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AceValkyrie 09-14-2010 11:39 AM

+Cursed Sacrifice [Open/Accepting]

Warning: This Role-Play includes mild gore.

This world was once filled with laughter and happiness. The humans lived in their houses worried free, they even watched the sunset with their loved ones, and welcomed it every morning. The humans didn't know what kind of danger would fall upon them, that their happiness would soon fade away...

Welcome to our world, no such thing as laughter, only peeks of happiness found in the corner of the cities. No such thing as the sun, darkness has taken over.. Vampires and Werewolves are the kings and queens of the world, killing, raping, sucking the life out of humans. The humans feel soo alone, so lost, thinking there is no one to help them.. but they forgot about us, The Warriors, the cursed dolls, who are destined to sacrifice their life to protect the humans..

They have forgotten the ones that once saved them, the ones that once spared their lives and gave them the opportunity to flee death. They have forgotten the Warriors, making them a forgotten myth and moving on without them, kicking them out of their lives. Leaving them forgotten and unloved... But the Warriors still fight, they still fight for their loved humans, for its their duty and destiny to risk their lives, even die for the humans survival.. Because thats their destiny and purpose to life..

OOC + Profiles thread

Table of contents

- - > x {Welcome}
- - > x Rules
- - > x Story/Plot
- - > x Warriors/ Vampire Hunters/ Humans/ Victor and his pack of Werewolves/ The Vampire Z family & their coven
- - > x To Join

AceValkyrie 09-14-2010 11:57 AM

The rules are simple to follow. Follow them and we will get along. Follow them and the thread will stay clean. FOLLOW them and we will be happy. If you don't FOLLOW them, you will be kicked out of the role play.

1. The most important rule of all. Follow the rules and ToS of Trisphee PLEASE. If you didn't get a chance to take a look at the site rules and role play rules, please go take a look at them.
2. Be literate yet considerate. We aren't running a competition on who is more literate then whom. If you have a lot to say please break it down. Be detailed but not too detailed, try to avoid unnecessary details and get to the point (: Seeing a page worth of writing is a turn off to most people and most of the time grabs their attention away from the RP. SO please don't try to kill us ):
3. Do not submit for the role play and leave, if you are no longer interested in the role play, please PM and we will work something out. If you don't PM me the application, you will be ignored. If you leave the RP you will be deleted from the Role play.
4. Please do not cyber or add too much details. This RP does have gore in it, but please stay away from explaining on things too much. If someone gets stabbed, and blood gets on you, we get the point.. No need to add more detail to it, let our minds imagine it instead.
5. Be nice to EVERYONE in this thread.
6. Do not God-mod please. No one is the god in the story, I am just the owner of this thread and story. We are all equal, even if one being is stronger then the other. No one is better then the other and no is stronger then the other. If you dream of being the God of this RP please kick it out of your head because that won't happen in this RP, and its completely impossible with this story line.
7. There can only be 10 warriors.
8. I may change the rules when ever I feel like it.
9. Understand that this is a mild-gore RP. Please DO NOT take it far or you will be personally warned by me and possibly by an Admin/moderator.
10. This role play is nothing like twilight. Vampires don't shine and are not nice. Werewolves do hurt humans and hunt them. But it is very possible for a vampire/werewolf to fall in love with a warrior/human/hunter
11. You may only have a max number of 2 characters, how ever you may only have 1 warrior.

Table of contents

- - > x Welcome
- - > x {Rules}
- - > x Story/Plot
- - > x Warriors/ Vampire Hunters/ Humans/ Victor and his pack of Werewolves/ The Vampire Z family & their coven
- - > x To Join

AceValkyrie 09-14-2010 12:17 PM

1000 years ago a small town was being haunted by a man named Saul who was later on named "Vampire Z". No one knew where he came from, or who he was. Most humans thought he was a normal human being who runs a gang of sadistic murderers, but they thought wrong. The more Vampire Z killed the stronger he got, and the more people were added in his clan. The Vampires where the devils among the humans. Human-kind prayed for 30 years for a solution to get rid of these Demons. Then one day 10 new born babies where born into the town. All 10 of the new born babies had the same mark on their neck, it was called the dragon eye. The day they where born the villagers knew that they will protect them, the 10 new born babies where named the Warriors. As they grew up, they where trained and loved by everyone in the town people. They learned to fight, to cook, and most importantly they learned to use their eternal powers wisely. They were made perfect in every way, their personality, behavior, skills and looks, but their duty and destiny was cruel. They were to die after they complete their mission, and for that reason, they were nicknamed "The cursed dolls". After 18 years they finally where ready to defeat the vampires, but they had realized to defeat the vampires, the warriors are to defeat the master of the vampires, Z, but that was impossible, for their strength was no match to Vampire Z's and Vampire Z had created a family of his own, whom are equally as strong as him. They succeeded to lock his powers for 700 years. 800 years latter the Samurai Warriors were born again, with the same purpose, to defeat Vampire Z, his family and his clan. But by then Vampire Z was 10 times stronger then the last battle, he hade 100 to master his powers and get ready for the battle, and he did. But worst of all, a new being emerged with him. The werewolves were as strong as the vampires, they had the same purpose.. To kill human kind. Another being, another challenge. Who will win? will the human kind survive?

The Warriors are born again in Tokyo, Japan, but this time they have ally's. They live peacefully amongst other humans, completely covering up who they really are. The humans have forgotten who they are, but only a few humans were allowed to know about them and they are the ones who protect the warriors and take care of them. As time went by, Vampire Z haunted a few humans to recover his powers, so then humans came together and trained themselves to become Vampire Hunters. When the Warriors found out about the vampire haunters, they became friends and became allies to defeat Vampire Z. But there is another problem awaiting them. Not only do the Warriors have to defeat Vampire Z, but they also have to defeat the Werewolves who are as strong as them. No one knows how the werewolves came across to existence, the only thing they know is that they are out to kill every human out there.
The Warriors live together, train together, and go to school together. They don't let any harm come near their fellow warriors or the humans including the vampire hunters. Vampire Z lives in a castle in the forest, and no one can ever find it except for werewolves and vampires.
Vampire's and werewolves are friends, they kill together and sometimes live together. In the year of 2012, there is no such thing as sun light. The sun comes up, but the dark clouds cover up the bright sky. They city of Tokyo is filled with darkness, and there is no escape until evil itself is defeated.
Table of contents

- - > x Welcome
- - > x Rules
- - > x {Story/Plot}
- - > x Warriors/ Vampire Hunters/ Humans/ Victor and his pack of Werewolves/ The Vampire Z family & their coven
- - > x To Join

AceValkyrie 09-14-2010 12:34 PM

There can only be 10 Warriors. They are the strongest being beside the vampires and werewolves. They are known as cursed dolls because they have the looks, and skills, but their only purpose to life is to destroy Vampire Z, his family and the werewolves, and after that comes their death. Even though they are called the cursed dolls, most people fail to realize that they are normal people, they make mistakes, they regret some of their actions, they forget, they get hurt, they fall in love and every other characteristics in a human. They may seem perfect, but they really arent. Warriors are born into normal families, all human, but when they are 6 years old they are taken away from their family by an elderly warrior protector who has survived for 1000 years. He trains each one of them until the age of 10 and sends them to live with the rest of the warriors. Over 800 years, the warriors have evolved, they have become part vampire, but not full vampire. They need blood to survive, but its not a big problem...yet.

Vampire Z, his family and his clan
Vampire Z and his clan live in a castle in the forest, but no other being except for wereolves knows where they live. Every week Vampire Z's clan goes out hunting for humans, and to find any signs of where the Warriors are hidden. Vampire Z once created a family of his own 1000 years ago because he felt lonely, he now has a Wife who is as strong as him, a daughter and a son.

Victor and his pack of Werewolves
Victor is the Alpha of his pack and he is best friends with Vampire Z. Only him and few werewolves know how werewolves came across to existence. Werewolves live in the forest as well, but not in the castle. Instead they choose to live in a small part of a forest, under tents. Werewolves hunt on humans, kill them, and who knows what else they do to them.

Vampire hunters
Vampire hunters are normal humans, but a few of these vampire hunters have succeeded to gain a little bit of power on their way, but of course, they have to be related to the warriors in someway to get that power.

Victor and his pack of Werewolves
Victor is the Alpha, the king of all werewolves and he is best friends with Vampire Z. Only him and few werewolves know how werewolves came across to existence. Werewolves live in the forest as well, but not in the castle. Instead they choose to live in a small part of a forest, under tents. Werewolves hunt on humans, kill them, and who knows what else they do to them.

They are the few humans who were allowed to be a part of the warriors lifes. They protect them and take care of them, they love them and are friends with them. Every week one of the humans bring bottles of blood for the warriors.

Table of contents

- - > x Welcome
- - > x Rules
- - > x Story/Plot
- - > x {Warriors/ Vampire Hunters/ Humans/ Victor and his pack of Werewolves/ The Vampire Z family & their coven}
- - > x To Join

AceValkyrie 09-14-2010 01:00 PM

Please PM me the applications

I want to be a Warrior
Picture: [im]  IMG URL  [/img]
Ability: (2 abilities max)

Vampire hunters

I want to be a Vampire Hunter
Picture: [im]  **  [/img]
Interest/Skills: (2 abilities max)

Vampire Z name is Saul, but he goes by Vampire Z to the warriors and vampires, and to the rest who know him. Feel free to give him your own middle and/or last name.

I want to be Vampire Z
Human Name: Saul ___
Age: 1000 years old but look 30
Picture: [im]  **  [/img]
Bio: Vampire Z was once born as a human being called Saul. Vampire Z lived happily with his family, but everyone failed to see his older brothers dark side. Vampire Z's brother experimented with blood, mixing human blood with animal blood, but who would he test this one? Vampire Z's brother decided to test the mixed blood on Saul, known as Vampire Z. For years he tortured Saul, making him go through extreme pain without anyone finding out. One day his father walked into the scene of Saul's older brother injecting a newly made mix into his blood. Saul's father threatened him, but it only got Saul's brother madder and madder, until he broke down and killed his whole family, but kept Saul alive. What Saul's brother failed to realize was that he created a new creature, he was the first vampire to ever exist. Saul's body slowly started to change, he started to get a thirst for blood, and his body became immortal, even his personality changed. Finally Vampire Z faced his brother and killed him once and for all, but after the kill he wanted more. That day he started to kill mortals, whilst doing so, he accidentally created a few vampires. Then he realized what his true powers where, and that day he vowed to take revenge on human kind in anyway he can. But then the Warriors stepped in, equally strong as him, to defeat him, but Vampire Z would never let them get in his way.

Vampire Z (Saul) has a wife, a daughter, and a son. Use this application and send it to me if you want to be one of them.

I want to be Vampire Z's ____.
Age: 1000 years but looks ___ years old
Picture: [im]  **  [/img]


I want to be a Vampire
Picture: [im]  **  [/img]
Ability: (2 abilities max)



I want to be Victor
Name: Victor _____.
Age: 600 years old but looks 60 years old.
Picture: [img]  **  [/img]
Picture of werewolf appearance: [img] ** [/img]
Bio: 600 years ago, Victor was bitten by an infected werewolf, instantly turning him into a werewolf. Of course Victor thought it wasn't a big deal, until one night his mother died and he was forced into his werewolf form. From there on, Victor knew what he was. He researched about it, learned about it, and decided to create more of him. As time went on his hungry for killing grew and he killed more and more humans, and at one point created werewolves and added them to his pack. Victor decided to create a family, to have a son, and a daughter who can carry on his blood. One day he mated with a werewolf, who became his wife and she bore him a daughter and song.
Ability: (2 abilities max)

Victor has one wife, one daughter, and one son.

I want to be Victors ___.
Age:595 years but looks ___.
Picture: [img]  **  [/img]
Picture of werewolf appearance" [img] ** [/img]
Ability: (2 abilities max)


I want to be a Werewolve
Picture: [img]  **  [/img]
Picture of werewolf appearance" [img] ** [/img]
Ability: (2 abilities max)


I want to be a Human
Picture: [im]  **  [/img]
Interest/Skills: (2 abilities max)

Table of contents

- - > x Welcome
- - > x Rules
- - > x Story/Plot
- - > x Warriors/ Vampire Hunters/ Humans/ Victor and his pack of Werewolves/ The Vampire Z family & their coven
- - > x {To Join}

AceValkyrie 09-14-2010 01:04 PM

Main events

Sept.14.2010- RP opened and Accepting

Images provided by Google.
Story/plot is completely owned by AceValkyrie (me)
Table of contents

- - > x Welcome
- - > x {Rules}
- - > x Story/Plot
- - > x Warriors/ Vampire Hunters/ Humans/ Victor and his pack of Werewolves/ The Vampire Z family & their coven
- - > x To Join

AceValkyrie 09-14-2010 02:43 PM

Mercy Faith Vincent

Mercy stared at the vampire and werewolf holograms that stood right in front of her in the training room. Her hands tightly griped around her gun, her body steady as she focused her mind on the holograms. She could feel the tension that was building up in the room from her aura.
Her eyes stayed on the holograms as they slowly fell apart, the things Mercy could do with her mind. She was focused and in the moment, but in a split second her focus was lost because of her hunger for blood. Her stomach growled loudly, there is no way she could train with an empty stomach.
Mercy slowly walked towards the big storage table where every warrior kept their weapons. She clicked the button on her part of the storage table, a screen popping up in front of her to scan her eyes.
"All set..." Mercy thought to herself and ran to the fridge for some blood.

Morgan 09-21-2010 06:09 PM

Pow! The pistol went off and Finn watched as the bullet tore through the air, finally reaching its target, his eyes never blinked or moved, he just watched. A steady calculating glare, one hand firmly clutching the gun. He slowly pulled back the shadows he had caused to appear and looked over the damage done to the wall. Certainly there were enough places to train in the facility but this wasn't training, this was just his form of entertainment. He reloaded and shot at the wall a few more times, just so he could hear the bullets attempt to bury themselves in the concrete. He wasn't sure why he enjoyed this so much, he just did. He reloaded again and walked back inside the facility, he had just gotten some blood only a few short hours ago, but already his stomach was beginning to protest his actions. He sighed and contemplated whether or not he should go get some more, but decided it was best to wait, the waiting would make him stronger and that was really all that mattered in this world: strength. He passed by the fridge and saw one of his fellow warriors partaking in the crimson liquid. He nodded his head quickly at her and muttered some sort of greeting doubting she would even hear him at all. He knew her to be Mercy, but as he tended to keep to himself that was about all he knew of her, all he knew was that she was his comrade and that made her someone that he didn't really need to be jumpy around.

AceValkyrie 09-22-2010 06:01 PM

Mercy watched Finn walk by as she gulped down the blood, avoiding its smell. Even though Mercy has spent most of her life drinking this blood, she was still not used to the smell or the taste. It didn't taste good, and all it did was satisfy her hunger.
Her eyes drifted over to the gun shots pierced through the wall then it drifted back to the blood bottle sitting in her hands. How can vampires love this so much? Even though she is part vampire, she will never understand the urge they have. She may need it as much as they do, but she won't let it turn her evil or make her kill anybody.. Because killing a human for their blood would be wrong, and most importantly against her very nature.

Morgan 09-22-2010 10:12 PM

Finn smelled the crimson liquid on her lips, his stomach turned a few flips and he sighed. It would seem he would have to give in to the red temptress's call. He sauntered over to the fridge and retrieved what his body yearned for, a sigh escaped his lips as he drank it. He hated the taste, but the relief he felt was absolutely glorious. It was like giving water to a man who had been left in the desert to die. He closed his eyes as he finished and slowly opened them to look over to Mercy. He knew she must find him strange, but his mission was to slowly try to make his constant need for blood not so overpowering, he knew he could never fully wean himself from it but he was going to try, even if it was destroying him. He looked over to Mercy again and decided that he should maybe try to assert himself. "Hello there, how is your training coming along?"

AceValkyrie 09-23-2010 06:08 PM

Mercy tried not to breath in the scent of the blood. Her eyes slowly opened as she heard a soft voice, and she knew right then it was Finn. Not being the talkative type, Mercy never really had a serious conversation with Finn, and this wasn't a serious conversation so far.
"Hello.." Mercy said softly setting the empty bottle aside and whipping the blood off of her lips before she continued to talk. "Good.. But it could go better..." She responded softly. She may be a mean person, but she made sure to not be mean to her fellow warriors... At least not all the time.
"How is your training going?" She asked softly, walking over to the trash can to dispose the empty bottle.

Morgan 09-24-2010 11:29 PM

Clearing his throat, Finn muttered a positive reply. He wasn't exactly sure where to go with this from here, and the female obviously did not seem remotely pleased by the fact that his vocal chords had admitted some form of sound into the air. He grunted and threw away the remains of his snack and walked out of the area, deciding that maybe this whole "conversation" thing wasn't his style after all. He was simply too awkward for that to ever really work out, and it would seem that Mercy would much rather him keep to himself. He walked along the the hallway and he heard the rather obnoxious noise of his boots hitting the tile, he hated that sound, the way it echoed down the hallway, reminding him exactly how empty his life was. How empty this place was...he felt his stomach turn at the thought of his own existence. He was destined to take of normal humans, just like he once was, he wished he was one of them. He wished he was the one protected and not a protector, now his whole family's blood was destined to be on his two hands...

Poggio 09-26-2010 02:37 AM

It was amusing to watch the man panic. Vitto traced his steps as his servant attempted to find suitable attire for him. He scurried from one dresser to another in the vain hopes of trying to find something that would please Lord Victor. Vitto happened to like this servant but he would never admit it aloud. He simply pretended to be displeased with every thing. When his little game ended he decided he had settled on a black blouse and matching jeans. Vitto had no intention of staying with his family. He secretly tucked away a change of clothing into a satchel before exciting into the wolf camp. Another servant that his father kept on retainer joined him at his heels. He followed patiently waiting to see if Vitto wanted anything else. He stopped when Vitto reached the boundaries of the tent camp. No servant ever questioned the wolves, so he was free to come and go as he pleased.

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