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Sabrehagen 05-20-2014 05:43 PM

~ Dimensional Darkness ~

--- This quest is a remake, due to the previous holding posts and crap I would rather not deal with. ---

Who am I? I am known by many names, I've taken the name Agito wanijima, Dark Wolfgang, Nikolai, Dark (Desik) Vice, and plenty more. Most can find me either here nowadays.

I live on the border of thirty, yay me.

Much of what I say is in jest, when I'm serious you can tell. I am a gamer, mostly RPGs and first person shooters. I love to read, my favorite series being Wheel of Time (finally the bloody series is completed), The Dragonriders of Pern, and the Saga of Recluse. Newest book favorite deals with The Forgotten Realms, mainly ones centered around Drizzt Do'Urden.

I love dragons and legos including Bionicle. I don't think you can look anywhere but the kitchen and bathroom without seeing a Bionicle figure.

Sabrehagen 05-20-2014 05:44 PM


Yes I have them since some things do get on my nerves..

-Please try to be literate
-I dislike text speak, please don't speak it
-Be respectful

Eh that's all I want for now...

Sabrehagen 05-20-2014 05:46 PM

Quest Items

Aeronautic Funk x3
Anka Acolyte
Anka the Phoenix Set
Arabian Curse x2
Autumn Fin
Azure Flight

Bakeneko x3
Bio Force Guardian x3
Bone Stitched
Brave Victory
Burning Vigil

Celestial Regent
Celestial Wolf
Chamaros's Bundle
Corrupt Emissary
Crafty Cardshark
Cyber Reaper x3

Desert Nomad
Devlish Desire x2
Draconian Courtesan x2
Dragon Lord
Drakhon Reign

Eminent Tide
Enfield Fragment
Ethereal Passion


Gaia Vodi x2
Gift of the Alfar
Guise of Souls

Harrowing Harbinger x3
Horns of the Corrupt
Horns of the Divine
Hounds of Erebus x3
Hunter’s Chance x3

Icy Gale
Inventor's Dream
Invidentia x2
Ira x2

Jade the Skunk

Kamishimo x2
Keeper of the Slain x2
Kei x3
Kitsune x4
Koi Fin
Kyun the Sinopa

Lionel's Pride
Locked Legends
Looming Nightmare x3
Luna the Wolf
Lunae's Blessing

Marauder's Flight
Mythica Morte

Nereid's Allure

Parthenos Dios x2
Phaunos Spirit

Samurai O-Yoroi x2
Shimmering Serpent
Shining Sheru
Sleipnir x2
Solukino x2
Soul’s Demise
Spellbound x2
Spirit of Fire x3
Spirit of Treachery x2
Super Shocker

Tenebrous Reve
Titan of the Realm
Twin Thief

Verdant Lagoon x2

Wandering Dryad
Wind Spirit
Wysavra x2

I really need to keep this updated and figure out with the new items to add.

Sabrehagen 05-20-2014 05:48 PM


Angel's Tilted Halo
Anka Plushie
Armor of the Decayed
Asche's Top
Axel's Bat Swarm
-Axel's Belt
-Axel's Spaulder
-Axel's Vest
Azure Flight
Beta Style
Braen's Bundle
Chamaros's Bladed Fans
-Chamaros's Kimono
Corrupted Bundle
Dark Tech Horns
Drinking Gourd
Feysha's Bundle
Feysha's War Bundle
Gunner Boots
Gunner Coat
Iseiah's Jacket
Katrine's Bundle
Luna Plena
Lunae's Companion
Maesha's War Bundle
-Maikan's Belt
- Maikan's Knife Holsters
Mystical Aura
Night Time Masque
Oinari's Outfit Bundle
Painter's Brush
Pandora's Box Hope
Pandora's War Bundle
Phantom of Trisphee
Prayer Vessel
Rebel Alliance Bundle
Reiquesa's Shoes
Reve's Bullet Sword
Ryuko's Bundle
Sand Dune
Silvary's Arm Warmers
-Silvary's Doll Skin
-Silvary's Eyes
-Silvary's Heels
-Silvary's Jacket
-Silvary's Leg Ribbons
-Silvary's Signature Weapon
-Silvary's Stockings
Ultimate Sushi Hat
Wandering Spirits
Zeo's Coat
-Zeo's Gloves

--- These are from long ago, but I still appreciate their kindness and wish to remember such. ---

(Pandora's Box of Despair ^^)

{thank you so very much <3)

Armor of the Decayed
Faust's Memento
Trey (arm, chest, head, leg, waist, and mace)
Azeil (tattoos, bottoms and claws)
Zephyr Companion

Sabrehagen 05-20-2014 05:49 PM

Reserved for something eventually...

Sabrehagen 05-20-2014 10:52 PM

Open for posting and whatnot. Could have sworn I posted this but eh, the sleep took my brain hostage apparently.

Lawtan 05-20-2014 10:52 PM

*Junps into the shadows*

Sabrehagen 05-20-2014 11:00 PM

Jump lower and get that itchy spot~

Lawtan 05-20-2014 11:13 PM

*6 inch Claws show*
You sure you want that? xD

Sabrehagen 05-20-2014 11:19 PM

You're only making me want the itchy taken care of, even if blood is drawn it stops that awful itch, then the pain creeps in. o3o

Lawtan 05-20-2014 11:20 PM

*Sighs* okay...
*scratches Sabre's itch*

Vincent 05-20-2014 11:50 PM


Hello sabre, hello law. XD
Nice thread you got here, Sabre x3

Sabrehagen 05-21-2014 12:38 AM


Now I can claim to have a sprinkler on my back, though it only spurts blood when I laugh

Vincent 05-21-2014 12:51 AM

Is it me or is it kinda scary in here. XD

Sabrehagen 05-22-2014 08:40 AM

Unless others sense/see such, it has to be you, but I dun bite much~

Dralis 05-23-2014 12:07 PM

-leaps through the dimensions and flying tackles Sabre driving him into the ground a little with her force. Bestows kisses upon him before perching upon his stomach with a innocent mew given-

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