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-   -   Just wanted to share my mer-dad for a bit...mkay bye! x} (

Merskelly Metalien 11-13-2019 01:35 PM

Just wanted to share my mer-dad for a bit...mkay bye! x}
So, this is my fish dad. He's kind of a badass. <x'}
I can only dream of being this badass for now.
But one day I aspire to be this cool. +w+
My dad doen't really know how to record anything except in portrait on his phone, and the sound isn't the best,
but it's still neat to see him play. :] He's been playing long before I was born, and though he's got some muscle damaged in his hand from a thumb injury, he's still skilled. :D This is one of his very own, on-the-fly, improvised sessions.
Original Rock Ballad by Merskelly's dad

ps. did I already share this?? o-0;

Kory 11-14-2019 08:24 PM

Mer-Dad has such luscious hair!!! :O

And he's really talented too!
Thanks so much for sharing him, Merskelly!!

He actually reminds me a lot of my best friend's dad!
He also played guitar and was in a band :D

Merskelly Metalien 11-25-2019 04:38 PM

No joke, I tell him that all the time. <x'D

You're welcome. ^^
I just feel so proud of him. :]
He's no Mozart on the guitar, but he's got a musical soul. ^-^

My dad too was in a band. :D In jr. high and high school, but on rare occasions he plays with his friends. Not in a band though, since he's all done with that and fills his time with other things. ^-^;

Stabbsworth 11-25-2019 09:13 PM

this is quite neat. :0c

daikokunyo 12-04-2019 02:45 AM

he is very cool for a Dad :o

Witchchylde 12-04-2019 12:12 PM

His long silver hair looks so much cooler than mine.

Merskelly Metalien 12-06-2019 05:42 PM

<x} Thank you all! Hehe, yes he is very cool for a dad. <U< Hard to believe he's in his mid 50's with all he does!

:D He's got the Gandalf locks alright, hehe! x} Not sure why he let it grow out to be that long, as he has always had it in a short sort of flat pompadour style for a while. :] But he kept getting compliments when he started letting it grow, so I guess he didn't want to cut it. <x}

I'll be visiting him all weekend starting today. :] And he's done covers for a couple songs too. ^~^; Any sorta 70's-80's classic rock, country songs, and blues is just his taste. :/ I found one of his links he sent me here. :] Sail On Cover by Merskelly's Dad

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