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Pocket 01-18-2011 09:26 PM

So I must confess...
I hate the thought of dieting but I am. I am "comfortable" with the way I look but I just want to be flatter. This kinda came about when I saw a pic of myself back in Oct. So I wanted to make a change. So after its going good, I just started last week.

My starting weight was 232lb. So far I'm down to 226lbs.

I'm limiting my caffeine/ soda intake and instead drinking about a bottle of water a day.
I'm eating a breakfast more..well trying to, smaller healthier lunch, and healthier dinners.

I don't want to be super small. but if I can get down to 150lbs I'd be so happy.

So what do you think of diets, weight, or are you dieting right now?

Logan 01-18-2011 09:29 PM

I lost 130lbs in total and im DIVO. <3

Pocket 01-18-2011 09:31 PM

What are some tips that I can try?

Logan 01-18-2011 09:41 PM

Get on diet. XD
Cut out junk foods, beverage/sodas, etc.
Diet Pills.
Workout daily.
Bed early.

Pocket 01-18-2011 09:42 PM

Would activity at work count? lol. I've been working my butt off.

Logan 01-18-2011 09:46 PM

What you do at work? It depends.

Pocket 01-18-2011 09:53 PM

Logan 01-18-2011 09:57 PM

Nope. >->

Pocket 01-18-2011 09:59 PM

I walk to work..its about 5 minutes from where I live.

Addy 01-18-2011 10:03 PM

You'd think retail work would help with that more but no. D: I was a retail worker for a long time and I lost no weight at all, despite coming home exhausted every day. 3:

There are simple exercises I can show you if you're interested in those. :3 I've been kinda doing some off and on.

Logan 01-18-2011 10:06 PM

5 mins doesnt help either. XD

tenshi raven 01-18-2011 10:19 PM

I would NOT recommend diet pills unless you are consulting with a DOCTOR you can really mess yourself up doing that. Proper nutrition, eating 4 or 5 small meals a day upping your amount of exercise and actually 5 mins can help if it is more than what you have done before. You also want to make sure you are consuming enough calories which is a mistake a lot of people make. The key thing is finding what works with your body not everyone is going to lose weight by diet alone some will so really find what works with you and don't concentrate on a certain weight because you may find that you aren't meant to be 150 pounds.
also when I worked retail I did lose weight because I moved around my section it depends on how active you are

Echo-chan713 01-18-2011 10:19 PM

For me it was portion control, I drink soda (but I go for a small size cup)I usually drank those powdered Crystal Light drinks; and I used to be in High School so I had to walk to get to my classes everyday. I love DDR so that helped my metabolism to go up; I lost 60 pounds in the school year.

Then when I graduated I didn't know how to drive so I walked basically everywhere whether it's convient of a distance from point A to Point B. I cooked alot so I rarely went out to eat; if I went out to eat someone would pick up my tab.

Lore 01-19-2011 01:36 AM

Caffeine increases your metabolism which could enhance your efforts, but the most important thing is to stick to whatever you do. If you're gonna exercise, don't overdo it; start small and gradually increase the time and reps. Some people mistake extreme pain for burning more fat, but that just means you're possibly injuring something. Don't get me wrong, a little pain is okay... but if you're straining to the point of struggling for breath, stop.

Something you can do to gradually work exercise into your life is to extend that walk home. Instead of immediately returning home after work, take an extended walk for say... 10 minutes. I know you're tired then, but I doubt you'd want to do that before work. That's just an easy first step. Good luck to you!

Azrael 01-19-2011 01:42 AM

>_> I dunno, I've lost some weight - I haven't any idea how much but I know I've lost weight- since I've started working. Granted not a lot, but being up and around instead of laying around /does/ help.

Chi 01-19-2011 02:15 AM

You can also try at home doing some simple exercises like sit ups, push ups, etc.
I went to a gym every Thursday with my friends last year, it was a good ten minute walk, we'd work out doing what I listed, lifting weights, pull ups and using other equipment they had.
Doing that and having a salad with every meal and lemonade, juice, or water, I lost ten pounds in... two months? Either two months or two and half.
But that's what... 8-10 days of working out and having salad with my meals and not soda worked for me.

Like Tenshi said though, that doesn't work for everyone, you need to find what works for you but you seem to be doing good so far.

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