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Rainbowfox Ari 06-24-2018 09:58 AM

Creative Carnival

Come on, come in! Don't be shy, there's plenty of room for all in my tent of wonders. Ah, there now. Make sure everyone can hear me because I'm only going to explain this once. Ready? Good. Okay! This is the place where you can demonstrate your skills as a writer and a creative visionary! Stretch your imagination and your pen!

Below, you'll find four - count 'em! - writing prompts that will challenge you to come up with scenarios and characters. Your job is to respond to those prompts. Let me quickly go over rules:

- You may enter every prompt once, but you may only win ONE of them.
- You may use any character, any situation, and any setting that seems appropriate to the prompt.
- You may swear, but keep your cursing to a minimum, and put [M] in your post-title, please.
- There is a MINIMUM word-count of 150 words. However, there is no maximum word-count, so please feel free to go nuts.

Prizes for winning include a cool 1500 tickets! Participation prizes are 200 tickets each, and a sense of accomplishment. Here are the prompts.

1. "So when, exactly, did you plan on telling me about the hyena?"

2. There are exactly twenty-eight clowns that you've counted over the whole time you've been here, but this is the first one that isn't smiling.

3. Quick! Your friend gifted you some tickets to the carnival today, and you promised them a themed party! Item? You've got nothing in the house and certainly no circus-themed food!

4. This creepy guy has been following you for ten straight minutes, and nobody seems to notice him. Now, you're at the creepy fun-house attraction, and he seems eager to join you on the ride.

You have until the 4th of July to enter, and final judging will take place on the 6th of July, with winners announced that evening. What are you waiting for? Go, go, go! Write, write, write!


bluebird 06-26-2018 05:17 PM

oooh interesting scenarios

MonBon 06-26-2018 08:44 PM


Rainbowfox Ari 06-28-2018 09:05 PM

Thank you for expressing your interest in the prompts! I worked hard on them. ^^

bluebird 06-29-2018 02:39 AM

my achilles heel
trading in my subpar writing and any respect u had for me prior to this piece for that 200 ticket participation prize lmao


mdom 06-29-2018 10:36 AM

damn you bluebird
your idea is so much better than mine
I'm ashamed to write mine now

bluebird 06-29-2018 11:14 AM

only ari can judge. it could still be something that's really nice to read. do it anyway for the 200 participation prize XD

Death by Mirrors 06-29-2018 03:19 PM

Do it for the participation prize! 200 tickets is 10 ducks... imagine how much more rainbow poop you could win... :p-evil:

MonBon 06-29-2018 07:58 PM

I'm not looking at anyone's prompts bc I don't want to get intimidated xD

Koah 06-30-2018 12:28 PM

I'll definitely be doing this. I will not be peeking at anyone's spoilers, until my writing is complete!
Beautiful prompts! *o*

Koah 06-30-2018 07:43 PM

I went with prompt 4. Sorry about the length. Hope you enjoy reading. <3

Witchchylde 06-30-2018 08:46 PM

Yay, I got bit by the writing buggie!

bluebird 07-03-2018 04:47 PM

yay more entries!

today is the last day to submit too, huh. P: brb real quick writing is never quick lmao OTL

bluebird 07-03-2018 05:42 PM

shameless sh*tposts 4 tickets

Another Prompt

XoGizmooX 07-03-2018 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by bluebird (Post 1864763)
-wishes for someone to post in creative carnival so i can post my last prompt-

Posting for ya...

mdom 07-03-2018 07:20 PM

4th of July is tomorrow! Don't we have until tomorrow? Or is it today 23h59?

pls someone clarify

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