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Hermes 09-06-2014 03:11 PM

Story time with Hermes!
So, there's a McDonald's next to my house I often sit at on the laptop. Today, something very strange, and a little scary may have happened.

So, as I walked in, I noticed a man sitting by himself, shaking very noticeably, in the way a person does when they're about to do something nerve-wracking, like a performance or a job interview, you know when you're not sure of wha twill happen and all your nerves are just shot? That kind of shakiness. He had two drinks, but was sitting alone. He kept muttering under his breath, his breathing wasn't paced evenly, and he would sometimes shake his hands and legs, or start fidgeting with one hand, while the other was tucked firmly in his pocket, obviously groping at something. Said thing was towards the bottom of the pocket, and there were no indentations on the top. But there was something in a block shape it seemed. In the pocket. Around the hand.

He started to stare at me. I looked at him as I walked to fill up my drink and he looked away, only to start staring at the woman in the booth I sat two away from, and then at the guys at the booth next to her. Finally, I sat down and he stared some more. His shaking seemed to get worse. He began to move the hand in his pocket, almost like he was trying to decide if he should pull it out or not.

I decide that one of two things is happening: Either he's just nervous and weird and waiting for someone, or this guy is planning on doing something stupid and isn't sure of himself yet.

Sure enough, he starts to scan things. It's easy to tell when someone is doing this when they aren't particularly skilled at it: You catch them swiveling their head around the room, they'll walk around, seemingly aimlessly, they check corners and the ceiling a lot, they keep an eye on doors. This is really basic human scanning.

So, I do what I do best: I act like a dumbass with a savior complex. I catch his eyes and just glare at him. I give him my best "Do it. I dare you." (Which I was actually JUST talking about on skype with Demagische) stare, and pull out my bracers, because I own leather and steel bracers that I wear to Belegarth, which I happen to be going to today. I get the gloves on, and take the bracers apart to just make a point of them.

I have never seen someone get out of a McDonald's so fast in my life.

I have no idea what was going on, but just for a second, I thought I was gonna have to smack a mofo with steel bracers. Can you imagine that news story?

Lucid: 09-06-2014 04:27 PM

Oh my gosh, that sounds pretty scary. Whatever he might have done, it certainly sounds like it was pretty shady. I'm glad he was so nervous about whatever it was, because that would have sucked if he'd hurt you for giving him that glare.

Hermes 09-06-2014 04:50 PM

Yeah I was told by a few people it was more stupid than anything and I should have just reported a suspicious character ^^;

Lucid: 09-06-2014 05:00 PM

It was stupid, but it worked. I mean, it sounds like you definitely analyzed the situation thoroughly before doing anything, which at least counts for something.

Hermes 09-06-2014 05:07 PM

I'm a paranoid person with a lot of people issues. I analyze people a lot ^^

Demagische 09-06-2014 05:28 PM

Yooo I got a callout

If he wasn't actually intending to start something, at least he thought you were gonna wreck his shit <3

Hermes 09-06-2014 05:30 PM

I'm like wreck it Ralph up in here >T Ain't nobody shootin or robbin nobody, or they gonna get wrekt

But I gotta stop acting that way, honestly. If something happened to me...well I have someone to care about if something happens to me. So I gotta be careful.

Espy 09-06-2014 06:55 PM

MMMMRFLLH. -curls into a scaredy-ball-

Hermes 09-06-2014 07:04 PM

Espy is scared me getting shooted

Ginger 09-06-2014 07:57 PM

I'd have reported a suspicious person, and then whipped out the evil eye. Seriously though, something like that would make me poop my pants.

Hermes 09-06-2014 08:28 PM

I should have. I mean, it's cool that I scared some guy, and I'm glad that (if he was going to) he didn't do something we'd all regret. But I should have just called in a suspicious person, and gone outside. I got someone what wants me alive and such now.

Lawtan 09-09-2014 11:50 AM

I'd have done the next stupid thing - walked up to the guy.
Given, I am confident I could land him on his ass, but...yeah...curiosity (or concern) killed the cat.

Hermes 09-10-2014 09:21 AM

Oh, I'm no pushover in a fight, I just don't ever see a need for confrontation to be started. I would rather he have the chance, under his own will, to not do anything. If it takes me putting pressure on you to not do it, then I'm okay with you pulling out your little coward's toy, so I can call the police, and watch them take you down. But I will give you a meaningful glare and a warning from across the room.

HABIT 09-20-2014 01:45 AM

That is a scary situation.

Toriki 09-22-2014 04:08 AM

Oh man. You're really brave. If I was in that situation, you'd see ME flying out of that place asap rather than the dude....

Hermes 09-22-2014 11:48 AM

Toriki - Well, it still stands that calling the proper authorities, and exiting the building slowly and without eye contact, and then waiting for said authorities to arrive while outside the situation, is the best course of action

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