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Wicked 09-07-2011 08:12 PM

Joss Whedon: BtVS, Angel, all things Joss
Joss is God.

I know you're out there...
there's definitely fans of the wonderful worlds Joss Whedon has created.

So come on out there's really no use hiding! I'll find you.

Wait. That sounded somewhat hostile. Hmm.

Changing tactics.

Why don't you come in and relax a little? We'll talk weapons.
Or you know whatever. We can chat about anything in the Buffyverse. Or maybe you more an Angel Inc. sort of person. Dollhouse? Firefly? It's all here.

Favorite episodes, moments, story arcs, seasons.
Favorite characters, couples, and the wacky things they say and do.

Stuff we didn't love.
Things that made us cry.
Things that shouldn't have happened.
Things that never did.

Fiyero 09-12-2011 10:27 PM

uhmmm Buffy the vampire Slayer is my favorite show of all time. I currently have three Buffy tattoos, and another two planned :D

Wicked 09-12-2011 10:47 PM

Do you have any pictures of the ink??
I just finished rewatching season five of Angel.
Thinking of starting at the beginning and rewatching all my Buffy dvds but my husband might kill me. He doesn't hate the show but he's not obsessed with it either. Truth be told I made a fan out of him. He plays the roleplaying game with me. Part of that is he just likes to throw dice and our storyline is alternate universe Vamp Willow stuff.

Fiyero 09-12-2011 10:55 PM

real name like blah

haha buffy RP is great!
I play the TCG..lmfao

I really love season 5 of Angel...actually..all of it..
rofl which is why I have the logo tattooed on my back..

Wicked 09-12-2011 11:00 PM

Freaking EPIC
I really love your feet.
That's an odd statement.

And I know they're not Buffy tats but so cool!

They BtVS tats are insanely cool.
Especially the quote. One of the best lines in the whole show
because ye gods that's so true.

Fiyero 09-12-2011 11:02 PM

haha I only have pop-culture tattoos xP

and yessss thats my favorite quote in the show..
well..there are too others:
1(paraphrasing - this is what I used as my 'senior quote' in my senior yearbook) "You wanna know my philosophy? Life is short. Not original I'll grant you, but its true. Seize the moment 'cause tomorrow you might be dead."
2 "I made a space for the cheese slices!"


Wicked 09-12-2011 11:09 PM

Best senior quote EVER.

Heh. The cheese, last time we watched season four and Willow tells Riley that Buffy likes cheese, may not be the key to heart but hey "she likes cheese" and Jason smacks his hand on the couch and says WHAT is with JOSS WHEDON and CHEESE?!

It's really funny because he keeps making observations like that but doesn't claim fandom. Face it babe I sired you. One of us now.

Fiyero 09-12-2011 11:14 PM

hahahahhah that is SO WIN
I love the Cheese guy..he's epic..

Did you watch Dollhouse? Its SO friggin good...I love Joss.

Wicked 09-12-2011 11:23 PM

I didn't get to watch a lot of it. Just the first few eps when they were first airing. Sucks that it got cancelled. I want to pick up the DVD set but I'm trying to sock away funds for a new hot water heater. Stupid grown up responsibilities.

Maybe I should edit this discussion to Joss Whedon in general?
Because we're getting off track but there's SO much to talk about!
We'd have to limit it to TV ventures though. I heard they might merge the TV and Movie subforums but until then I'll toe the line. So yeah I'm gona fix the first post so we can talk about BtVS, Angel, Dollhouse, Firefly et all. Might even go into Roseanne.

Fiyero 09-12-2011 11:30 PM

rofl thats how I watched it. The second season's finale (also the series finale) made It was so beautiful and amazing.

ROFL Roseanne.
I own the firefly boxset AND the Serenity movie..but Ive still yet to watch them..mostly because I watch crap on netflix and am too lazy to go put DVDs in rofl!
and/or I watch from the netflix app on my iPod..

and screw grown up responsibilities...guh
but I understand..I cant buy like..anything. I had to miss out on the Rainbow Rave (which was friggin amazing) because my boyfriend thing has no job and..he's an expensive guy...rofl
but he has an crossed..

Wicked 09-12-2011 11:38 PM

*fingers and toes crossed*

I had to let my Netflix account lapse.
They're all mad at me about the whole money thing.

Alyson is in a Roseanne ep she's Becky's friend but that's not one of the ones, or the one Joss wrote. I think maybe he only wrote Brain Dead Poet's Society. Not sure.

Ashy 09-12-2011 11:45 PM

Curse you and your sudden but inevitable betrayal...

Fiyero 09-12-2011 11:46 PM

I had no idea that Ally was in an ep of Roseanne! Thats awesome! lmfao

I love joss...he's so great...he wrote a story arc for the XMen comics..its was DELICIOUS
and he and I both love Kitty Pride and Colossus, so there was a lot of them in Fiyero was pretty happy.

Wicked 09-12-2011 11:48 PM

*giggle* I never got too into Firefly.
I know, I know shoot me dead.

I should probably give it another try.
Sometimes things have to grow on me.

Edit: Fiyero you would be interested to know there is a painting at my local comic shop featuring Willow, Darth Vader and some other iconic folk that is signed by THE MAN. The artist took it to a comic con and got all these signatures including JOSS the ca-ray-zay part is this painting is for sale. Stupid hot water heater.

Ashy 09-12-2011 11:53 PM

joss actually wrote the screenplay for the xmen movie, but they didnt like it so someone else rewrote it, and they only kept one line from joss's version.

it was "Do you know what happens when a Toad gets hit by lightning? The same thing that happens to everything else."

Fiyero 09-12-2011 11:54 PM

I need to get my ass into gear and watch friend reallllly loves

get picturessss

Im actually in issue 23 (I think) of the season 8 the letters to the editor section. you know my real name from the FB if you have those..go see! Im for serious! lol

ashy - lol I loved that line. I really wish I could read a copy of his script..I feel like he'd've done a better job..

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