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Alexander Linden 11-02-2010 10:38 AM

I'm sticking this here for now until I find a better place to move it to.

Anyway. It is November now, and that means it is National Novel Writing Month!

Every year, I keep telling myself that I am going to writer, and then I never get to actually doing it. I will usually try to prepare myself by writing up things about my characters and plot points before November, and then either forget to write or hit Writer's Block.

So some topics of discussion for you. How do you get over Writer's Block? Will you be writing this month? What kind of story will you be writing? Any messages you wish to convey in your writing? What are your characters like?

johnny 11-02-2010 11:18 AM

Uh... better place to move it to would probably be The Writer's Diary.

On topic:

If I participate in NaNoWriMo at all this year, it'll have to be a late start. It really sucks.

For some reason, though, schoolwork is just piled on this semester and I have zero free time.

Alexander Linden 11-02-2010 12:30 PM

See, I didn't put it here because in Zy's stickied topic it said that only portfolios went here.

johnny 11-02-2010 01:48 PM

It must've changed since you looked at it last.

now it's just "for the writers of Trisphee".

There's no mention of portfolios. It's just general writing discussion.

I do think that it's less than "discussion friendly", though. Same goes for the art section. The forums still need some perfecting.

Sushi 11-02-2010 04:44 PM

I have been looking forward to November for a while, but I don't think I planned enough for it. xD I'm excited it's here but now I'm not sure I'll do it. One month? I can barely get a short story done in 3 weeks! xD I'm a huge procrastinator. Plus, I don't know much about NaNoWriMo so...yeah. Maybe that's an excuse but there's always next year. :3

Wink 11-06-2010 12:02 PM

Ooh, I'm doing a NaNoWriMo. x3

Anti-Virus 11-30-2010 10:48 AM

...well crap I forgot nanowrimo is done in November. I might've gotten an email reminder but didn't see it. When it comes to completing or even sticking with it I fail as well. It's just too intimidating and I get critical of myself. Combine that with the fact that I am naturally indecisive, like many people.

Rose Pearl 11-30-2010 11:30 AM

I have finished mine was hell to write those 50k

Letiel 12-05-2010 01:06 PM

I know it's a bit late but a buddy and me cowrote a novel that is long enough to qualify and possibly publish

Alexander Linden 12-06-2010 10:30 AM

xD I don't think you're supposed to co-write for NaNo, but good luck. ^^

Letiel 12-06-2010 11:55 AM

Oops... If it helps we have twice as much as each individual is supposed to have XD

Alexander Linden 12-06-2010 03:36 PM

haha I suppose so! xD

Quiet Man Cometh 05-04-2011 04:24 AM

Never tried NaNoWriMo and I doubt I ever will. I've tried writing novels before and usually fail epicly. I suppose I could give it a shot if only to see how far I get when I have a deadline in front of me. Writer's block is something that gets to me too and curiously, deadlines can seem to help. I'm the sort of individual that can work on a piece for years and never be really satisfied with it. Among the pieces I'm most happy with of my own work are the ones I wrote over a matter of a couple days (plus edits) and usually to a deadline.

I know my friend does it nearly every year and manages it too, I'm pretty sure, but he's the opposite style of writer from me. I have a hard time writing much over 1000 words and he has a hard time keeping anything under ten thousand. It's something we poke fun at each other for all the time.

On the writers' block thing, thinking about it there are many things that I do to try to get over it, but it's rare that they actually work. Really, the most effective thing for me is just to sit and wait, even though this tends to result in my writing very little over very long periods of time.

...and I must now wonder if long hair is something of a requirement for alchemists, as my two boys both have it too. ;) (Though that probably doesn't mean much coming from me.)

Flapjack 05-04-2011 08:41 PM

I've attempted this before, but the most I can get done in a day is like 600 words :c
I'm determined to do it this year though, I just need a subject.

Quiet Man Cometh 05-04-2011 10:52 PM

I think if I start now, I might actually come up with a topic for this years project. I don't think I'll formally apply or anything, but it might be a fun challenge for myself to try and keep up.

If there are any regulars around here, how far ahead of November do people start planning? Or is the idea that one starts as soon as the first rolls around and then powers through the whole process?

If a few people where to try, it might be fun to keep an update journal or something to see how others are doing.

Alexander Linden 05-08-2011 01:26 PM

I'm going to try my best to do it this year. I've been kinda putting a story together for years. I have lots of details for it written down in multiple notebooks, but never got a chance to actually sit down and start writing it.

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