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gremlin 11-07-2012 01:41 PM

Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC!

The newest addition to Mass Effect 3, Omega which will be released November 27th, will involve Shepard teaming up with Aria the infamous queen of Omega and a mysterious female Turian named Nyraan to take Omega back from Cerberus.

Appearance of female Turians has been released, specifically this is the female Turian Nyraan who you will team up with along side Aria during the Omega DLC. They resemble the male Turians but of course have distinct differences that set them apart.

There has also been a video, here, revealing the first 15 minutes of the Omega DLC where you are seen with Aria, your only companion, and you also see when Nyraan joins you. Just like any other companions you can play around with their powers.

Unfortunately this means that you can not bring a companion of your choice with you, at least that is what it looks like at the moment. It is not clear yet if Aria and Nyraan will be your companions throughout the entire DLC or for a few missions. It is also not clear if they will become permanent companions or if they are just temporary for the DLC.

Leaked photos

The DLC is worth 1,200 Microsoft Points and will be twice the size of Leviathan, being 4 gigs. I'm honestly excited for this DLC to be released, what do you guys think about it?

Alpha 11-07-2012 02:11 PM

Honestly, I'm excited for it. Should be a good addition to the universe.

The only downside though is that once you leave Omega after finishing it, you can't go back. Also, your only team mates the entire mission series will be Aria and Nyreen.

Overall, it should be worth it though.

gremlin 11-07-2012 03:04 PM

I am watching a live feed of the beginning of the mission.

I will be taking sceencaps throughout the entire thing to provide good quality images for everyone here if you miss it!

gremlin 11-07-2012 03:11 PM

More images were just released.

gremlin 11-07-2012 03:40 PM

I am posting screenshots here every time I get enough. Refresh and keep checking for more!

There is now a video on Youtube!

Alpha 11-22-2012 02:38 PM

I seriously can't wait for this to be released. Wish you could return to Omega after finishing the missions and the like, but still, should be exciting and interesting.

Demagische 11-25-2012 12:43 PM

I'm looking forward to this DLC myself. Now if I can afford it, we'll be good. :C

gremlin 11-26-2012 12:55 PM


They released a trailer today!

Alpha 11-26-2012 01:04 PM

Have to wait to watch it later. Can't wait for the release in two days though. Also can't wait for them to announce what the next Mass Effect game is going to be....

gremlin 11-26-2012 02:22 PM

I screamed.
Nyreen looks so cool.
And there's Reapers and Cerberus.
And rumored to be Collectors too!

Demagische 11-27-2012 06:48 AM

... Next Mass Effect game? I don't think that's gonna happen :c

Alpha 11-27-2012 10:52 AM

Well, it should be released today....actually, should be already out. Going to get it when I get home for sure, but won't be able to get to it until later.

Dema: They've actually announced they are doing another game, but that it will have nothing to do with Shepard.

gremlin 11-27-2012 03:03 PM

Bioware what the fuck.

Spoilers below.

gremlin 11-27-2012 03:11 PM

This is my personal opinion.

I'm actually so disappointed with Bioware and EA right now. The DLC had so much potential, they could have done so much with it. The fact that Omega was built by the Reapers is compelling and they could have taken the DLC to another level but they did not ( this is mentioned in Mass Effect: Retribution, a book ).

A part of it has to be due to the length limit, Microsoft has a 2 gig limit for DLC. If that's the case then Bioware should have released the DLC in two parts for 600 Microsoft Points each or a lower price than that in order to fit everything that they originally intended to fit into the DLC. They did claim that it would be twice the size of Leviathan, and it is not. It is smaller than Leviathan.

I'm kinda conflicted because I do like it but then I think about all of the flaws and what they could have done and that bothers me.

I don't hate Bioware or EA for releasing this DLC. I'm not going to stop playing Mass Effect, I still love Mass Effect ( I'm the definition of a fangirl ), but I am simply disappointed with what they did with this DLC.

Alpha 11-27-2012 03:29 PM

Well, from what I've read so far (having not played it). They did what they saw best with what they had in the universe at the time with what time they gave to it. My big thought is they might release another part to it later or tie it more into later DLC. It is part of the series, and any release is going to have ups and downs to be sure.

gremlin 11-27-2012 08:15 PM

Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy it, it's just that the flaws for me overshadow the pros with this DLC. I'm waiting to see if other players received different outcomes for the DLC in hopes that I can have a better experience of it.

Honestly if they release DLC later that ties in with the DLC they've released and expect us to pay... That's a load of horse shit. Selling us unfinished content and then selling us the rest later.

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