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Yokuutsu 11-18-2013 01:12 AM

Youtube, Freezing, and the Internet
Okay, sometimes when I open youtube, it like freezes up the entire browser (when I try to play a video) and seems like it's freezing the entire computer, it will freeze up the browser multiple times, and it some point....somehow...this kicks me off the internet.

Once I close youtube, everything is fine, the internet reconnects and all. (If I was getting kicked at other times, I would assume it's the modem/internet company, but it's only this...and it doesn't show I have no internet through my wireless connection-it disconnects completely from it)

So....what could be causing this.

Lawtan 11-18-2013 09:05 AM

The videos you are displaying, perhaps, or some program that works with Youtube may be out of date...
I know some videos - short ones even - can take a giant chunk of my quota.

Coda 11-18-2013 11:13 AM

My first questions: What OS are you using? What browser are you using?

If it's causing your entire computer to lock up, I start looking at things that would be interacting with the hardware. It could be a video driver issue, for example -- make sure your drivers are up-to-date.

Yokuutsu 11-18-2013 01:01 PM

Windows 7...not sure which one mind cause this is my brother's laptop. I'm using Chrome.

But no other video thing I use makes it do this. Crunchyroll runs perfectly fine, it just runs.

I don't even know how to check drivers, never needed to mess with them before.

Coda 11-21-2013 02:56 AM

Try another browser for YouTube. Chrome being a Google product has some specialized interactions with YouTube that might not play nice.

littl3chocobo 11-21-2013 06:56 AM

i have seven as well and youtube crashes and freezes and all sorts of things for me as well

Yokuutsu 11-21-2013 12:24 PM

But it just started doing this .-.

I guess no more youtube since this isn't my laptop...and I've always had problems with firefox crashing a lot. It's not worth it for me, but thanks anyway :3

It didn't crash before, and I had windows seven on my old computer and this didn't happen (though that was before the updates)

littl3chocobo 11-21-2013 09:01 PM

do you have google+? it did that to me a few days after google updated, now i feel reluctant to get on because it crashes so badly, i looked at the forums too and the only 'fix' anyone has suggested is moving to chrome which absolutely will /not/ happen(they already invade my privacy too much as is and i have no desire to learn a new browser)

Yokuutsu 11-21-2013 09:45 PM

I do not have google+

No interest in it really. Not even fully sure what it is to tell the truth.

littl3chocobo 11-21-2013 09:59 PM

it is supposed to make it so you have one account for every aspect of the internet but if you read the terms and look at the settings you will see plainly it is a data-collection site. very skeezy and wrong if you ask me >x>

Poggio 11-21-2013 10:28 PM

ugh I had windows seven it took my entire computer with it when it crashed. I haven't updated to google plus so i am not sure what that issue is. But I will say I disabled updates on my computer and so far my life is better. On my desktop the first time it auto updated, it rebooted with a lime green screen, the second time it updated, my programs got laggy, until one night after working it just froze. It seemed like each time it auto updated something, something else failed. And I was out 90 bucks because windows crashed.

I would suggest you manually updating things like flash. Or first testing to see if its all video sites or just youtube. If there are other streaming sites you can not use, it could be your connection speed. Mine always says I have an excellent connection but when my dad is using netflix, youtube crashes hard. In fact anything that has flash crashes hard.

If its just youtube, you may want to check your flash player or contact the site. Other wise my guess is internal from your computer.

Yokuutsu 11-21-2013 10:31 PM

I think it's just youtube. Crunchyroll (anime/various other shows) runs fine on my computer. I updated flash....and it didn't freeze the one time I used youtube but the song would stop a lot to let the video "catch up" before repeating it all again. Idk.

Would having adblock mess it up if it was going to play an ad? Maybe I should whitelist youtube for a bit...

Edit: First video didn't work right (but better) and the second one is a minute and a half in and working perfectly...well it messed up for a moment...but I've had adblock for awhile now...

Still isn't perfect, but a TON better.

Next edit: That only lasted for one song before it kicked me off the internet again (even with it being an internet problem...I'd still be connected to the kicks me off the network entirely)

I got windows task manager to open and one instance of chrome was eating up 80% of my CPU. Closed that and the entirety of chrome closed.

Yokuutsu 11-23-2013 12:23 PM

Downloading firefox fixed it -.- (One instance of youtube was eating 80% that had to go)

But now Firefox has it's own problems. The back button is always grayed out, though I can right click and I can choose what page to go back to. And last night I closed a tab, it didn't go away. It was facebook, this morning, it even updated to let me know I have 5 notifications. Click on it, it goes to the tab that would have been first if it would have closed. Closing firefox fixes it, (not the back button) but I lost all my tabs and I can't find the browsing history on here due to firefox being changed -.-

Lawtan 11-23-2013 12:40 PM

...I seem to be having Chrome-Youtube issues as well. Switched to Firefox.

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