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Gallagher 05-03-2019 12:08 AM

This Year, Huh?
I'm sure a few of you have noticed the lack of item releases and general delays we've been having this year.

Well, this has unfortunately been because of me! A Galla! A Galla did it!

The start of the year has been rough for a lot of us, but I've particularly been negligent of things around here these last few months. For that, I cannot apologize enough. I want to make sure you all know that these issues have not been because of our wonderful team here.

I also want to thank everyone that's been understanding of the situation. I plan on doing my best to regain and maintain the schedule we've managed to keep up before now!

Angel Spirit Girl 05-03-2019 12:34 PM

Glad you are well. I wondered what had happened. I thought Trisphee was doomed. Menewsha has been neglected by it's owner; who is the only one there who can code; for quite a while with no explanation. That made me think something similar was up here.

Derpy McBlueEyes 05-03-2019 12:59 PM

Derpy waddles in, arms outstretched. "Neeed a hug, Galla?"

Coda 05-03-2019 01:08 PM

I promise we're still here, and if anything had gone wrong we would have taken care of it promptly. We haven't abandoned you! <3

Gallagher 05-03-2019 03:16 PM

yes, this was completely and entirely me and only me. glitch has been working her butt off (i have files for the missed monthlies, rigs, and seasonals), ari and death planned a fantastic event that i still intend on following through with (the when is a bit of a question, but nothing is going to waste), den has been working on designs, and coda and toho have been good moral support idk what they do aside from fixing things when i mess up stuff but it's pretty important i'd bet

Biomecha 05-03-2019 03:45 PM

I'm just personally more glad to see your face over any updates and appreciate how helpful everyone else has been.

Derpy McBlueEyes 05-03-2019 07:42 PM

Derpy, having been ignored, waddles over and hugs Galla's ankle anyway. "WUV YOU!"

Coda 05-03-2019 09:53 PM

I've been working on the code for what was supposed to have been the spring event. It's pretty close to being done, although I haven't had a chance to finish it up because... um... well, to be honest, I got distracted. >.>; I got busy and then when I stopped being busy I forgot to go back to it.

Espy 05-04-2019 01:35 AM

In your defense, Ludum also happened.

daikokunyo 05-04-2019 03:46 AM

awwww you guyssssss :f-please:
avi sites have been shutting one after the other and it's painful but it's so comforting that Tris is gonna keep going and like you guys update us on what's up and i don't know how the servers are being paid for like do the donations cover the costs each month or no but Tris keeps going and i just :f-please: :f-please: :f-please:


Illusion 05-06-2019 01:59 AM

KittyBeary 05-06-2019 05:44 AM

I'm glad to see you're doing alright. :) I'm also glad Trisphee isn't doomed. ;_;

mdom 05-07-2019 12:20 PM


Just glad you're ok.

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