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Quiet Man Cometh 05-21-2011 07:44 PM

I adore this game! Being a canine nut and the kid who used to play dress up as the princess' dog instead of the princess. Haven't actually gotten very far in it and I'm not terribly good at it if my god meter is any indication, but I have a blast just speeding around all over the fields and painting things.

I've heard there's a version for tehe DS too. Anyone played that? I'm on the lookout for DS games often and it I'm curous if it crosses systems well.

Thoughts? (on either game, of course)

Joey 05-21-2011 09:41 PM

Yes, Okami is a fun game! I like the different brush techniques you can use, etc. Also, running around the fields and doing the dungeons, bosses, etc. is fun as well! ^^ Also, I have not beaten the game yet. At the moment, I'm currently in Kusa Village.

Lunaryon 05-21-2011 10:27 PM

I've heard of the game, and seriously want to try it, but I've never had the chance to buy it, and now I can't find it anywhere now that I have money. *Pout* it's just not fair! you guys make it sound like it's more fun to just run around then to actually play the story... Is it?

Quiet Man Cometh 05-22-2011 12:11 AM

Wouldn't know yet. I've only fought the first boss and am currently on a mission to look for five dog guardians. I do like the general in between play though. When Ammy runs at full speed she leaves a trail of flowers behind her and it's just fun. :). You can also see the bad guys coming so you can avoid them if you like, instead of randomly running into things like in the FF games. It reminds me a little of the Zelda games actually, particularly Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess.

Demonskid 05-22-2011 12:13 AM



I made a thread a while back but it died ;-; so happy to see a new one <3

I have both Okami and Okami-Den <3

I played the Japanese version of Okami-Den cause i couldn't wait for the american version <3 *huggles Chibiterasu plushy keychain* x3

Quiet Man Cometh 05-22-2011 12:24 AM

That explains why I didn't find a thread when I was pretty sure I couldn't have been the first one to go for it.

Does the English version exist or has it not made it's way over here yet? My sister and I both have the regular games, her on Wii and myself for PS2. We both have pretty much spent all our time just running around the place, though she has worked out the turnip game which I haven't tried, and I've moved a little further in terms of plotline.

Demonskid 05-22-2011 12:37 AM

Yes the english version came out in March :3

I have it x3 but since I beat the japanese version I take my time playing the english.

The game is sorta a sequel to the original PS2/Wii game.. :3 its soooo cute x3

Quiet Man Cometh 05-22-2011 12:46 AM

Honestly DK, I can't decide if the little click-pet Okami in your sig is cute or creepy.

Demonskid 05-22-2011 12:49 AM

xD I'm trying to get it to level 1000 so I can get Oki :3

thats Amaterasu from the first game <3 baby form xD

Quiet Man Cometh 05-22-2011 03:14 AM

I clicked it!

It's likely the really big, really black eyes.

Demonskid 05-22-2011 03:16 AM

xD probably. I think thats the part that scares me the most.. I have a ton of okami clickies on squiby o.O its insane..

Quiet Man Cometh 05-22-2011 03:19 AM

I saw an eevee there with a moss rock. Was tempted to nab it but I'm sure how much my computer likes the site. Been having a blue screen epidemic today, though not as bad as it has been.

I like to look up Okami fanart on Deviant Art. There was an amusing one that shows Amaterasu hitting on Link in wolf form from Twilight Princess and he looks freaked out. :D

Demonskid 05-22-2011 03:33 AM

Ahaha xD you should show me that some time! <3

Quiet Man Cometh 05-22-2011 03:37 AM

I'll see if I can find it again, but there are piles of Okami art on Deviant Art. One person has drawn alternate characters in the style, such as a Suicune version of Ammy. Looks nice.

Demonskid 05-22-2011 04:59 AM

I have this wallpaper of Chibiterasu.. its so adorable <3

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