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Demonskid 05-12-2017 12:29 PM

Tales of Berseria
I'm looking for fellow Tales of Berseria fans. I got this game not long ago but was only able to play it recently. So far I love it, with all its sadness and hatred. tried streaming my gameplay on twitch only to find that the ps4 blocked the gameplay stream for this game. That made me sad.'m not too far into the game but someone to gush over things with would be nice.

Batty 06-29-2017 09:06 AM

I had it preordered, and received the game the night before its official release~ I've beaten it, but I'm still working on completing the trophies.

Rokurou is my favorite.

Demonskid 06-29-2017 09:35 AM

>w< I haven't played much, i'm at the sea gate with 'shinigami' guy ovo

Isis 11-07-2017 07:55 PM

I've almost beat the game... almost. I took a break at the 'point of no return' type area to go back to the sidequests. My favorite to play as is Eleanor, but my favorite character in the game is Magilou. They wrote her very entertainingly~

Glitch 11-07-2017 11:13 PM

uggg I have to beat Tales of Zesteria first and i haven't yetttt

Grimalkin 11-08-2017 02:38 AM

I absolutely adore the Tales of games and Berseria is no exception! I have the Collectors edition bundle, and I love it! I would have beaten it except my PS4 was stolen, along with my Skyrim remastered. However, who is your favourite character so far? Have you played any of the previous games or is this your first Tales game?

Isis 11-08-2017 01:31 PM

I started Tales of Zesteria and got a few hours in, but the game is like impossible for multiplayer (the only way I usually play tales games) because it swings your camera around wildly.

Sorry to hear about the thievery Grimalkin :(
I've played since Symphonia, though I skipped Vesperia because I didn't have an xbox.

Grimalkin 11-08-2017 02:24 PM

In all my years of playing Tales, I have never tried multiplyer. My friends are not the greatest at co-op playing unless it is COD and I greatly dislike the online COD community nowadays. Yeah the theft sucks but there is not a whole lot I can do about it. I have to save up for a new system now and next year I will have my console and can temporarily retire my PS3 (I own way too many PS3 games to retire the system, then again I have all my old systems all the way back to my Dreamcast system).
I LOVED Vesperia, although that too has been thieved. Approximately 2 years ago, I let a friend borrow it and they SWEAR they returned it, but they never did. So we both assume his brother thieved it because he is a pathological liar and does shifty/devious things on the constant.
I own Symphonia for the Gamecube (2-disc) and I also purchased the anniversary edition that contained both Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of a New World. I also own Tales of Graces f, Tales of Xillia and Xillia 2, Tales of Zestiria, Tales of Berseria, and Tales of Hearts R for the PS Vita. I also have the phone version of Tales of Phantasia.
Do you not love the references to the old games that are woven throughout the Tales series? Like the card games, and paintings, verbal mentions etc. I adore those. <3

Mekatra 11-12-2017 11:13 PM

So I have played Symphonia and Vesperia, but I never actually finished the latter because my Xbox decided to die on me, took the hard drive with it when it went. I spent over 600 hours on Symphonia though, which was... a lot... Which system is Beseria for?

Grimalkin 11-13-2017 04:13 AM

I have Berseria for Ps4, but I believe it is across Xbox One as well as PC. Very unfortunate to hear your xbox died, so many hours lost is always such a sad thing -_-

Mekatra 11-26-2017 04:24 PM

Tales of Symphonia is on sale on Steam right now for FIVE BUCKS but my darn computer won't play it no matter how much troubleshooting I do.

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