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Virgil Marks 07-29-2013 05:59 PM

A Mysterious Shipment? [Color Updates!?]
“Where on earth did all these boxes come from?” Virgil gasped as he took in the boxes upon boxes of clothing his assistants had discovered in a musty corner of the back room. He was so sure that they had never been there before today, but regardless, he knew he had to get them out as quickly he could. His assistants got to work as he tried to figure out what this was all about.

Maybe I should pay Arryn, Lesallia, and other others a visit. If I found these new items in my shop, maybe the others will have received something, too, or at least know who was behind all this.

Drop by Threads to see the newest arrivals!

Lesallia Surish 08-06-2013 09:37 PM

Lesallia watched her assistants setting up her new inventory, her lips pursed as she searched her mind for where the new items could’ve come from. The cry of a shrill bell pulled her away from her thoughts. She spun on the ball of her foot to see who had disrupted her line of thought – only to see Virgil. Scowling, she spat, “Bad timing, Virgil. I’m not in the mood for chit chat right now. So what do you want?”

“Simply put, I was wondering if you’d received a new mystery shipment as well. I, myself, got one recently and have no clue where it came from.” Virgil quickly stated.

Her rage cooled, replacing her scowl with a confused frown as she replied, “So you got one too? I don’t know where mine came from, but I’d love to find out as well. At least it could potentially mean more business for me. Perhaps we head over to someone else’s store and see if they’ve got some new stuff as well?”

Drop by Lavish Luxuries to see the newest arrivals!

Katrine Dmitriev 08-13-2013 06:06 AM

Katrine had just finished with the final touches to the front window display for her new, mysterious collection. Glancing out the vast glass, she saw Virgil and Lesallia a fair distance away, so she slipped away from the patterned backdrop she had set behind her freshly dressed mannequins and exited her store.

Waving her arms eagerly, she shouted toward her two friends, “Hey Virgil, Lesallia! Do you guys have a moment to spare so that we can chat?”

“Sure, come walk with us,” Lesallia replied with a welcoming sweep of her arms.

As they walked off toward the park, Virgil piped up,
“So what’s up, Katrine? Is something wrong?”

“Not really, I just finished setting up a new selection of items and was about to go see if any of you also got some new...“ She trailed off, seeing the irked glances being exchanged by her friends on either side of her.

Letting out a quiet sigh, Virgil spoke up,
“So you got stuff too, huh? I wonder what's going on lately. All three of us have gotten new merchandise, but who's doing all this?”

“Whoever they are, we’ll catch them eventually. It’s not like they could be a chameleon or something,” Katrine said as she pulled them along the path. They could enjoy the rest of the afternoon together by the lake and leave the mystery for another day.

Drop by Eclectic Trends to see the newest arrivals!

KAIMID 9001 08-29-2013 05:02 AM

He was sitting in his usual sitting eating his third slice of pineapple pizza as he watched his assistants set up the new displays showing off the new ink colours he’d gotten. “These new colours ought to get more squishy squishies in here which in turn would give me a 15.73% increase in revenue. With the extra profits I can make, I should be able to have more pizza to eat.”

Just as he finished his slice of pizza and moved to grab another one, he caught sight of the Yutri woman entering his store. Quickly searching his hard drive for her name, he found it and greeted, “Hello Arryn. As your presence appears to draw in 8.41% increase in squishy squishes, feel free to stay longer and even have a slice of pizza!” After indicating his box of pizza to her to which she politely declined, he continued, “So how might I help you today?”

Drop by the Body Shop to see the newest arrivals!
Earrings and belly rings have been moved to Trinkets and Tresses.

Arryn 08-29-2013 05:26 AM

Something was up. She could just feel it. A few weeks ago she had a feeling something big was in the works, then Virgil received a new shipment, followed by Lesallia and right after was Katrine. So when she got hers she just passed it off and then headed out across the street to the body shop guy’s parlour to which upon entrance she immediately noticed he, too, had received some stock.

“Yo metal man, I was wondering if you’d gotten any new stuff lately and by the looks of your shiny sign, I take it as a yes?” She responded quickly and before Kaimid could respond, she continued, “I’ve been putting everything together and trying to figure out who our mystery donator is, but I don’t wanna accuse anyone so I was wondering if you and your brains could help me figure all this out?”

She watched tensely, her foot tapping impatiently against the cool concrete floor of the shop and just as she was about to utter slew of words to get him to respond faster, he finally spoke up,
“Sounds like an interesting partnership. Your intuition and my knowledge, I calculate that we will have a 69.34% chance of succeeding. Let us commence this operation!”

With a wide grin, she spun on her heel and headed back out the door as she shouted over her shoulder, “C’mon, let’s get started dude!”

Drop by the Trinkets and Tresses to see the newest arrivals!
Eyes and face items have been moved to the Body Shop.

Ellysia 09-11-2013 05:04 AM

Ellysia sat behind the counter, her eyes attentive to filing her nails as her assistants grumbled with having to put up a simple banner which was splayed with the announcement of her new hair dyes. She heard their mumbled complaints and in response she spoke brusquely, “Don’t worry about its appearance, just put it up guys. All I want is for word to get out that I’ve got new colours to sell.”

A groan escaped her lips as she idly watched her workers continue with the job she assigned them. Her fellow shopkeeps were supposed to have arrived by now but they were late. Again.

The trill of her door chime finally rung loud and clear through the air. Her head shot up as she took in a red-faced Arryn and Kaimid having just entered. Despite seeing their meek faces, she chastised, “Where have you been? You’re seven minutes late.”

“We’re sorry, Ellysia, but lateness aside, whatcha got for us?” Arryn bluntly stated.

Letting out her frustration with a sigh, she replied, “I had all my assistants working together to take turns and keep constant watch for the past several days. There was no sign of anyone dropping off my new dyes. They just appeared out of nowhere; that’s all there is to it.”

She turned her attention back to her nails just as she heard Arryn speak up.
“Okay, thanks. See ya around.” The Yutri woman then left with Kaimid, who was going on and on about needing some pizza to cheer himself up. Shaking her head at Kaimid’s antics, she proceeded to give herself a manicure while waiting for new customers to drop by.

Drop by the Salon to see the newest arrivals!

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