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Panda 04-24-2011 02:00 PM

My opinion on point of view
Trisphee used to be a great site when it come to users and staffs. Now I don't think it is anymore. I noticed that people change into a different person when they become a staff and not only that but I get treated poorly than when he/she was a user. It is probably because I mean nothing to him/her anymore, I am just a user like everyone else so I don't get treated the same anymore and instead get back stab.

People really behind kissing you and then when they can stand on their own feet, they just move you to the side and go behind kissing better and higher status people.

I'm not referring to everyone and I am not name dropping anyone here. I'm just being honest and I really don't like how this site can't really take harsh criticism from users. You guys are use to getting all the good comments that when someone actually try to say what they think, you have to try to attack that person for their honest opinion. It is more of an indirect attack and then there's an invisible shield between the staff and that user.

I used to get treated nicely and when I needs help, there is atually someone who is happy to assist me. It is not like that anymore. When I do ask for help, I don't get the answer anymore and instead I got ignore or being yell at because I am not an active user of Trisphee and went to another site. Everyone should be treated equally, no matter if you are not a full time member of this site.

Not only that staff shouldn't say things about users behind stages and put someone on blast because you don't like someone personally. It is wrong and this site will not go far when there are so much drama going on. I'm mad and irritated and I never thought that Trisphee will be like this.

Anyway..I am just a user that is only consider a tiny spec of dust on Trisphee. Thank you for such a great services and assistants. >.>

To lighten this topic a bit, there are dedicated staffs that are still there to happy assist the users and I want to thank you guys for still have a heart and remember where you came from.

Leah 04-24-2011 02:16 PM

I'm the same. I keep telling myself I'll quit gaia or whatever, but I end up going back when I'm bored just to make avis or lurk.
I find taking long breaks works because I end up coming back to new features and items etc. which make the site interesting to me again.

I'm not on here that much, but I noticed you weren't around a lot. D:

Edit: Oh, you changed the topic. ^^; My post seems kind of irrelevant now, so just dismiss this..

Fenris 04-24-2011 04:25 PM

I have said many times if people have any problems with staff that they can talk to me. I have no problems listening to users, if you feel attacked or secluded then you should be talking to me about the problems and telling me who and why you think that way. I can't fix or confront problems if they aren't brought to me in a manor I can do something about. Posting the problems like this is disheartening to the staff.

Panda 04-24-2011 04:39 PM

I don't have proof so it doesn't even matter and it was indirect and I'm not going to bother with it. Because I did it before and the admin don't even care and won't deal with it unless I have pure valid proof which is impossible because he/she use something else to attack me (different name).

I don't trust anyone anymore.

Fenris 04-24-2011 04:43 PM

Im an admin and I do care about users Panda. And if its in posts, pms, or on profiles I need a link. Even if its indirect if I see it I can do something about it. Beings that you have never brought problems to me, you can't really say I don't care because its never been addressed to me.

Panda 04-24-2011 04:49 PM

Nah I'm fine and I don't want that person to get more mad at me. I just want to type this up to get it out of my head. I've people attack me like I said earlier and when I told the admin about it and we have the discussion, the problems are not solved, I still get haunted on different sites and always get put down. That is why I went here and was hoping to have a better place where I can feel comfortable and safe. But it wasn't, I still get follow and stalked and get put down.

The problem is more of a personal problem so I don't think it is such a big problem for you to try to help solve it. I do appreciate it though that you want to help me with it. I really do, but I don't think it is really worth your time since it is more of my problem.

And no matter how much I argue, I am never going to win because I don't do all those tricks and I can't argue to save my life even when I didn't do anything to hurt someone. I'm used to it, so don't worry about it.

Fenris 04-24-2011 04:52 PM

Id have to disagree, if any users feel uncomfortable coming here I would call that very very much my problem. I want users to be comfortable here and come back. So I would say if someone feels uncomfortable at Trisphee it is my problem and with nothing to show this, I can't fix it.

Panda 04-24-2011 04:54 PM

I would but what if it isn't something to really care about or just something stupid? Most of the stuff I said or posted are stupid.

Edit * Plus I don't even have proof because I usually delete them so that they can disappear. Nevermind, I'm just losing myself right now. Please just move this thread to the recycle bin. I made a fool of myself again.

Fenris 04-24-2011 04:58 PM

Id still like the ability to investigate what might be my staff causing problems. If for nothing else that to at least talk to them, that way I can confront the issues. I realize sometimes staff may come off wrong etc, but how can we have the chance to fix such things if we don't realize they are there etc.

Panda 04-24-2011 05:00 PM

I think I just take stuff too personally or my head think that they are yelling at me or don't like me. As long as I know it isn't like that, I am good.

Fenris 04-24-2011 05:02 PM

I don't believe it would be, unfortunately this is all type there is no tone that we can hear. It is easily misunderstood or misinterpreted. It could be that you have taken something wrong, but at the same time the possibility exists that you aren't wrong.

Lauv Keiko 04-25-2011 09:48 AM

Is it safe to say that I agree with panda?

There are those who act high and mighty...which is unnecessary if they want trisphee to remain a friendly place.

However, there are those who are open-minded and open-hearted; those who are more than willing to help out confused users and those who admit their mistakes despite them being on top. <3 I love them.

Duchess 04-25-2011 12:23 PM

Well honestly.. I only felt that way about one member of staff, but they aren't staff anymore O_o So I guess that's null and void =/

Otherwise, I haven't personally seen a change in how staff interact with me, esp. new staff members. I think the confusion may occur in the fact that they may try to act more professional which can come off as less friendly because they are trying to keep all users equal and not have biases anymore.

I mean, when you're a user, you CAN have favourites and bffs and people you just don't like talking to because of personality or whatnot. But that changes when you become staff because you're -supposed- to put personal affections aside and treat all users equally, which MAY come across as they are less friendly and personal to you

Eh.. but all that may just be me talking out my bum.

I wouldn't know ANYTHING actually. I make it my personal goal to stay out of drama anywhere I go, and so far.... it has worked. I haven't participated in anything of the sort on this website. In fact, I usually just see random aftermath of "drama", like people being banned, and just wonder wtf happened there @_@ And if people express their dislike of users or rant about things.... it just all sounds like jibberish to me xDDD

Which makes me the IDEAL person to rant to!! haah! Because I really don't pay too much attention to it... and probably will forget soon after you tell me, so I'm not gonna blab to others or anything =p

Poggio 04-25-2011 02:25 PM

As far as staff goes, I’ve noticed eventually they all lose time to actually hang out with us and tend to eventually hover.

And for everything else I feel conflicted honestly. As a user I get a lot of hear say from the users and trickled down condense version of what the admins say. When its none of my business I will stay out of it, when it involves my friends I feel like I should try and defend them or at least find out the truth. (I feel like this has gotten me in trouble with a few admins my self but that is not going to stop me from enjoying trisphee.)

It is hard to know whom to believe on this site. As a user you put your absolute trust in a staff member since he/ she is an authority figure for the site. But not every one is perfect. Just saying.

Reyoki 04-25-2011 04:07 PM

I think the Trisphee staff is wonderful!

There is a certain amount of objectivity that has to come with a position of (even minor) power, though. I think the staff here does an excellent job of being friendly and bubbly while still remaining mildly objective.

Fizzyology 04-25-2011 04:10 PM

Wow I've been absent for a couple months so I can't say I understand what exactly has been going on here, aside from the fact that I've noticed there aren't as many people online at any time of day anymore.

I'm sorry that you feel that way (I love you!) but the fact of the matter is there will always be people like that-both in positions of authority and not-who will make others feel like we're being ignored, neglected, hated etc. Some people just are nasty people by nature.

You can't let that bring down your opinion of everyone else though, even though it's hard. People by nature tend to pay more attention to the negative qualities in people and places rather then the good, even if the good is much higher then the bad.

That and who knows, the person or people who could have made you feel that way may be going through a hard time themselves and may not be good at expressing themselves when under stress.

I know that when I get upset, it's really hard to be myself. I usually end up snapping at people I care about if I don't control myself.

Just know that there are more people who care then the jerk monkeys :3

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