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princeofrose 04-26-2011 07:05 PM

Hullo-I just started playing Trickster Online again however it is hard to get into it because I haven't been on it for 2 yrs and I have no clue what to do anymore (IT EVOLVED SO MUCH D:)

My mains are all lvl 50+ (Like 56 the highest I think)
I have three lvl 20 characters- and characters below that level as well. WILL ANYONE PARTY WITH ME AND PLAY WITH ME?

However I haven't played it in so long that I don't know what to do anymore D:

princeofrose 04-27-2011 05:19 PM

Oh c'mon does NO ONE play this game D:<

Serra Britt 04-27-2011 09:20 PM

I've been trying to play it again but I think my beloved is resisting >< We can't do much together until she gets to level 31 at least and all my characters are 75+ And YES they did change a lot but so far it feels like it was for the better, I took a very long hiatus >< Which server are you on anyways?

princeofrose 04-30-2011 02:01 PM

Jewelia XD Lol
Well you could try following her around? Or..uhhh....creating a new char? I dunno XD

Serra Britt 04-30-2011 09:28 PM

Aww I'm on Fantasia server :x And I already have all three slots filled, I did think about making a new character but I already like what I have :/ Once she gets to level 31 I can party with her just fine and I'll just set the exp share to give her a high % until she catches up :P

princeofrose 05-01-2011 06:39 PM

Well don't our characters cross over? You can still trade stuff on fantasia right? I go on fantasia to buy stuff and look at the more shops...I think...or maybe they changed it?
Darn D:< FFFF
I wanna level with you ;__;

Espy 05-01-2011 07:36 PM

That game got kinda bleh for me, guys's enthusiasm is catchy.

Serra Britt 05-02-2011 12:17 PM

The only reason I don't want to go to the other server is because back when I played it a lot I did have extra money so I have a lot of cute/interesting items that, if I remember right, don't transfer between servers >< Maybe I should check to make sure oO

princeofrose 05-02-2011 04:57 PM

Yeah teh game got bleh for me too for 2 yrs, now I am trying to get back int o it.

I think you can? Maybe? I don't remember anymore. Yeah I have a ton of mo ney on Jewelia too XD Lol ah well >W<

Batty 05-21-2011 12:27 PM

I used to play Trickster! And then.. I just got really, really bored of it. Its hard to keep my attention span. Lmao.

Serra Britt 05-21-2011 01:56 PM

I made a character on Jewelia just for fun...I could play it probably because I got to keep all the angel tickets from when I used all those game cards a while back xD I don't have any of the other shiny goodies in my holding box on Fantasia but if I get some time I might remake my sheep on Jewelia xD

Yommy 05-29-2011 09:21 PM

I use to play the older version of it but have since then deleted it off my computer. Now the newer version of it is out or the updated one I believe and it looks really interesting. I may just have to download it again and restart the game. xD

Serra Britt 05-30-2011 01:25 AM

The early quests are a lot more streamlined, and less grindy. I can't say much for later ones but on the whole it seems a lot more fun. Still have some annoying drilling quests but drilling is less annoying too.

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