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Lucid: 11-27-2012 07:55 PM

Last night on Twitter, somebody asked a seemingly simple question: "Why aren't there more lady game creators?" It's a really good question, and one I wish wasn't a problem. However, sexism is a huge problem in the gaming industry, and in response to one person's curiosity, many women in the industry have been speaking up.

#1ReasonWhy is the hashtag that popped up in response to the question, and soon many women game designers, animators, journalists, and other professionals told their stories about the challenges they have faced concerning sexism in their careers. Some of the experiences are heartbreaking, some are sickening, and some are inspiring. I've loved reading through the twitter feed about these women.

I wish that there were more females in the professional video games industry. I've seen too many examples of games where women are portrayed in oversexualized ways in order to "appeal to teenage boys" who are supposedly the richest market for games. Perhaps surprisingly, there are more adult females playing video games than teenage males! Even worse is the treatment of female professionals in the gaming industry. Having more female game creators would help to broaden the industry, but there needs to be an increased awareness that women are not only interested, but also good at making games!

We shouldn't have to specify that we are "girl gamers." We don't call anybody a "boy gamer." We should be seen and treated as equals in both playing games and creating them.

Girls, what are some of your favorite games? Would you ever consider creating your own game? If you could make your own game, what would it be like?

Espy 11-27-2012 09:00 PM

I've wanted to create videogames for almost all my life, to be honest...Still am, even though I realize I'd probably have to learn a decent amount of coding before I can really be serious about pursuing that.

So I ran into the gaming section in some store (forgot which), and noticed a huge array of Halo, MW, other various FPS games, fighting stuff...There were shelves of this stuff, and quite a few of what looked like M-rated games, based on covers.

...And then there was a "Girl's Games" section. About a 4x3 shelf with games on virtual pets, virtual dating...

...I mean, seriously? Granted, I'm not exactly the usual "girl"...but I can still plop down on a sofa (or ground) full of my guyfriends...or occasionally guys that I don't know very well and are three years older than me...and play Modern Warfare or Halo. And then at home, I play Assassin's Creed and MMORPGs. I found that shelf to be insulting as hell.

I've been doing character designs for my friends, and we've been rather naively chasing after the dream of making a 3D RPG. We've two girls and two guys on the team; I and the other girl do all of the art because my guyfriends have not a single artistic hair on their heads, but they also come to me for storyline and character personalities. Once, the main storyline guy joking asked if we should add a stereotypical sexualized female character in the plot just to gan interest, and the lead programmer (I love the guy. He's amazing) shot down the idea immediately while I just brushed it off.

...Which brings up the point, why do people seem to think that games NEED this sort of "hook" to reel in interest?

On a tangent, but I mentioned to my dad over Thanksgiving break that I might seriously consider buying a longboard so that I can get around a bit more easily (CMU is hilly and my backpack is often a quarter of my own weight). His response was "I've never seen a girl use those before. Aren't those usually a guy sort of thing?"

...I was not a happy camper that day.



My favorite games are fantasy MMORPGs, although I've recently started looking into sci-fi MMORPGs and single-player RPGs like Assassin's Creed.

Lucid: 11-28-2012 01:22 AM

Good for your lead programmer! That's the kind of attitude that more game designers need to have! I don't think games really "need" that kind of hook for them to be interesting, but many oblivious game designers believe that it's necessary. Penny Arcade did a great article on games with female leads here. I was shocked at the numbers. It's total BS that games with female protagonists are given half the marketing budget of other games.
Anyway, best of luck on your game! I hope to see some hardcore female heroes out of you! I'll definitely buy it when you guys get it published. :)

I'm not a huge fan of shooters, but that's just my play preference. Any game with a rich story and background and art, I'll at least sit and watch somebody play, if not play it myself. Virtual pet/dating/garbage games are terribly insulting. They shouldn't even exist. The only virtual life game that's any good is The Sims, and that game is very rich and well done and I not only like making up great characters, but also burning them to death.

I suggest you get a longboard. A girl that lived in my old apartment complex/neigborhood/thing rode one up and down the street on a longboard for fun all the time. She was really cool and I didn't feel like it was a "guy" thing at all. LIVE YOUR DREAMS.

Espy 11-28-2012 02:19 AM

Lucid, I think you're missing a major issue here: The lead programmer and storyline...-er are both YOUNGER than me. Hence, naiveté. That thing has a minuscule chance of ever reaching completion.

Lucid: 11-28-2012 02:29 AM

Meeh. If you push it and get everyone really dead-set on finishing it, I bet you can make it happen. Sometimes naive dedication is the very thing you need.

Espy 11-28-2012 02:37 AM

Dude, we've got four people on the team XD Not nearly enough when we (mostly the lead programmer and storyline-er) are bent on producing something on par Fantasy.

gremlin 11-28-2012 02:50 AM

I would absolutely love having something that I have written developed into a video game for others to enjoy! I've been really thinking about that for my sci-fi, I can hope right?

As for favorite games I absolutely love both Mass Effect and Halo. I can sit in the basement for an entire day playing video games, I just genuinely enjoy playing games. Skyrim is good too, started Dragon Age and I think that I'll love that as well. And Borderlands, yes. I play video games with my boyfriend all the time.

I'm half asleep but I'd rant about sexism in the gaming industry and sexism towards women who enjoy gaming but yeah. Too tired. Bed time.

Demonskid 11-28-2012 06:58 AM

I will say this. I love games.

I like MMORPGs and RPGs.

When it comes to MMORPGs, I look for the 3d anime style but i get pissed if a class or a race only comes in one gender. Like EE for example, they had female Bear and Mice NPCs but when it came to the playable Bear and Mice races, it was male only. There was one MMO where girls could only be the Cleric or Mage where the males got the classes with all the guns, sharp and pointies and everything else. =/ so pissed and didnt even start playing that one.

when it comes to RPGs on the game consoles, i like things like Tales of the world, Final Fantasy, Grandia, Pokemon, Digimon, (OKAMI :< ) .hack, Zelda, ect. Games that have a story and a point. Tho there is a few games with an exception. Evil Zone. its basically like those mortal combat games but with anime graphics xp

Someone got me a game for Xmas tht wasn't on my list of games to get. The reason he got me this game... was because the girl on the cover had big boobs and wanted to watch me play it. during the game as the character fights, her clothes get more and more torn up. To be honest i hate the game, but i refused to give it away till i've beaten it xp. I'm all for games were the hero is a female and stuff.. but not when their clothes get torn just to excite the males who are playing it. =/

Asami 11-28-2012 11:47 AM

I too love gaming xD
me and my little brother will sit downstairs and play games and comment on each others game, or tell each other when something happened.
If I could id play games all day.. they are just so addicting.
Some of my favorites are pokemon, digimon (especially worlds1-4 and dusk), skylanders, kingdom hearts (absolutely love 358/2 and all the others xD), LoZ(my favorites are minish cap and windwaker), and so much more. Though honestly I like watching others play gamed more than playing them myself. x3 its just fun to me.

Personally I believe the name girl gamer describes the "cute" girls posing with controllers and such who don't know bow to play a game. The rest of us are just gamers.

Demonskid 11-28-2012 12:47 PM

Asami's post reminded me of this -w-


Rosekitten 11-28-2012 04:15 PM

Actually I'm going to be one of the artists for the company a group of us are making. That's what I plan to change my major to when I get back into college as well. As far as games I play.. I tend to play MMO's the most or games that my husband and myself can play with our friends through a private server. As far as non MMO's mainly Harvest Moon, though I do enjoy a slue of other games. (I tend to stay away from games where the woman all dress as sluts -.- that or it better have a darn good story for me to put up with the eye sore.) As far as my thoughts on the label... I normally don't go about blabbing I am a girl in MMO's your asking for trouble than and any of the females who do that just want attention if you ask me. I use to work in GameStop and I know very well how I was treated by my fellow co-workers. At the least the customers were mostly nice. Seeing as I knew the material I was talking about a lot of times I think I scared the guys off actually... Though it is funny to watch some guy walk from one end of the store to the other just to talk to a male that was working. x'D

Demonskid 11-28-2012 04:30 PM

its more fun to let them think you a boy then when you get in raidcall or teamspeak and you start talking and they be all 'wait what the fuck your a girl!?" x'D so amusing =w=

Espy 11-28-2012 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Demonskid (Post 1439057)
its more fun to let them think you a boy then when you get in raidcall or teamspeak and you start talking and they be all 'wait what the fuck your a girl!?" x'D so amusing =w=

HAH. So I play as a guy on Vindictus (I play as a guy on most MMOs), and the other two guys in my party decided to use voicechat. (Keep in mind that Vindictus is a 13+ game.) The other male character was a ten-year-old boy. The female character was a 19-ish guy. I was asked to prove that I'm a girl, and so I tried. I seriously tried, but the older guy said "...That sounds like a guy."

I got a decent laugh out of that.

Rosekitten 11-29-2012 01:52 PM

eh i got to the point where i got use to the response. XP or people acted stupid so i tend to not speak in mmo's unless its my home guild. Though it was funny a few times when i raid lead some pick up groups and they were like wait its a chick? I was like yes, my character is a chick and my username of rosekitten.. i hope im a chick D;

Asami 11-29-2012 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Demonskid (Post 1438884)
Asami's post reminded me of this -w-


XD that is perfect.

Oh I actually just got a new game. And im super excited to play it but I have to wait until after we are done moving my gma.

Demonskid 11-29-2012 03:48 PM

apparently demon like names are male names so there are no such thing as female demons or so i am told on mmos xD

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