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Rayua 06-16-2022 05:58 PM

Can you survive?
The original title is: Survive For The Prize

As I grow more and more as well as hoarding items. I will be doing this on every site I get on. You will have a mystery prize you could win, either donation stones or currency or just items themselves. Maybe something you want or something you already have. However, it will be noted that you will not win every time or all the time.

So let's get this started, shall we?

Welcome my dear friends and foes. Alive or dead. You're all welcome here. Ever play a game of any kind just to get a prize? Well, this time you'll have to survive for your prize - that's a better title than the Haunted House Game XD I'm going to update that. *updates* So there used to be these so-called OLD FASHIONED Books where you made a choice and it lead you to another one. I forgot what they are called, as always.


Every choice will lead you throughout the ancient mansion that could fall apart at any moment. You have to choose your options carefully. My only rule for myself is I have no favorites, it's not fair. So no trying to bribe me :) I know my introduction thread will need a lot of work. However, I'm just setting up the basics.

Come inside my haunted house you see, step forward ring the bell, knock the door, or scream if you please. You may come in alone but I advise you to bring a friend, so that a pair of you will venture in - Never to return again. Can you beat me? Can you get out of the maze? It changes, turn, twists, and shakes. Thunder roars, lightning strikes, and fire blazes about at night. Can you survive the night? Come inside, but watch out I have guests of all kinds. Just like Rose Red you never know how many rooms there are, there could be more or less. Who knows? Only the dead does.

The next couple of threads will be of interest to you. Keep an eye out for my opening thread.

Rayua 06-16-2022 05:59 PM

Rules for you:
Do not beg for certain surprises.
Do not harass other players.
It is not against the rules to kill another player or attempt to. Just remember Karma is a b- well you know what I mean. And I do love it when people tempt chance.

I am going to make a newly added change to this charity game.
You may win up to once a week or a couple of days if I decide to change it.
AND there will be new surprises along the way. Ex: You could find a new item or treasure that will tell a story but if you die you lose it just like you do in the games.

This is almost like an escape room but you're trying to escape the house but in order to do that you must explore the house to leave. Find the clues, The treasures, and the stories that lie beneath the centuries of dust.

Number of Guests:2-5 limited (however if you want to go alone and no one else comes along for the ride, I do not mind. If you arrive after a game has started I will see fit to throw you into a random room or at the front door. Your choice. Maybe you're one of the few still trapped about?

1) Open
2) Open
3) Open
4) Open
5) Open

I will show updates if the thread is slow or if I get off for the night. I will update the next day when I get back online.


TREASURY UPDATED, LOADS OF ITEMS. i will not list or show the items because it takes more work on typing it up or marking them out >...> I'm lazy so sue me. The treasures you get vary from common, rares, specials, whatever I have that I currently am not using.

Prizes will either be given out daily or weekly depending on how quick of a reaction I get and how often.

Rayua 06-16-2022 06:00 PM

A man as old as time stood in a butler old fashioned suit. Neatly done but not nearly new as the newest of fashion these days would say. Lanky, tall, and really thin. His grey eyes are droopy as if no care left to give. He had looked up from sweeping the front path as he noticed newcomers appeared. So he looks to them and wonders for a moment out loud.

Butler: Can I help you younglings out? Do you need refuge for the storm about to rise?

Just then lightning flashed across the skies making his thin grey hair show a bit more as it was slicked back. Instead of standing hunched over as he was, he stood as proper as possibly could. He stood almost seven feet tall and just as that. Thunder roared throughout the wind as the wind itself picked up its pace.

Butler:A storm rises, we should seek shelter inside. I dare you do not seek shelter elsewhere until it passes. Venture within if you wish, follow if you care to dare.

With that the butler, no name to be said walks up the path with ease and into the house. The door is left open to see if they followed, for now, the fun would begin, and who would be the survivor?

O.P.E.N.I.N.G. P.O.S.T.

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