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SakuraMinamino 10-17-2010 10:44 PM

Roleplay Question [Answered!]
Hey, I have an RP question ^^ My brother and I started an RP on another site. We were hoping other people would join (it's hard to do a pirate RP on a ship with only two pirates!!) but it never really piqued anyone's interest. Well today my brother joined and we were thinking about moving the RP over here when I have time off this weekend. Could we repost the RP in the testing forum so we don't get any aurum and then have a mod move it to the Roleplaying forum so we can look for more members? ^^

Thanks in advance!

Cazzidy 10-17-2010 10:52 PM

-=What you're allergic to cats?...=-

A pirate RP? I'd definitely join... Though I'm currently having a private pirate RP with Captain Jack Sparrow in the private RP section...

-=It's alright, I'm allergic to you...=-

SakuraMinamino 10-17-2010 10:53 PM

Yay! I was hoping you would ^^ You were actually one of the people I was going to ask specifically <3 That's awesome! Now here's hoping that we can move it over ^^ I liked the beginning of it so we don't need to start completely over I hope!

And oh, that's cool! Maybe he would join as well ^^

Gabe Puratekuta 10-17-2010 11:04 PM

I wouldn't mind joining, either. The last pirate RP I was in kinda stopped months ago... <.<

Fictions 10-17-2010 11:06 PM

Yeah by all means you can move it over. Also I dont think you would even need to post it in testing you can just post the first page and it should be fine.

SakuraMinamino 10-17-2010 11:20 PM

Yay! I'm glad to hear it, Gabe ^^ That would be awesome ^^

@Fictions: Yay, thanks! And well, we also had 2 pages of posts where we'd gotten to the point where we were looking for a crew and then more people could join us! So we were hoping we could move those as well. Is that all right if we put it in testing?

Cazzidy 10-17-2010 11:21 PM

-=What you're allergic to cats?...=-

Captain Jack Sparrow hasn't replied yet in our private RP, he must be busy or something... You can check the private RP thread if you want and so you can have an idea of how I RP... I'm not really that good... It's entitled "Behind A Pirate's Eyes": Here...

-=It's alright, I'm allergic to you...=-

SakuraMinamino 10-17-2010 11:24 PM

Aww, don't worry about it Cazzidy. <3 I write but I haven't RPed much, and neither has my brother. We just want to have fun : )

SakuraMinamino 10-20-2010 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by SakuraMinamino (Post 226103)

@Fictions: Yay, thanks! And well, we also had 2 pages of posts where we'd gotten to the point where we were looking for a crew and then more people could join us! So we were hoping we could move those as well. Is that all right if we put it in testing?

Still have the question quoted above ^^

Trinka 10-22-2010 12:26 AM

So I just checked up on this.
Go ahead and set up your entire thread in the testing forum, however many posts you want, with however many people and whatever you want to post.
Then, once you're ready to get it to the RP forum, PM me, and I'll move it for you.

SakuraMinamino 10-23-2010 04:02 PM

Awesome! Thanks so much, Trinka <3 Now I just have to get my brother to stop reading his book and get to the computer xDD Thank you! <3

Chi 10-23-2010 08:36 PM

Moved to Roleplayer's Realm as requested. (:

Doll Wraithring 10-24-2010 12:39 AM

Sound interesting.

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