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Skykittykat 01-31-2011 08:39 PM

Invasion of the kitty snatcher~
*barrel rolls in* Bwahahaa! All your kitties are belong to me! *cue evil thunder*
Kidding. But I do love kitties~ (If my username didn't make it obvious, lol). My name is Meghan but everyone calls me Sky, Kitty, Kat, Kittykat, Kitkat, Skitty, Skittles, Rainbow-farts, or any other name relating to my username really. Do you wanna hear my lifes story?! You don't?! (I don't really blame you... It's boring.) BUT YOU HAVE TO LISTEN ANYWAYS~~

I live in a place in the US that everybody hates, literally, it's been proven that it's flatter than an IHOP pancake and it's boring as any one place can be. Nothing ever happens 'cept for that irritating tendency to have Tornadoes. AND FOR THE GODDESS' SAKE! Don't even get me started on Dorthy. I Mean just cause she was in ONE movie she's gotta be such a little-but I digress.

Anyway, I live on a farm with plenty of animals. It's not as great as you think but it's still nice. I've never been on the best terms with my family, they see the world in shades of gray where as everywhere I look there are rainbows and sparkle unicorns. I'm a teenage girl floating through high school with excellent grades and a floundering social life, perpetually praying that tomorrow is a snow day.

I enjoy writing, drawing, and reading manga and one of my favorite past times is roleplaying. Seriously if you have any group roleplays that need an extra player, I'm your girl. Drop me a link and I'll check it out.

Okay... I've bored myself. Soooooo, talk to me? I won't bite.... Unless you like it that way... ;D (Haha.... *drags mind out of the proverbial gutter* I'm just kidding~)

Nightmare 01-31-2011 08:42 PM

NO. I love my kitty. ;n;
haha. xD hey there ~
Welcome to trisphee. ouo

Skykittykat 01-31-2011 09:12 PM

*steals your kitty* NO PROTESTING!
Haha thanks! I'm glad to be here~

Espy 01-31-2011 10:18 PM

...instant gutter ball. don't hate where I think you live...(That just totally didn't sound stalker-ish.)

ANYWAYS. Welcome to Trisphee XD

Skykittykat 01-31-2011 10:48 PM

Whooosh~ That was the sound of the bowling reference going way over my head...

OMG! OAO You're the one who's been prowling in the bushes! Don't make me sick my kitties on you! They're ferocious! And adorable! Ferociously adorable!

Pshhh please. You don't have to flatter it. (Lol "flat"ter You see what I did there? Lolol /badpun) It's a terrible place to live. I can't wait to get out of here.

Archaic Kitten 02-01-2011 11:22 AM

o3o you can steal my dad's cat.... Max... he's a persian! XD But... my cat... Scrapper... He's MINE! O:< No stealing him! This dragon says so! XD

Welcome to Trisphee. :3

Skykittykat 02-01-2011 01:24 PM

Ohh! I like persian's, not a huge fan of the squishy faces but their luxurious long fur is so much fun to snuggle and makes for great petting material.
Awwwww but I want your kitten too~ :(
B'aww. Fine. And thanks! It's good to be here.

Obbiesan 02-01-2011 01:30 PM

*Pokes head in* Why hello they new person idk where you live but it can be as crap as the -10 degrees im dealing with were i live XD

Archaic Kitten 02-01-2011 01:44 PM

My Scrapper is mine. >w< *snuggles my furry kitteh* I'll get some pics sometime to show you him. :3
o.o.... your username also reminds me of someone from Solia Online....

Obbiesan 02-01-2011 01:46 PM

Who mine or hers ? XD

Archaic Kitten 02-01-2011 01:49 PM

Hers. o_O
Lol but haii~ XD

Skykittykat 02-01-2011 01:51 PM

Oh I have a soliaonline account as well by the same name but I kind of gave up on the site as it had faded into a Gaia mini me. I have a lot of avatar sites under the same username. I like to keep things consistent. if you saw me on solia I was likely hanging out in the roleplay forum.

Yay! I love looking a kitty pics~

Edit: oh hai thar! And says you, there's a blizzard outside my window right now and a subsequent PowerShare fried my laptop charger. Yeah. It sucks royally here.

Obbiesan 02-01-2011 01:51 PM

lol herro i see you are new as well XD missed you welcome thread so welcome *nobs* =3

Archaic Kitten 02-01-2011 01:53 PM

That's where I know you from! The roleplay forum! O:
o.o you should be active again... cause like... Solia... Better than Gaia! O:<
Ah... I am The Spirit Fairy on solia. :3 used to be Tatsuki-chan and LucyAkamora... lol. XD LucyAkamora lasted a couple weeks till I changed to Tatsuki-chan... then after a while, I became The Spirit Fairy....

ah hah Thanks! XD I've been on for a while... just haven't found clothes I like right now. o3o I really like the love letter item of the month, though... I want the adorable black and green bunny thingy. XD

Rosekitten 02-01-2011 02:02 PM

you can't have my mini army of kitties they be mines >w> ~cuddles the 6 cats here~

Archaic Kitten 02-01-2011 02:04 PM

o3o Haii Rose~ X3
Pfft.... you call that an army? XD My moms neighbor has like... 35 cats....

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