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Coda 11-29-2015 02:47 AM

Coda's Not-So-Secret Project!
Crystal Caverns of Kalin is getting close to completion! The game itself is now fully playable, but it's not integrated into Trisphee itself yet.

So... I'm looking for feedback! Bug reports! And whatever else you want to say!

The "Games by Coda" thread is here so mosey on over.

littl3chocobo 11-29-2015 02:49 AM

link, maybe? i am not a follower so i have no idea where your game is

Salone 11-29-2015 03:15 AM

It can be found heeeeere.

I end up playing this a lot more than I should, really.

Coda, as far as any bugs go, I've noticed that on occasion that sometimes I can catch a platform just right and instead of being shoved one way or another, it will catch me and instantly kill me. I don't know if it's supposed to be that way or not, since I guess I would be technically getting smuckered by the scroll wall of doom.

Also, if anyone beats my high score I'll give you one of this month's DI's.

Obsidian 11-29-2015 03:25 AM

I don't like the double-tap on the spacebar for the gravity thing. It keeps messing me up. Should put it as a separate key.

Salone 11-29-2015 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by Obsidian (Post 1672922)
wtf.... be nice if there were instructions on how to play.

Er...unless I linked an old version or something, there are instructions on the title page. Keyboard list on the left hand side.

Obsidian 11-29-2015 03:34 AM

It was there. My bad. My eyes play tricks on me and didn't see it. Dunno how I didn't.... seems so obvious now. I re-edited my post about the spacebar key.

Obsidian 11-29-2015 03:40 AM

It also doesn't recognize some of my spacebar clicking either. Especially when it starts getting fast and you try to do a jump instantly after landing, it does the gravity reverse... Which is why I think that should be a separate key.

I wouldn't play this. Sorry.

littl3chocobo 11-29-2015 03:40 AM

it's borderline unplayable for a newbie like me x_____x if i hold the space it does not jump, if i don't hit the space right it sometimes does not jump and the gravity thing is screwing me up something bad x_____x i thought i was falling and i was just flipping over and i ended up dying because i did not keep going(because i thought i fell)

the background speed also makes everything feel like it is going faster than it is and that is a bit disorientating

Obsidian 11-29-2015 03:45 AM

Oh, also the score doesn't seem to change for me. It still tells me the highest score is 0 despite the score I just had. So not sure how I could even prove my high score without risking being dropped into the abyss to click the PRT SC button which I don't have memorized, so I have to look at my keyboard to find it.

Illusion 11-29-2015 10:59 AM

Just going to leave this here...

Coda 11-29-2015 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Salone (Post 1672920)
Coda, as far as any bugs go, I've noticed that on occasion that sometimes I can catch a platform just right and instead of being shoved one way or another, it will catch me and instantly kill me. I don't know if it's supposed to be that way or not, since I guess I would be technically getting smuckered by the scroll wall of doom. [/IMG][/SPOIL]

It is intentional, but it shouldn't be INSTANTLY. It should be the side of the platform shoving you off the left side of the screen before you can slip past it.


Originally Posted by Obsidian (Post 1672925)
It also doesn't recognize some of my spacebar clicking either. Especially when it starts getting fast and you try to do a jump instantly after landing, it does the gravity reverse... Which is why I think that should be a separate key.

I wouldn't play this. Sorry.

Actually that's exactly the reason it REQUIRES a double-tap -- to make sure you don't accidentally flip gravity if you hit the jump button right before you land or right after you slip off the end of a platform.

Putting it on a separate button really, really sucks for people who are playing on mobile/console platforms. (This almost works on 3DS and WiiU, it just needs a bit of cleanup for performance.) Console browsers don't reliably broadcast any button but one, and mobile browsers have such unpredictable real estate space that I can't put the button somewhere that's consistently usable. (If it were a native app instead of a web game, things would be different.)

No need to apologize for not playing it. If it's not your cup of tea, that's why we're trying to get more games -- so that there's something for everyone. Perhaps you'll be more interested in the next one.


Originally Posted by littl3chocobo (Post 1672926)
it's borderline unplayable for a newbie like me x_____x if i hold the space it does not jump, if i don't hit the space right it sometimes does not jump and the gravity thing is screwing me up something bad x_____x i thought i was falling and i was just flipping over and i ended up dying because i did not keep going(because i thought i fell)

the background speed also makes everything feel like it is going faster than it is and that is a bit disorientating

Hmm... What are your computer specs? I think I understand what you're describing, but that specific issue is something I've never seen before on any platform I've tested on. (Okay, that's not quite true, it was an issue right at the beginning of development two years ago, and I fixed it pretty quickly because it was annoying as crap, but I've not seen it since then.) Holding the space bar is absolutely supposed to jump and not flip gravity.

I'm not sure what to say about the background speed effect. :x


Originally Posted by Obsidian (Post 1672927)
Oh, also the score doesn't seem to change for me. It still tells me the highest score is 0 despite the score I just had. So not sure how I could even prove my high score without risking being dropped into the abyss to click the PRT SC button which I don't have memorized, so I have to look at my keyboard to find it.

Hmm. That's curious. I wonder when I broke that. Thanks for the bug report; I can reproduce it.


Originally Posted by Illusion (Post 1672961)

For what?

Hero 11-29-2015 02:01 PM

This is definitely a challenging game.
My issues are sometimes it won't let me jump at all so I just keep dying right away
and I wish that at the start of the game, you'd start at the left most edge of the platform instead of the middle since some rounds I would just fall straight down x_x
(but then again that might just be me)

littl3chocobo 11-29-2015 09:38 PM

i don't know my specs actually, i do know that i can play emulator games without lags or hiccups and i can run both famicon emulation and the sims(granted it's only a 5gig game with 50k ish downloads XD )so my computer can handle a range without lag, misfires or errors

Obsidian 11-29-2015 10:10 PM

Oh, I'd be interested in it if it would play properly but most of my spacebar taps don't even work so I get to the point where I'd hit my spacebar hard (which I don't like doing, btw...) and sometimes the game mistakes it as a double-tap. If it would get fixed, I'd play it.

I've tested my spacebar to make sure that it wasn't just my keyboard in my laptop needing to be cleaned but it works just perfectly. I barely have to press it for it to create a space.

Oh, then there are times where the game drops me completely off the bar. Like, it'll land on the bar at the very edge but when I click the spacebar, it doesn't jump at all. I fall instantly.

Coda 11-29-2015 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Hero (Post 1673027)
This is definitely a challenging game.
My issues are sometimes it won't let me jump at all so I just keep dying right away
and I wish that at the start of the game, you'd start at the left most edge of the platform instead of the middle since some rounds I would just fall straight down x_x
(but then again that might just be me)

Well, that's why there's forgiveness for quick deaths -- it doesn't use up a life if you can't get a good start. (You should also consider using the left and right arrows to control your horizontal speed; this should help with making precision landings.)

The fact that it drops you onto a platform at all when you start is a LOT of math. @.@ The code for it is pretty short but I spent half an hour or so solving algebraic equations to figure out whether or not it's safe to turn gravity on.


Originally Posted by Obsidian (Post 1673101)
Oh, I'd be interested in it if it would play properly but most of my spacebar taps don't even work so I get to the point where I'd hit my spacebar hard (which I don't like doing, btw...) and sometimes the game mistakes it as a double-tap. If it would get fixed, I'd play it.

I've tested my spacebar to make sure that it wasn't just my keyboard in my laptop needing to be cleaned but it works just perfectly. I barely have to press it for it to create a space.

Oh, then there are times where the game drops me completely off the bar. Like, it'll land on the bar at the very edge but when I click the spacebar, it doesn't jump at all. I fall instantly.

Would a different button work better? It actually accepts Return/Enter as an alternative because this is what the WiiU's A button sends. I also wouldn't have a problem binding, say, Z to it. (The shift key is a "maybe.")

Also, you don't need to wait to land to press the jump button. If you're holding it when you touch down you immediately bounce. I added this feature specifically because of edge timing.

littl3chocobo 11-29-2015 10:20 PM

dude, if you have to implement death forgiveness then there is a serious problem with the core game >x>;;

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