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Illusion 06-15-2015 11:42 PM

Sony E3 Conference: The Last Guardian, FF7 Remake, Shenmue 3, and Horizon Zero Dawn
Just beautiful, best E3 conference I've seen yet.

The Last Guardian was a nuke to begin with, but with FF7 and Shenmue 3 it looks like Sony successfully killed me on Earth, Heaven, Nirvana, or whatever mythological or religious plane of existence there was.

The Last Guardian Trailer:

Final Fantasy 7 Remake trailer and reveal:

Horizon looks like Sony took The Legend of Zelda Wii U, Princess Mononoke, and gave it some snazzy next gen graphics and made an amazing game.

Shenmue 3 looks amazing and they have a kickstarter up for it, and it has already met it's goal. (Though Kickstarter hasn't been showing it properly.)
Kickstarter here:

Not to mention already great games on their way like No Man's Sky and Uncharted 4.

I'm a very happy man right now!

ml1201 06-16-2015 12:35 AM

The Last Guardian looks interesting, no idea what that creature is though. o.O And that other one, Horizon, also looks interesting.

Illusion 06-16-2015 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by ml1201 (Post 1659240)
The Last Guardian looks interesting, no idea what that creature is though. o.O And that other one, Horizon, also looks interesting.

It's a griffon I believe, and it's like a puppy dog. If not it's a whole new made up breed all together.

Horizon looks like my mecha artwork with a more animal like influence to it. I really want a lot of answers on what this game is about, what created this world, and so on.

Demonskid 06-16-2015 06:21 AM

-Foams at the mouth- I NEED A PS4 I NEED A PS4!!! D8 -dies-

ml1201 06-16-2015 08:16 AM

lol, You're not the only one that needs a PS4 DK. XD I need to get one as well, though I'm thinking of getting the cheaper one of the PS3, keep my PS2, and just get like a small external hard drive for the PS3 to for the PS3 games I want.

Demonskid 06-16-2015 04:28 PM

FF7 Remake said PS4! D:< ML You need a PS4! *u* I found one on Fingerhut. 35$ a month for a little over a year and muwahahaha

Now if mom says its ok -paws at screen-

ml1201 06-16-2015 06:18 PM

Er, but there's also games for PS3 I want and PS4 is not backwards compatible. ^^;

Demonskid 06-16-2015 06:25 PM

then get both!

-dk has that same problem- they just need to make their digital games run across all their platforms that run digital games 3:<

ml1201 06-16-2015 06:41 PM

It has to do with the coding for the games, they have to convert from the older systems and now they don't think its worth the money. :/

Coda 06-16-2015 10:39 PM

It's not just a matter of making the coding work on both consoles. They're completely different systems on the inside, only related by the fact that they both have the word "Playstation" in the name.

The PS3 is a PowerPC CPU. The PS4 is an x86_64 CPU. This is like saying that the PS3 speaks English and the PS4 speaks Chinese -- if you wanted to perform, say, Hamlet on PS4, you'd have to rewrite the whole thing. And then if you wanted to perform Macbeth, you'd have to rewrite that whole thing, too. And so on, for every single title you want to support.

"But wait, Coda," I hear you ask, "the PS3 could run PS2 games, and they're completely different too!"

The first hardware revision of the PS3 actually included a tiny PS2 inside the case. When you wanted to play a PS2 game, the PS2 hardware took over. The second hardware revision of the PS3 actually ran a PS2 EMULATOR. The third hardware revision of the PS3 took that out entirely and couldn't play PS2 games at all.

"Then why didn't Sony do that with the PS4?"

Well, putting PS3 hardware inside every PS4 would have made it bigger, heavier, and more expensive, when almost all people interested in playing PS3 games already own a PS3 and would therefore get very little benefit out of it. And emulating the PS3 on the PS4 would have bad results; it would have a high chance of introducing bugs that weren't there before and it would possibly run slow.

Microsoft pulled the same thing with the Xbox, Xbox 360, and Xbox One -- the 360 started off trying to emulate Xbox games but discovered it didn't work well at all, so the XB1 doesn't even try. However, the Xbox 360 and the Xbox One are substantially closer in design, so even though the XB1 can't run 360 code directly, it's possible to use the source code from a 360 game to produce an equivalent XB1 title, so Microsoft set up a service where you put a 360 disc in the drive and it automatically goes online and downloads an XB1 version of the same game. (Unfortunately it's a fairly small list of games that it works with.)

ml1201 06-16-2015 11:51 PM

I understand but my head is a little sore. ^^;

Demonskid 06-19-2015 02:23 PM

that or they can make accessories that play older disks and umd's that we buy separately and hook up to the consoles ouo that would be cool

Illusion 06-19-2015 02:44 PM

Then you still would have to emulate it, I bet the PS4 can emulate PS2 and PS1 games without a problem.

Thing is, why should Sony allow this? They would lose money from people buying the same games over and over again each generation.

Streaming was pointless in my opinion because it wasn't price efficient and they ask too much for it for games I largely don't care about or have played already and don't really want to bother replaying.

ml1201 06-19-2015 07:28 PM

I found out that steam has FF4 and I bought it. >>; Then I got in the mood to play FF, and never got to play it because I forgot where I put it, then after I found it I had to get ready for bed. ^^;

CupcakeDolly 10-06-2015 10:18 PM

Eeee, I've been waiting for Guardian for yeeears! I was starting to think they'd ditched the project altogether.
I also recently replayed FF7 in anticipation of the remake. Well... Mostly my boyfriend/drunk house cat played, and I did a lot of the tedious side quests. I was very happy to hear that Cloud will still be cross-dressing in all of his 3D HD glory.

I don't understand the issue that everyone has with the PS4 not being backwards compatible. I mean, yeah, when I heard about it I was upset for a couple of moments, but then I shrugged it off. I have a PS3. If I want to play my older games, I shall use my PS3. No big whoop.

Illusion 10-06-2015 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by CupcakeDolly (Post 1664036)
Eeee, I've been waiting for Guardian for yeeears! I was starting to think they'd ditched the project altogether.
I also recently replayed FF7 in anticipation of the remake. Well... Mostly my boyfriend/drunk house cat played, and I did a lot of the tedious side quests. I was very happy to hear that Cloud will still be cross-dressing in all of his 3D HD glory.

I don't understand the issue that everyone has with the PS4 not being backwards compatible. I mean, yeah, when I heard about it I was upset for a couple of moments, but then I shrugged it off. I have a PS3. If I want to play my older games, I shall use my PS3. No big whoop.

Best way to put it, have you ever emulated a game? To play a PS3 game on PS4 you would have to emulate a PS3 and have it fit in the PS4. The reason why early PS3's could play PS2 games was because there was a computer in it that made it more expensive but allowed it to play PS2 games.

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