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Gallagher 10-01-2013 07:19 PM

[ Mmmmm! Avi Challenges ]
Welcome to the Mega Magnificent Maladjusted Monster Massacre! Or Mmmmm! Avi Challenges!

Here, you'll find challenges beyond the basic color matching — some of which may be unfriendly to new or poor users, but I certainly won't stop you from trying anyway!

Here's a quick rundown on what to expect.

There will be 2 challenges running at any one time! Each will last at least a week, but how much longer will vary, so if you're worried about one getting swapped before you finish, post about it!

Everyone is free to enter any challenge they like, as many times as they'd like! That means, if you qualify for a prize, YES, your rewards can stack!

Rewards? Oh yes, those that do especially well with challenges can get mystery prizes. Anything from aurum, to runes, to items! But to qualify, you must fulfill both challenges in one avatar!

The more people that attempt prize-winning avatars, the higher the rewards will be.

Intrigued? You'd better be! Keep scrolling to see our current challenges!

Gallagher 10-01-2013 07:20 PM

Creeps and Critters

Fairy time! Are you good or bad? Elemental? Gorgeous? A bucket of fugly? WHO CARES! Just fit the theme! If you think you're not obvious enough, go ahead and explain yourself, I dare you!


Walking is for losers. Or, you know, things that aren't fish or snakes or - Legless! Cut them or cover them, just don't let them be seen!

Oh Dear God

You did them both? ARE YOU MAD!?

Dead Horses

They were winners, but no one cares anymore.

Nexess 10-02-2013 01:41 AM

BI DONE! And I look fabulous.

Gallagher 10-02-2013 01:49 AM


Nexess 10-02-2013 01:52 AM


Gallagher 10-02-2013 01:55 AM

Aw, I liked imagining your neckhole flapping.

Nexess 10-02-2013 11:01 PM

:| We can go with that.

Gallagher 10-03-2013 03:27 PM

-flailflail- I don't know if I want to make a new avi yet, I'm really pleased with the one I've had.

Espy 10-03-2013 04:35 PM

I've just realized (while eating a stick of solid salami...don't question my choice of food) that headless zombies aren't usually a thing. To kill a zombie, you need to go for a headless zombies are dead zombies. Like, more dead than usual.

Gallagher 10-03-2013 05:14 PM

That, or they're Suze zombies. God knows headshots are too easy.

Asami 10-03-2013 08:04 PM

You know I might try this if I have time to
Not my cup of tea and ill probably fail horribly but it seems fun

Gallagher 10-08-2013 06:18 PM

Aaahhhhhh -dying-


Sami <3

Dancrgurl 10-10-2013 08:56 PM

Who stole my head?!

Gallagher 10-10-2013 09:11 PM


Actually though, I flipping love the use of the claws, that is outstanding.

Dancrgurl 10-10-2013 09:29 PM

Well thank you very much ^^

Espy 10-11-2013 12:01 AM

Ohgod. I just died a little.

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