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Derpy McBlueEyes 10-15-2018 02:54 PM

Don't Wake Derpy!
Welcome to October, the month of spoopy spoops! While there are many spoopy things that may come to mind, there is one spoop which reigns supreme....a tired, cranky, Derpy!
Kaderin, taking a much needed mini-vacation has entrusted Derpy into your care. As she walks out the door, she says juat one thing. "Whatever you do, DON'T. WAKE. DERPY!"

Welcome to Don't Wake Derpy, the luck-based task completion game where you will work both, as a team and on your own to complete sets of tasks. What does that mean? Keep reading and all will (hopefully) be made clear!

Derpy McBlueEyes 10-15-2018 02:55 PM

Game Explanation and Rules

Don't Wake Derpy is a luck-based task completion game with both group and individual play components. What does that mean?
  • Task success (or failure) is determined by players either rolling a die or using a random number generator (rng) based on information provided at the top of each task list.
  • A single task cannot be completed by multiple people. For example: PlayerA and PlayerB both attempt task #2, only the first person to generate or roll a success gets credit for that task.
  • All players must wait 10 minutes between successful task completions and their next task attempt.
  • If a player fails a task, Derpy will roll a die to determine a time punishment, which will effect ALL PLAYERS. This is an amount of time that all players must wait until they are able to continue play.
  • If multiple people fail, Derpy will roll for multiple penalties equal to the amount of fails and the time penalty will be the sum of all rolls.
  • Tasks do not have to be completed in order and in some cases, certain tasks can potentially prevent time penalties if they are completed before the first failed task occurs.
  • The difficulty of the sets of tasks will increase the more you manage to complete.
  • At the end of each completed task set, Derpy will roll 1d20 and will have everyone who participated in the set also generate/roll a number. For every person who is equal to or greater than Derpy's number, the currency earned per task will be multiplied by 2. (Ex: 10 people participated and 3 of them roll equal or greater to Derpy the total currency rate for the tasks would be x6)

Let me give you a brief example to demonstrate how gameplay works!

Make sense so far? Good!
Just a few additional things to note then.
  • Some light role-playing is welcome and encouraged, but it is not a requirement.
  • Keep all chatting and/or rp stuff pg.
  • Since Trisphee doesn't have any dice roll or rng codes currently, you are on an honor system, please only generate or roll once per task and be honest.
  • Derpy reserves the right to add additional restrictions or bonuses based on roleplay scenarios without warning.

Game Prizes
10 event currency per completed easy-medium difficulty task
20 event currency per completed difficult task
60 event currency per bonus "pro" difficulty task (unlocked on the last 2-3 days of the event or when all other task levels have been finished)
1 past event bundle/set to the person who completes the most tasks in total

Derpy McBlueEyes 10-15-2018 02:56 PM

Task Lists

Keep the Animals Quiet
Difficulty: Medium
(1d20 or rng 1-20)

Derpy invited his animal friends over to play, but he was still pretty tired and fell asleep on the couch. Better keep those animals from disrupting Derpy's nap!
  1. Stop Shade from knocking a glass off the table
  2. Keep Batty away from the yarn
  3. Don't let Shark Steve nibble on Derpy's toes
  4. Get Beta Fish back in it's tank
  5. Let Wysavera outside
  6. Move the snails off the floor
  7. Walk Darla
  8. Walk Stubby
  9. Clean up Jerry's slime trails
  10. Get all the chicks into a playpen
  11. Give Unicat snuggles
  12. Play with Llamacorn
  13. Get Turtledove and Doveturtle back into their enclosure.
  14. Stop the piglet from eating all the leftover breakfast food
  15. Let the cow out to play with Wysavera
  16. Get the snake back in it's tank
  17. Separate Beatrix and Beowmin before a cat fight breaks out
  18. Move Elurra off of Derpy's face

Derpy McBlueEyes 10-23-2018 02:56 PM

Round 1
Mdom: 40 candy
Veshora: 60 candy
Witchchylde: 70 candy
Mekatra: 30 candy


Round 2
Veshora: 70 candy
MonBon: 80 candy
Witchchylde: 60 candy
Mekatra: 60 candy

Derpy McBlueEyes 10-23-2018 02:57 PM



Originally Posted by Derpy McBlueEyes (Post 1879118)
Unfortunately, as you were moving the eggs, one slipped and fell. The crack as it hit the floor seemed to echo throughout the room. You hold your breath. A shadow stretches across the floor, in the doorway, you see a dark shape and two glowing blue eyes. Derpy steps forward slowly. Once in the light of the kitchen, he sits in the floor and begins crying. At a volume that shouldn't be possible for someone so small. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" It's loud and distracting and is going to slow progress down as you all will have to cheer him up and get Derpy back to sleep.

Originally Posted by Witchchylde (Post 1879105)
Um, I'll use the Delicious Donut now, I think.

Thankfully, Witchchylde remembers that Derpy loves donuts, so they grab one from the counter and hand it to Derpy. He hiccups and looks surprised for a few seconds, then wipes at his eyes and snout with the back of one paw before taking a bite. Now happy again, he waddles back down the hallway to the bedroom, eating his donut before resuming his nap.
After that, Witchchylde manages to clean up the dropped egg and scramble the rest of them properly in a pan instead of on the floor.


Originally Posted by Derpy McBlueEyes (Post 1879291)

Originally Posted by Mekatra (Post 1879277)
I'm going to try the VERY ill advised task of grinding coffee beans... just quietly scoop them into the grinder and... man I wish I had my mortar and pestle with me.

Aaaand I rolled a 1... why am I not surprised. Sorry guys!

Of course the coffee grinder is INCREDIBLY LOUD!!!!

There is a soft, almost imperceptible, vibration in the ground. It happens again. And again, getting slightly stronger each time. You glance at the counter and see a rippling effect in a glass of water. It triggers a flashback to that popular dinosaur movie that came out decades ago. The vibrations keep getting stronger. The dishes on the set table begin to rattle with each heavy step. Then they stop. You slowly turn your head to the doorway. Derpy is standing there, his bright blue eyes glaring right at you. You hold completely still. Unfortunately, Derpy isn't a t-rex. He can see you. With a deafening shriek that has the pitch of a compy, but the volume and duration of the t-rex, he launches himself at you and clings to your leg so tightly that nothing will get him off. It is so disruptive that everyone spends the next hour trying to calm Derpy and get him back to sleep.

Derpy McBlueEyes 10-23-2018 03:01 PM


Feel inspired to draw out a scene that happened (or just want to give Derpy more fan art)? Go for it! If you submit an art, you will recieve a random bonus (either to boost your roll/rng or an item that can be used). It can only be used once though, ao use it wisely!

Also, Derpy may give out rare doodles too.

mdom 10-24-2018 12:02 AM

oooh can I try finding Derpy's bib? Would that be a D6 too?

Derpy McBlueEyes 10-24-2018 12:11 AM

"Whoops! Meant to clarify that! Dice/rng will vawy by list and will be shown under the list title. But I'mma switch to 1d6/rng 1-6 on the fiwst one!"

(So yes.)

mdom 10-24-2018 12:33 AM

I feel like I used up my luck

Derpy McBlueEyes 10-24-2018 12:37 AM

Mdom decided to immediately begin the potentially daunting search for Derpy's favorite bib. It was actually on the counter right in front of them the whole time. Fastest search ever.

"Congwats! You succeeded and can go again in 10 minutes!"

Witchchylde 10-24-2018 12:56 AM

Oh yay, I have an excuse to dig up the dice bag!

Derpy McBlueEyes 10-24-2018 02:30 AM

"Yay, dice! What colors are they?"

Witchchylde 10-24-2018 02:41 AM

I have dozens of dice. I have green ones, marbled ones, ans clear amethyst ones that look just like a set of gems. I also have a couple of chaos dice, I think it's the 1 that's replaced with their chaos symbol, which really just looks like an asterisk with arrow tips.

Quiet Man Cometh 10-24-2018 02:41 AM

This won't leave my head and I'm annoyed by it!

Veshora 10-24-2018 06:43 AM

I shall try to... make donuts!

Veshora tiptoes into the kitchen and searches for a bag of flour. She grabs a bowl and pours five cups of flour into it. Then she adds half a cup of sugar, of which she inadvertently spills a few crystals onto the countertop. No big problem though, Veshora licks her finger and dips them one by one. What's next? She looks into the cookbook. Ah, milk! She pours one and a half cup into the bowl. Then beats two eggs into the mixture. She almost forgets the yeast, but fortunately remembers before she heats up the frying pan. A bit of vanilla extract should add an even nicer flavour. She kneads the dough and then lets it rest for a few minutes, nibbling raw dough from her fingers. She rubs a speck of flour off her face and checks the heat of the frying oil. Perfect! Just a few more minutes of work in complete silence and there shall be tasty, fresh donuts on the breakfast table.

Witchchylde 10-24-2018 12:15 PM

Yay, I found my bag of dice, forest green velvet bag! Oh, someone else is making donuts. Okay while Veshora's doing that, I'll cut up some fresh fruit!

Lessee if I have a blue d6.

Aw, no blue or even turquoise d6. But I do have a cool 'firestone' one! Speckled black and white with glowing yellow numbers. Well, they look glowy set in the dark material.

And I rolled a 4!

Okay, so when we start task 2, should I use my green and red bloodstone d20 or my sparkly silver glitter d20?

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