a comand and waited eight seconds for the box to give a beep. he was in. quickly he tasked the box with running each of the diagnostic reports and pull up the readings from three reports ago for tower one and five for tower three. finally he set the timer to run the task plus give an accurate reading of tower two and to send all the information at exactly noon. he rolled the chair and checked the cameras, the other was on floor two now. he leaped from the chair and threw himself into the elevator. he knew stairs would be faster but he felt the adrenaline shot wearing low so he did not risk it, he had a hostage to take.

DarkForbidden-Love 10-24-2011 05:20 PM

Sameul knew if he got to the very bottom of the tower he could use a complete override to kill any power in the tower. Anyone and everyone in the tower with the exception of himself would have trouble getting around. Unless they had thought before hand and brought a flashlight or another souce of self sustainable light but most people did not think that far ahead. Samuel ran as fast as possible to get to the bottom of the tower, whoever the killer was they had probably relized he was not amoung the dead.

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