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Funkduder 03-10-2011 11:32 PM

Zombie Apocalypse
For those of you who use Facebook, you may know how this works:
Go to your profile and look at your friends list (not by the friends tab, by the friend window thingy.) 5 of those 6 people are now your team to survive the upcoming Zombie Apocalypse.
Let's also add some more words in and give each of those people a roll in your team. You can have the same role for more than 1 person (or even just have a "wing-it" strategy). Play Nice. BTW: I denounce all claims of this idea being mine. It's not.
----Mature Posting Allowed----
And My Team Includes the following.
Ashy, Poggio, Anurah Loveheart, Espy, and Lost. I think I have a pretty decent team, eh? Luv<3 will shoot dudes from afar. Ashy will Smash(y) some heads. Espy will be the official "beheader". Lost can lead the way. Poggio can be stealthy as, if not a little less stealthy, than Espy and destroy people with Blizzard Prowess.

lollie 03-11-2011 02:15 AM

omg that sounds awesome

Espy 03-11-2011 03:38 AM

BAHAHAHA The moment I saw this, I thought "Gotta be someone I know..."

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