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Pocket 02-07-2011 11:48 PM

What do you do...
When the one you love won't open up to you?
Rather go to his mom to talk?

I just wish I could make it better..What did I do to make him close off...

I'm a bad wife...

Randomology 02-08-2011 12:11 AM

What did you do Pocket? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And by that I mean nothing you did caused this, it's all on him. Believe me, the hardest thing in the world for a guy to do is open up fully to someone. It may be a trust issue, emotional baggage, or whatever. I'd go so far as to say, and this probably isn't the case, but some guys do it out of fear of rejection, or as a means to end relationships- Now stop thinking what you're thinking right now! Fizzy went through the same thing. We were dating, I was over concerned about her well being. I would go as far to say I pushed her away with kindness a bit. I made her feel obsolete. And know what she told me? She told me that I am..I AM! ME! too good for her and that she wasn't good enough for me! HAH! that's a laugh.

let me try to say this a different way...

I know things look bad...but everything you feel as far as not being good enough is a lie. You can only do your best, right? there's something deeply wrong with him. Makes me seriously want to talk with him and you...But as far as going to his mother, I mean think about it. Who has he known longer, you or the one who birthed him? Less it's a step mom, i dunno. but besides that, there are just some things guys can't talk about in front of their wives. I've got some things I'd never EVER say to fizzyology. It's just how things are. I'd say just give him time and space, and stop beating yourself up over something that isn't there! text me.

Pocket 02-08-2011 12:17 AM

I understand about his mom knowing him longer and what not but if he can't open up to me...why say "I do".. I realized my fault and am working on it.. but its pretty bad when his mom says that something needs to change or it will effect our marriage...TO LATE! She thinks it was wrong for me to run around with past coworkers that turned into friends..Only reason I got sucked into it was some one listened to me..acted like I mattered!

I don't feel that around him anymore..

Randomology 02-08-2011 12:23 AM

I know, hun, it hurts when someone you love doesn't listen to you. and as far as his mom I'd very generously and whole heartedly like to wish her a very humble F*#! YOOOUUUU!!!! *ahem*

At the same time I dislike this B**** of a woman, she may have a slight point. You say you were running around with co-workers? How so?

Pocket 02-08-2011 12:25 AM

Hanging out with them...they were my first friends that I didn't meet through my hubby..

Randomology 02-08-2011 12:42 AM

Sounds like she has the wrong impression of you Pocket. The way it sounded is that you were appearing to be unfaithful. That's what it looks like on my end, I'm not judging, but if I were a cynical b-tch then I'd think it too. Listen, remember when I said I don't believe in divorce? Well I keep to that cause I'm a religious kinda guy. The bible doesn't truly condemn divorce. It says if the husband is unfaithful, abusive, or unloving BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT then it is acceptable. But if you EVER!! do that you best damn be sure you know just what the hell you're doing. But from my end, I regret to say that you two seem to have a toxic relationship in which neither can effectively get through to the other and all you two do to each other SEEMINGLY is cause unnecessary emotion dysfunction. Unless your husband is willing to open up to you about whats going on so that the bullshit can get out of the way, and if you can truly listen to him too (cause I don't play favorites) then you might have to get....(not saying it)
One thing you can do is confront either his mother or father (if applicable) for help. gotta go eat so text me your reply, okay? If not, then I'll be back later...probably.

Vox 02-08-2011 03:30 AM

Aren't you allowed friends that weren't your husband's first?
And, as long as they're not competing with your husband for your attention, what does he care? Or your dear MiL?

Pocket 02-08-2011 12:59 PM

MiL? Well theres kinda more to the "friends" part. They were drama queens and one had enough of seeing me hurting and confronted my hubby. The same friend had made a comment that we took as a threat.. and thats when my hubby kinda went anti friends...

He(my hubby) says people here in town aren't the best...more concerned about drugs and stuff.

Outside of work...I don't go anywhere...I'm up his ass 24/7..hopefully now that he is working stuff will change.

Randomology 02-08-2011 08:18 PM

Oh, okay. So your husband seems more as if he's threatened by your friends. He may be afraid to lose you to them for some crazy fabricated reason or even he may be afraid they would hurt him...or him, them. Either way it's not clear enough to really say at this point. I stick to my original point though, is that you deserve better. You are not worthless. Kill the mothe- *COUGH COUGH* I'm sorry. Didn't mean to say that one lol! But seriously, you may just need a break from your husband if you can't get through to him. If he keeps treating you like you don't exist then you don't need a person like him. You are a GOOD wife, ya hear me?

Delicious Nightmare 02-09-2011 02:10 PM

-_- ugh. Pocket dear every one tells you the same thing but you never do any of it. So I'm not going to repeat randomology. We love you and we all think you deserve better and his mother needs a swift kick in the butt. If you wont stand up for your self dear there is nothing we can do to help.
Your not a bad wife.. And that's all I'm going to say. Randomology said every thing that i was thinking.

Randomology 02-12-2011 07:19 PM

Well now, I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this stuff lol!

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