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Jurinjo 10-05-2010 03:02 PM

KH: Retrieving Hearts [Open/Accepting]
Welcome to KH: Retrieving Hearts! <3

Plot Summary: In the city of Bevelle some researchers have forged a keyblade they call Forgotten Hearts. It has the power to retrieve hearts that have been lost to darkness. Ironically these men were greedy and demanded high sums of munny to bring back a customer's loved one. It soon became apparent though that the artificial keyblade wouldn't be safe in Bevelle anymore. So they are sending t it to a sister world for better protection. En route though it is vulnerable to those who seek to use for their own aims...

note: Foxie came up with the original idea and I hope I'm doing it justice with how I'm rephrasing it. Also if you don't like the title talk to me about it, I'm bad with names afterall and would be happy to hear from you. ^^

Jurinjo 10-05-2010 03:09 PM


NO posting in character until your profile is accepted! Once either me or Foxie say okay then you can have fun :3

No God-modding please! Character cannot be invincible, all knowing, and NO controlling/killing other characters not your own.

No KH characters please. The reason I say this is because if you do then your really not being yourself. If you wish to have be a character from the game then PM Foxie.

Be respectful! If someone is being mean and insulting be better than them and don't handle it by yelling back.

Use good grammar and spelling. Mistakes are inevitable for each of us but try to keep them to a minimum! <3

Aim for 3 paragraphs or one at least. Writer's block or being uninspired happens but at least give us something to respond to in your post. ^^

PG-13 content only. Kiddie romance and little bit of swearing is the limit please don't push it.

Let us know if you'll be away for awhile! I'd rather not worry about what happened =(

ღ Finally...Please try to have fun!

Jurinjo 10-05-2010 03:14 PM

Character Skeleton


Username: (Your Trisphee username)
Name: (Character's name)
Age: (nothing ridiculous please)
Gender: (self-explanatory lol)
Bio: (tell us a little about their background, motivations, etc.)
Skills/Weapons: (keyblade, lance, magics, etc.)
Appearance: (picture or a nice paragraph ^^)
Other: (anything I left out?)

Character Profiles


Username: Foxie
Name: Mira
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Bio: Mira comes from a mass city world called TallMadge. She grow up there with her Twin sister Kamera. They heard of Sora and how he had defeated the darkness. With the the darkest gone from their mind Mira and Kamera lived in peace. Mira always training however for the day that the darkness would come back. Kamera working at a small welding store.
Kamera welding one day a fine Keyblade for her sister Mira. In fusing it with magic of Light and Earth. Calling it "Silver Dove". Bringing it home to give to Mira the world was attacked. Nobodies and Heartless. Kamera was taken. Heart stolen and body gone. Mira was lucky enough to hide till they had all gone.
Mira found her sister nowhere but traces of a battle. She recognized her sisters fighting and found traces of the nobodies. Finding the keyblade hidden by their home Mira sets out to find her sister and save her.
Skills/Weapons: Keyblade "Silver Dove", Earth magic, vines and razer leafs, katara master.
Appearance: linky

Username: Jurinjo
Name: Makoto
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Bio: He is just a visitor to Bevelle, like many people, who simply seek the Forgotten Hearts blade. Makoto's past is one of comfort as he tends to see the best of things and is usually seen smiling. Or it could all be a ruse since he is a nobody. He wields darkness efficiently and with the same deadly grace of his tessen fans.
Skills/Weapons: Two Teseen fans, darkness, and some air and life based magic. But usually to empower an attack.
Appearance: This is Makoto

Name: Vince Balestrom
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Bio: He is a Flight Lieutenant of the Bevelle Airforce and was recently tasked to keep the Forgotten Hearts blade safe. He prefers to just let the past be and move on with his agenda. The military is his life. At times he can be inflexible but he is not mindless.
Skills/Weapons: 2 daggers (one small and the other large), machanics, and a very basic grip of magic. He can wield it enough to use assuming he has the "materia" for it.
Appearance: See him in action

Username: ((___jade___))>
Name: Zephyr
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Bio: When Zephyr's hometown, Kokoro, was attacked by Heartless when he was young, Zephyr was one of the few that managed to make it out alive. Though he was only ten at the time, he was actually somewhat glad for the excuse to get out of the tiny town and travel. Despite being alone and shaken up by the experience, he just started walking, eventually ending up at a small port town. From there, he was able to travel, and has been drifting all around ever since.
In this time, Zephyr has managed to pick up numerous valuable skills, including fighting (which he already knew a bit of), some (weak) magic, and tracking.
In his travels, he heard all about keyblades, so it almost came as no surprise to him when a sparring stick turned into one in his hand one day. Soon after he found out about this, he decided that he needed to find a place to get more proper training with the weapon. Hearing about Bevelle and the Forgotten Hearts, Zephyr decided to check it out. He was of the suspicion that perhaps he could find more keyblade wielders there, even if he did not care much to find the wielder of Forgotten Hearts.
Skills/Weapons: This keyblade and can use some magic, mostly Thunder, Aero, and a bit of Gravity.
Appearance: His skin is medium-tanned, though it still contrasts nicely against his dark brown, nearly-black hair. His hair is sort of spiky, but also fairly flowy and medium-length (like Noctis from FF Versus XIII). His frame is somewhat small, though his muscles are well-developed.
His wardrobe usually consists of mostly dark colours, with some bright highlights thrown in. He usually wears a gray, leather bomber jacket over a loose tee-shirt of varying colours; usually blue, white, or purple. Below that, he usually wears straight-cut jeans or some other close-fitting pants. He hates hats, but he occasionally wears a pair of aviator goggles.
Other: Left-handed; has a fairly severe sweet-tooth.

Username: Kyoshoku
Name: Cyra Rovski
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Bio: Unfortunately, Cyra was lost to the dark until roughly three years ago. Bits and pieces of her past still remain, but they're fragmented and far apart. She doesn't know what saved her, nor how she escaped from the dark. . . But she remembers a boy. A boy on her home world that she made a promise to. A promise she can't even remember. As such, she gained the title of Oathbreaker, and her Keyblade's name is such. She came to Bevelle to destroy the Keyblade that could bring people back. In Cyra's mind, it's wrong. Nobody should be able to harness that kind of power.
Skills/Weapons: Oathbreaker, her keyblade.
Cyra is also skilled in the realm of magic and CQC, though she tends to overuse both and will easily tire herself out in prolonged battle.
Appearance: Cyra Rovski.
Other: With Oathbreaker by her side, Cyra is indeed one formidable opponent.

Username: Jinxchan6306
Name: The Queens Ace (Ace for short)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Bio: Ace was a heartless who was revived back to her human self with the Forgotten Hearts blade. The Queen of Hearts decided to give her some freedom, so she travels around the worlds, healing or hurting as she goes.
Skills/Weapons: keyblade, heartless(1 named Joker)
Appearance: Most updated
concept but bigger
Other: The husk that she was binded with was not her own, and thus can freely remover her heart temporarily and give it to Joker to use when they need to fight. However, if she leaves her heart out to long, she will disappear into the nothing of darkness once again.

Jurinjo 10-05-2010 03:15 PM

Reserved Just in case

Jurinjo 10-05-2010 03:17 PM

♥ Open ♥

Foxie 10-07-2010 03:52 PM

Username: Foxie
Name: Mira
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Bio: Mira comes from a mass city world called TallMadge. She grow up there with her Twin sister Kamera. They heard of Sora and how he had defeated the darkness. With the the darkest gone from their mind Mira and Kamera lived in peace. Mira always training however for the day that the darkness would come back. Kamera working at a small welding store.
Kamera welding one day a fine Keyblade for her sister Mira. In fusing it with magic of Light and Earth. Calling it "Silver Dove". Bringing it home to give to Mira the world was attacked. Nobodies and Heartless. Kamera was taken. Heart stolen and body gone. Mira was lucky enough to hide till they had all gone.
Mira found her sister nowhere but traces of a battle. She recognized her sisters fighting and found traces of the nobodies. Finding the keyblade hidden by their home Mira sets out to find her sister and save her.
Skills/Weapons: Keyblade "Silver Dove", Earth magic, vines and razer leafs, katara master.

Foxie 10-07-2010 04:30 PM

Walking slowly to the edge of the building Mira decides that it is time to leave and finish what she had started. Jumping off the edge, she slams the blades of her katara's into the build and glides to a stop a the bottom. This is going to be easy, she thinks to herself as she bpulls her sleeves over her katara's so no one can see them. She walks to a small bar in near where she was waiting. She'd heard that it wasn't just a bar but a place to get a ride as well.
Walking in she can smell beer and well cooked food. Stomach growling she sits at the bar. Waiting for the bartender to get to her she looks around, making sure her surroundings.
"What'll it be?" asked the bartender. One eye was patched with the mark of the heartless. Mira had noticed these markings around this town a lot. It stood for the survivors of the Heartless's attacks. Mira wore one two, but not in a place that people could see and pick a fight with.
"Nothing for me, thanks." She replies. "I'm looking for a ride though."
"Eh. Where too?" replies the bartender looking down at a glass cup of something that selled strong and looked like cider with a kick.
"Where they take that keylade of Forgotten Hearts," she replies push herself up right as the bartender takes a drink and burps towards his shoulder. He places the cup down after finishing the last of it and beginnings to fill it again.
"Yeah? Haha. You got the munny to pay for that thing?"
"I'm gonna steal it." Mira says without thinking. Keeping her cool she sits there staring at the bar.
A look of shock came across the bar tenders face then sudden laughter. She figured he would think she was joking and not worry to much about it.

Jurinjo 10-09-2010 06:40 PM

((Sorry I had work and other things to take care of I was exhausted yesterday I passed out for 12 hours x__x By the way what is "her katara's"? I keep picturing that girl from
Avatar the last air bender xD

Oh and you reminded me I forgot an appearance section haha xD; it's there now. ))

Makoto didn't need ships like the other people did. The lucky bastards...they still had hearts while as angry as he wanted to be about it Makoto just couldn't. The forgotten blade had been under tight security but apparently that wasn't even enough for the company leeching of folks who wanted their loved ones back. They'd get what's coming to him soon enough.

"I'm gonna steal it." Makoto didn't turn when he heard that. The bartender laughed but he knew...she was very serious. Gracefully and without a sound he left his seat in the corner of the room and slid into the stool next to hers. "Hey can you get me some virgin pina colda? Got to work tonight can't be intoxicated!" he said smiling and winking to the bartender like a weirdo. That got the man leaving right away.

The green-haired young man laughed quietly, "that got rid of him. Nice to meet you I'm Makoto..."he paused realizing what it might've looked like. "And I'm not hitting on you. I'd like to join you in this venture."

Kyoshoku 10-09-2010 11:54 PM

Cyra stepped off of her Gummy ship and she breathed in the city air that was Belleve. All around her, brightly colored buildings and dark lights contrasted starkly with each other. This city - was it bathed in darkness? Or were the citizens strong enough to repel the dark for a while yet?

It was hard to tell.

Striding forward, Cyra moved about the processing fees and registering her ship with the town. A log of the people who came and went. From there she moved towards the hotel, the only one that she liked upon instantly seeing it, she bought herself a room but didn't quite go to it just yet.

No. Instead she got back onto the streets and found her way to the research facility the dreaded Keyblade had been made.

Standing there, she stared at the building, quietly humming to herself.

Not yet. But soon. I'll get my chance soon.

((___jade___))> 10-10-2010 12:16 PM

{{~*@Juju and Foxie: Do you mean katars?*~}}

Glad to have his feet back on solid ground, Zephyr let out a sigh as he hurried away from the ship. Finally, he was in Bevelle. He was just as relieved to be at the end of his journey (for now) as he was to be off of the unstable ground provided by the gummy ship. If there had been any other way to get here, he would have gladly taken it.

Cocking his head to the side quickly to cause a satisfying crack, Zephyr pressed into the streets which was dotted with people. At this point, he was unsure of where to go. From what he knew, there were no guilds or anything that were specifically for Keyblade wielders; many of them preferred to keep their blade a secret. Zephyr personally could not imagine wanting to do such a thing. Perhaps some had good reasons though.

Whatever the case, Zephyr had found no obvious place of gathering for those he wished to locate, though his search had been rather limited. Stopping in the middle of the crawling path, he fiddled with the goggles around his neck as he looked this way and that. Which way, which way...?

With no other obvious option, Zephyr picked a direction at random and started to walk. Perhaps he could come across a popular-looking bar or restaurant. That would be his best bet at this point. Locals who knew the little rumors and whisperings would be easy to locate at a bar, especially finding chatty ones. Alcohol worked wonders, though Zephyr himself refused to touch the stuff. Besides; Zephyr was getting hungry. His trip had been long and he had not dared to eat much for fear of it flying right back out.

"Oi, watch it, kid!" Zephyr jumped and almost summoned his blade in surprise as a burly man bumped into him. The smelly man gave him a nearly-toothless scowl as he continued on his way. Shaking his head quickly, Zephyr continued on. He could tell that he was getting to the shadier side of town. It made little difference to him though. Zephyr was rather used to being around "types", as most called them.

Again picking at random, Zephyr stepped into a bar, flinching immediately against the thick smoke. The place smelled of alcohol, mold, and sweaty old men. It made him want to leave, but he would get nothing done if he let that sort of attitude control him.

Sliding into a stool at the bar, he could not help but overhear the words "hit on". Zephyr snorted into his shoulder, though his mouth remained in its traditional frown. He looked up as an overly-busty waitress stood behind the bar, apparently there to assist the busy bartender. "Just give me something without alcohol and some food." He said with a wave of his hand, trying hard to look at her face and not the other face-sized parts of her body showing.

"Coming right up!" The girl chirped, bouncing in an obviously deliberate way. It was nearly impossible not to watch the jellious way her breasts jiggled. Making a face as she walked away, Zephyr ducked away from the sight, pressing his palm into his forehead. Hopefully not all of the women around here were like that...

Jurinjo 10-11-2010 01:34 PM

((Katar would make sense. I love those weapons but they always make me think assassin. Makoto is a dancer so he gets, the ever manly, fans lol
By the way Kyo is Cyra's being "lost to the dark" mean she's a nobody? ))

Flight Lieutenant Vince Balestrom massaged his throbbing temples as he gulped down the thick black liquid. Maybe the caffeine would rid of him the headache. Since early morning he had been coordinating everyone to move out as ranking officer. However the military was only escorting the cargo til they reached the world gate. After that Lt. Balestrom would be the only military personnel and the civilians he had to interact with were just testing his patience. Was it too much to ask they get along? What was the company thinking when they assigned the people they did?

"Mr. Balestrom!" a young man probably only a few years younger than him came waving frantically. Probably another domestic "crisis" started again. At this rate he'd be 26 with a full head of gray hair. Balestrom raised his hand to silence him. "Just lead."

Foxie 10-11-2010 07:51 PM

Mira looked to beside. His gotta be gay. She thought to her self. She looked around thinking that this person must of been really listening since everyone else was up and bout talking at the corners of the room or mostly by the pool tables. "What makes you think that I wasn't just playing when I said that? I mean, I could of been drinking before I came. Being underage doesn't stop people you know." I smiled and pulled out a small Keyblade key chain, spinning it on the bar.
I looked around the room. If Im going to have this conversation I shold move it to a better place. I thought. "Why dont you fallow me? I need a smoke and some fresh air," I said as I got up and walked to the door. I stopped thinking about what I said and realized that it didn't quite go together. "Well you know what I mean." I said looking over my shoulder at him. My hair falling over one eye.
I need to watch it here. I dont need people knowing who I am or what I can do. "Doesn't help if you show off ever chance you get, Mira!" A flash back of me and my sister Kemera. "Im not showing off! Im just," I replied as my sister and I were sparring at our old home. She flung forward, throwing her sword my way. I jumped back pulling out my katars and and cutting her wooden sword in half. "Your getting better though, sis." Kemera smiled and told em while picking up her broken sword.
As the flash back ended I found myself out side. Cigarette lite and rain slightly falling around me. I looked at the while taking a drag and holding on to my keyblade key chain tight.

Originally Posted by Jurinjo (Post 206736)
((Sorry I had work and other things to take care of I was exhausted yesterday I passed out for 12 hours x__x By the way what is "her katara's"? I keep picturing that girl from
Avatar the last air bender xD

Oh and you reminded me I forgot an appearance section haha xD; it's there now. ))

Makoto didn't need ships like the other people did. The lucky bastards...they still had hearts while as angry as he wanted to be about it Makoto just couldn't. The forgotten blade had been under tight security but apparently that wasn't even enough for the company leeching of folks who wanted their loved ones back. They'd get what's coming to him soon enough.

"I'm gonna steal it." Makoto didn't turn when he heard that. The bartender laughed but he knew...she was very serious. Gracefully and without a sound he left his seat in the corner of the room and slid into the stool next to hers. "Hey can you get me some virgin pina colda? Got to work tonight can't be intoxicated!" he said smiling and winking to the bartender like a weirdo. That got the man leaving right away.

The green-haired young man laughed quietly, "that got rid of him. Nice to meet you I'm Makoto..."he paused realizing what it might've looked like. "And I'm not hitting on you. I'd like to join you in this venture."

((___jade___))> 10-11-2010 09:55 PM

A colourful drink was shoved in front of Zephyr after a few moments. Mumbling a thanks, Zephyr decided not to look up in case it was that female again. Sometimes he thought he might hate girls. Some of them were just so annoying...

Glancing over at the two he had first noticed in the bar, Zephyr's eyes landed on the girl's keychain. It was hard for him to look at anything else now. This was what he was looking for, anyway. A hungry look came to his eyes; some might have thought he was some kind of creeper if they saw him sitting there, looking like that.

However, it looked like the two were going to leave. Zephyr would have to decide if he should follow them or just wait for a different opportunity. He went back and forth with the idea for what felt like an hour, when in fact it was not even a minute. He had already lost sight of the girl, so he decided to just wait. He was tired from the trip anyway; he had a better chance for a clear head if he allowed himself some rest first.

Kyoshoku 10-12-2010 12:46 AM

((No, just like when Sora was sucked up into the dark a couple times, and other people saved him - or even his Keyblade, Cyra was the same way. The only thing keeping her safe was Oathkeeper and the promise she'd made. ))

Cyra returned to the inn, slow, careful strides having her take her time. She was tired - having been traveling for quite some time, and her body was beginning to wane. Still, there was more recon to do and she could take a power nap later. Either that or use a Cura spell to aid the aches and pains.

While it was a dangerous line to ride, Cyra did it often.

Cura healed the body of physical ailments. It would not work if the Keybearer were sick. It did not replenish mental health. While the body might have been able to function, the mind would slowly degrade. Cyra had been awake for something close to three days now. Five was her maximum.

She planned to sleep, because having a tired mind in a battle would lead to easy defeat.

Slipping herself on the barstool, she waved at the waitress and ordered something low-key. She'd never been to this world before, and drinking what may or may not contain incredibly strong alcohol was always a bad idea. Luckily it was juice. . . Of some kind. Oathbreaker trembled slightly, telling her another Keybearer was nearby.

She smiled slightly to herself. Allies or friends? Who knew.

Jurinjo 10-14-2010 01:25 AM

((@Kyo: oh okay ^_^ Glad Makoto remains unique xD
@Foxie: funny she thinks he's gay hahaha...hmm I didn't think of that he might actually be! -let's his characters develop on their own- ))

"Okay!" he said excitedly like a puppy following her out. Makoto knew better to watch for any danger though and though he expertly hid any hints of it he noticed the slight change in her face. A far off look as she thought deeply about something. Past or future he couldn't discern yet.

After reaching the outdoors he waited first for her to pull a cigarette and light before speaking. Makoto was more serious now in comparision to a few seconds ago but nontheless still remained a little jubilant. "So you were serious. I have no doubts at all. Even though I can't get the item myself I'd rather try that than with a girl who lacks any skill." he said sneaking in a soft patronizing tone to provoke her.

Foxie 10-14-2010 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by Jurinjo (Post 220516)
((@Kyo: oh okay ^_^ Glad Makoto remains unique xD
@Foxie: funny she thinks he's gay hahaha...hmm I didn't think of that he might actually be! -let's his characters develop on their own- ))

"Okay!" he said excitedly like a puppy following her out. Makoto knew better to watch for any danger though and though he expertly hid any hints of it he noticed the slight change in her face. A far off look as she thought deeply about something. Past or future he couldn't discern yet.

After reaching the outdoors he waited first for her to pull a cigarette and light before speaking. Makoto was more serious now in comparision to a few seconds ago but nontheless still remained a little jubilant. "So you were serious. I have no doubts at all. Even though I can't get the item myself I'd rather try that than with a girl who lacks any skill." he said sneaking in a soft patronizing tone to provoke her.

"What makes you think that I would help you get something that I, myself, am clearly after?" I could string you along and kill you when your not looking." Mira hid the sound of pain in her voice as she wanted to jump at the fact that someone was wanting to help her instead of being alone. She couldn't help but remember that not everyone is what they seem in this world or in any world.
Taking a drag from her cigarette that was getting wet and flicker in the light rain. She faced him and walked forward. Stopping just far enough not to push him back with her chest she looked closely in his eyes. Cocking a sly and sexy grin she cocked her head to one side, letting her long redish purple hair slide out from her hood and to her left side.
"What makes you think that I wont just you use you for my own desires and leave you on some world with nothing but your weapons?" She watched him for just a split second more before quickly turning. She stood there with her back turned.
There had to be something.... Something she was missing, she thought as she calculated exactly what she had to do to get everything she needed. She didn't want to use him and then leave him somewhere, though she knows that she could.
"You must trust me! You cant just pretend that everyone is trying to hurt you!" She heard her sister say in her ear. Almost as if she was there with her.

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