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Reyoki 07-10-2011 02:35 PM

Thou art I and I am Thou (Semi-Lit Persona RP- Open and Accepting)
"Thou art I... and I am thou"- Persona

Greetings, salutations, and welcome to this RP. I am your host, Reyoki.

This RP is based upon the world of the Shin Megami Tensei: Persona series. We are set after the events in Persona 4, as per the True Ending. As in Persona 4, personae are summoned via cards.

If you don't know what the Persona games are, but would still like to participate, here are links to the Persona 3 and Persona 4 pages on TV Tropes.

Our setting is America in a city called Reflection. In the city of Reflection, there are strange rumors. It is said that if you stare at your reflection in a mirror while holding a lit black candle and say, "Unveil your mysteries," you will be haunted by a dark spirit. It is not unheard of for students at Atlus High and Crystal Valley University, the local high school and college, to dare other students to test this rumor. Whether or not anyone has actually gone through with the bizarre ritual, though, is up to debate.

Some areas of interest in Reflection include Lake Glass, known for its smooth, shining surface, The Black Box- the small live performance theatre, Lake Town, the outdoor shopping plaza close to Lake Glass, the Abandoned Chapel just outside town, and Highland Field located just beyond a ridge on the far side of Lake Glass.

Our Rules
1) Obey the Trisphee ToS
2) Observe common human decency
3) Please observe our three sentence minimum when posting
4) Reyoki(myself), Mizeria, RyuFierce, and Obbiesan are your commanding officers; respect our authority

We are currently accepting applications!

Here is the Character Application Form that you MUST submit to either myself or RyuFierce for review before you may participate.

Character Name:
Character Age:
Brief Character History:
Character Appearance: (Image in spoiler tags or written description, please; no "my current avi" or anything like that)
Initial Persona: (You cannot use your Persona until you face your Shadow in the RP)
Persona Abilities: (Nothing unreasonable; we will check. Limit 6)
Secondary Persona: (Your Initial Persona will become eligible to evolve into this after you have been active in the RP for a while)
Persona Abilities: (Nothing unreasonable; we will check. Limit 6)

If you would like to see the different personae from the games, here is a YouTube video that browses through the compendium from Persona 4. We also accept any Personae from Persona 3, Persona 3 Portable, and demons from the other Shin Megami Tensei games as per the Megami Tensei Wiki.

Current Active Members

Username: Reyoki
Character Name: Missy Lockley
Character Age: 22
Brief Character History: Missy has traveled all over the world with her family's acting troupe. When she reached High School age, though, her folks thought it would be best to settle down. Unlike the cast of jolly characters her family is, Missy is a rather sharp-tongued individual with a hair trigger temper and a very dry sense of humor. She manages her family's theatre on weekends and is a shrewd negotiator.
Character Appearance: She's rather on the short side with long midnight black hair and icy blue eyes. Her skin is somewhat pale from spending so much time in a dark theatre, and that coupled with her slender build gives her a false look of frailty.
Initial Persona: Hua Po
Persona Abilities: Agilao, Fire Break, Maragi, Rakukaja, Rakunda, Makajam
Secondary Persona: Yatsufusa
Persona Abilities: Agidyne, Maragidyne, Megido, Mediarama, Mind Charge, Masukukaja

Username: RyuFierce
Character Name: Konrad Weber
Character Age: 21
Brief Character History: Konrad was born in Germany but his parents moved to America. He became a member of the SCA and learned the ways of armored combat. He is also has experience in making armor out of many types of materials. He's a loner at school and normally is either working his part time job, tinkering with new armor or at fighters' practice after school. Normally he's very selfish and only becomes friends with a person if he thinks it will benefit him. Eventually though he becomes attached to them against his better judgement.
Character Appearance: 6ft 7in, Light brown hair, hairstyle depends on day, wears glasses and large build with some muscle.
Initial Persona: High Pixie
Persona Abilities: Mabufu, Holy Arrow, Bufula, Media, Rakukaja, Sukukaja
Secondary Persona: Alice
Persona Abilities: Mamudoom, Dekunda, Marakunda, Megidola, Mind Charge, Die For Me!

Username: Obbiesan
Character Name: Trace Arino
Character Age: 22
Brief Character History: Trace had your typical life up until he reached high school age were he was shipped off to school to live in a dorm by himself. Trace never really was good at making friends so when forced into this weird environment he began to shut himself in and focus in on his study's and playing games. He has only recently began to reach out and find others to be friends with.
Character Appearance: Trace is tall and slender with snow white hair that hangs just over his eyes. his skin is very pale as he never spends time outside and is constantly playing games or reading and studying.
Initial Persona: Ippon-Datara
Persona Abilities: Mudo, Maragi, Mamudo, Agilao, Rampage
Secondary Persona: Thanatos
Persona Abilities: Megidola, Tempest Slash, Evil Smile, Mudoon, Brave Blade, Ghastly Wail

Username: Mizeria
Character Name: Cirya Kane
Character Age: 21
Brief Character History: Cirya is a calm, kind-heart soul. She can get happy-go-lucky when she is around her loved ones. She makes friends easily (or so it appears), but because she travels so much she doesn't have much time with them. Whether or not her happiness is just a mask to keep her at a distance to everyone else or it is pure true happiness no one can guess. She is easy going and loves life even when things are hard, but if anyone threatens her family or friends she will strike with a vengeance that would be most stunningly elegant if it wasn't so terribly violent and chaotic. She is like the earth itself, and even with all her beauty, grace, and kindness she has her dark moments too.

When Cirya was young she lost most of her family in a horrid raid. Total destruction of her little village in the middle of no where. Between the fires burning all around her, and the raping and killing of everyone she knew Cirya lost a bit of herself that day. She can't remember how she is alive or if anything was done to her. She woke up months later in a back alley of the slums. Somehow she managed to find a place for herself, but the nightmares still haunt her dreams. She takes odd jobs now to get by. If she needs the cash she'll do just about anything. She never takes anyone to the little corner of this hell she calls hers and she makes sure no one ever followers her there. She is extremely paranoid and unforgiving.
Character Appearance: Bronze Skin, tanned from all the time she is outside. Bright clover green eyes that reflect her happiness and chaotic joy. Long curly redish-brown hair thats normally tied back away from her face in a pony tail so she can she what she is doing. She is normally dressed in neutral earthy tones. She wears mostly pants and t-shirts because they are easy to move around in and it won't matter if they get dirty, but can dress well when its need.
Initial Persona: Angel
Persona Abilities: Hama, Patra, Garu, Dia, Sukukaja, Charmdi
Secondary Persona: Cybele
Persona Abilities: Samarecarm, Megidola, Mediarahan, Vicious Strike, Amrita, Mediarama

Username: Trakadon
Character Name: Nova Kondo
Character Age: 18
Brief Character History: When Nova was six and as far back as he could remember, he was alone. Living and fighting for survival in the dark allies of Tokyo. One day after he was beaten to bloody mess by several gangsters for trying to steal from them, Nova was found and nursed back to health by a elderly man named Hiro Kondo. After Nova recovered, Hiro Kondo adopted him. Amazed by Nova's high intellect and quick understanding of anything he showed him, Hiro decided to to teach Nova martial arts and took him around the world to increase his training and knowledge. For once Nova was happy, but soon his happiness faded when his adoptive father died on his 13th birthday. Nova found himself the heir to a fortune he never wished for and a misfortune that followed him where ever he went.

Nova carries only a few mementos left to him by his father. A bracelet with a rare blue gem that shines with incredible ferocity depending on his emotions and a tarnished photo of his late father.
Character Appearance:
Initial Persona: Leanan Sidhe
Persona Abilities: Mediarama, Recarm, Zionga, Patra, Life Drain, Marin Karin
Secondary Persona: Scathach
Persona Abilities: Dark Pledge, Garudyne, Akasha Arts, Wind Cutter, Recarm, Diarahan

Pending Applications

Username: Maya
Character name: Miya
Character age: 19
History: Miya lives with her single mother and over protective brother, Troy. She tends to be lost in her own world, which is filled with happiness, video games, death, and randomness. In a situation she can do questionable things that make you just want to pet her head and say its alright... but she will cut you and burn the body if you cross her.
Character Appearance:
Initial Persona: Jack Frost
Persona Abilities: Mabufu, Media, Bufula, Zio, Me Patra, Ice Break
Secondary Persona: Loki
Persona Abilities: Megiodola, Mabufudyne, Niflheim, Salavation, Mamudoon, Ziodyne

I declare this RP officially open!

Reyoki 07-10-2011 03:08 PM

Missy strolled down the sidewalk with a blank expression on her face. The bag from the electronics store swayed at the end of her arm with her steps, as did her long black hair, which was in a high ponytail today because of the summer heat. She had been sent out to buy some new sounds effect CDs for her family's theatre, and was on her way back.

The theatre was rather small, but it was the only one that hosted live performances in the city. It had been three years since the Lockley Thespians purchased the building, and Missy was beginning to grow accustomed to living in one place instead of on the open road.

RyuFierce 07-10-2011 06:05 PM

Konrad walked out of the scrap metal shop pulling his bin on wheels behind him. His hair was cut short and he was wearing some shorts and a white t-shirt he had bought at a local event. If someone would to pull the cover off of his bin they would find a couple of 16 gauge steel sheets. With that he took a note out of his pocket and crossed steel sheets off of his list. "Hmm lets see I still need Kydex plastic sheets and some copper rivets." He spoke with a slight german accent. He sighed as he started off to a leather shop that had the rivets cheap. It was in a plaza next to a theatre.

Mizeria 07-10-2011 10:57 PM

Cirya moved quickly off the bus as it stopped on the corner ten blocks from her crappy apartment. She really had to find a better one. Her hair was a mess of curls today. It seemed to have a mind of its own like always. She had gotten some supplies from the store so she could make dinner when she got home. Work was slow going, and was limited to part time side jobs and which didn't pay much. Tonight she would eat in style... if you can count mac 'n cheese as a rare treat.

'Things should look up soon, right?' she thought to herself as she zipped up her jacket to block out the wind. Her cell phone rang loudly from its home in her pocket. The shrill noise echoing in her ears.

"Hello, This is Cirya." She spoke in her phone. She spoke in a pleasant crisp tone. She didn't know many people with this number... Not many in this area anyway. And if someone needed her from back home.. well.. that just wasn't her problem.

She blended into the background and no one even notice her by the time she walked a block and a half. She cut down a few side allies still listening to the voice on her phone. He was talking about a job of some sort. Trying to convince her to take it. It had to be pretty bad the way he was begging.

"Excuse me sir, I'd hate to interrupt you. Just tell me how many hours, the pay per, and where. I'll let you know if I'll do it from that. You don't have to talk me into it." She smiled into her phone trying to sound nice while letting him know he was begging way to hard.

"O-oh… Um.. Its 40+ hours a week, $17 an hour, You would be working in the college... " He stammered out the words and prayed…

"$17 an hour? I'm not teaching right? You wouldn't want me if thats the case."

"You would be doing odd jobs around the campus. No teaching."

"Thats more then fine." She said and took down some information as she circled the forth time around the block. When she was sure no one could see her she entered her apartment smiling to herself and went to making dinner. No more Mac 'n Cheese as a treat. Finally.

Reyoki 07-11-2011 12:20 AM

Missy yawned as she approached the theatre. "I hope they didn't lock the front doors again," she said to herself grumpily when she realized she'd left her keys in the office.

Upon arriving, she woefully discovered that the doors were indeed locked. She scowled at the glass and steel doors and started towards the rear entrance.

RyuFierce 07-11-2011 12:39 AM

Konrad walked past the theatre. He saw a figure heading to the rear entrance of the building. She kind of looked familiar. 'May have seen her around campus.' He continued on his way pulling his bin behind him which was making a bit of racket. The rough pavement was not agreeing with the wheels.

He made his way into the leather shop and bought the rivets. All he had left was the kydex. Konrad looked up at the darkening sky. Rain was on the way. The plastic would have to wait. He made it up to the theatre before it started pouring down. Desperate to find a place that was dry he made a mad dash to an awning in front of the theatre his bin clanging every which way as he pulled it up and sat down to wait out the worst of it. "Hate this summer weather, first unbearable heat then sudden storms. Should have stayed in Germany."

Reyoki 07-11-2011 03:37 PM

After entering through the back door and dropping off the new Sound Effect CDs in her office, Missy went to unlock the front doors. It was a small college town, so she wasn't worried about thieves and vandals. Plus, she might need to run some more errands, and she didn't want to risk being locked out again.

When she got to the lobby, she was surprised to see that it was about to start raining buckets. "Honestly, why can't the sky just make up its bloody mind?" she asked to nobody in particular. She saw someone outside underneath the small awning and sighed. She unlocked the doors, opened one, and said, "Hey, come on inside. If the wind picks up, you'll get drenched out there."

RyuFierce 07-11-2011 07:48 PM

"Thank you." Konrad decided to heed her advice and headed inside. He tried to brush as much of the excess water off of him as possible when he followed her inside. He looked up at the strange girl he saw earlier. "My name is Konrad Weber. I believe I may have seen you around the college campus a couple of times Miss....?"

Mizeria 07-12-2011 10:49 PM

After dinner Cirya wasn't the least bit tired... She wondered if the book store was still open. She knew she should sleep for her job tomorrow, but it was still early for her. She changed clothes quickly and ran out of her house and down the block. She knew no one had seen her and that was good. God being paranoid was horrible. She had her hood up blocking her face from view as she walked quickly down the street. It wouldn't take her long to get to the little plaza, but that was because she walked fast not because it was close by.
She picked up pace when she thought someone was following her, and she started to zigzag her was down the streets, turning left and going to the next street over only to turn right on the next side street she passed. She knew the streets like the back of her hands, and honestly she did this far to much for comfort...

Reyoki 07-12-2011 11:13 PM

"It's Missy, actually; Missy Lockley. If you make a joke of it, I'll kick you in the larynx," she said with a scowl. She gave the tall man a once-over and said, "You probably have seen me around campus. I probably had my nose stuck in a book, right? I've seen you a couple times, too. You're kinda hard to miss, being as tall as you are."

A peal of thunder rang out from the foreboding clouds, and Missy sighed. "Well, there goes the rest of my errands. Would you like some tea while- hold on a tick," she said as she scrunched her brow. Someone had just darted down the alley next to the theatre looking oddly suspicious.

Missy dashed out one of the side exits to catch up with the hooded figure. "Hey you there! Why are you creeping around in a place like this?" she called to the strange person.

Mizeria 07-12-2011 11:21 PM

Cirya looked back but didn't stop or reply just skirted around the building and kept running. She didn't care what anyone said cause unless they were the person following her she didn't care. She left most the horrors of her past in exactly that, the past, but recently the dreams started up again. She couldn't get the fear out of her system. Panic on the edge of her thoughts she couldn't stop.

'What if someone was here to finish whatever had been started so long ago? I know, I know the chances of that are slim to none, but what if? If I stopped and talked to anyone they would just be in danger if that was the case... I just have to lose whoever this is...' She thought with tears rushing down her face. She couldn't block out the images in her mind. Her senses were starting to remember the smells and the heat of the fires. She was losing control of herself. She ducked into the first open door she found. An all night dinner. Lights blaring against the cold darkness outside. She found a seat and wiped her eyes before anyone could see she was crying...

RyuFierce 07-12-2011 11:34 PM

Konrad followed Missy to the side exit just in time to see the hooded figure running around the corner. He grabbed a broom and readied it just in case. He never had to use his skills outside of his hobby and hoped he never would. Konrad looks at Missy. "I think it was just someone using the back alley as a shortcut. But if you would like to pursue I suppose I'm honor bound to help."

Reyoki 07-12-2011 11:42 PM

Missy didn't give chase to the person and stood at the doorway, glaring down the alley. "Nah, it's fine. Let's get back inside before the bottom falls out of the sky, and put that bloody broom down. Someone could get hurt if you go waving it around like that," Missy said sharply as she ducked back inside.

RyuFierce 07-13-2011 02:03 PM

Konrad followed Missy back inside. "I'll have you know I have very good precision when it comes to sniping a persons arm." Rather than risk more of the small woman's ire he tossed the broom back. "So I guess you help run this place then? I'll take you up on the tea if your still offering." He didn't quite get what Missy's problem was. 'I at least pretend to be nice.' "So what kind of plays do you normally have here?" He asked trying to create some idle conversation.

Reyoki 07-13-2011 03:13 PM

"Sure, come on to the office and I'll brew some fresh," she said as she walked, "My dad and uncle own the theatre, but they let me manage it on weekends and during the summer. As for the plays we do, we try to stay away from the cliche of Shakespeare. We do odd productions like The Grimm Brothers Spectaculathon and Once Upon a Beginning. You know, comedies." She took him through the theatre to the backstage area to a plain white door with a plaque that read "Manager's Office" on it.

The inside of the room was very organized. There were bookshelves lining the back wall from floor to ceiling with various labeled boxes scattered amongst the tomes held there. There was a large leather sofa on one wall along with a small end table on either side. There was a medium-sized oak desk on the other side of the room with two chairs in front of it and a modest office chair behind it. The center of the room was empty save for an oriental-style rug that was tacked to the floor.

Missy walked over to one of the bookshelves closer to the sofa and end tables and pulled out a box. She opened the box to reveal a litany of smaller boxes with the names of various teas on them. "Do you see one you particularly like? I'm not picky, myself," she said with a small smile.

RyuFierce 07-14-2011 04:15 PM

Konrad moved into the room with Missy. "I have found Shakespeare to be rather overdone in theatres myself. I'll take Earl Grey if you have it." He began looking around the room paying particular interest in the bookshelves. With his curiosity satisfied he plopped down on the sofa and waited for Missy to prepare the tea.

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