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daikokunyo 04-28-2017 07:53 AM

Mystic Messenger
Heard a lot about it (addictive, interesting characters, etc.) and went and downloaded it for my phone :s-blush: it looks like it's going to become a guilty pleasure for me. I love anime guys, and I love the reverse-harem type situations of dating sims. I can't use the college WiFi on my phone though so it'll have to wait until I go home for the summer. Just as well 'cause I can't handle both college and addiction lol.

Have you heard of/played it? What do you think of it?

Potironette 05-09-2017 03:35 PM

I used to play that game--and never finished because the app just stopped working and I couldn't log in anymore..nor could I sign up another account.

I might try downloading it again come summertime? But most likely I won't because the game basically ruins my sleep schedule x'D.

I like otome games, but I prefer binge playing so Mystic Messenger's playstyle is hard for me to continue with.
I still occasionally browse fanart for the game though <3

yurioplisetskyy 06-05-2017 08:32 PM

Well I'm a bit late to the discussion butttt.... I absolutely love Mystic Messenger! I've played through all the routes and the DLC, and my top favourite characters are Unknown, Jumin, and Zen <33

I think part of why I love the game so much is that it's helped me with making quite a bit of friends (due to joining a group chat for it) so it reminds me of these awesome people that I've gotten really close to thanks to it :O

Boris 06-10-2017 02:16 AM

My reply
I have never heard of the game before, and seeing as how we are now in June, I think it is safe to ask if you have played it. Are the guys appealing? Are they eye candy, or average looking?

Potironette 06-12-2017 10:24 PM

I've only played the beginning but..
The guys are pretty (because the art is pretty?). I guess the one girl is too.

Have a pic!

Kaderin Triste 06-15-2017 07:30 PM

So, I downloaded out of curiosity and joneatly? The guys are just kind of generic anime style "pretty boys" in my opinion. But the personalities are what make it fun.

Edit: I would also like to add that, while the chatting stuff is kind of fun, I hate how if you miss a conversation because of work or sleeping, you have to unlock it. And it's really kind of tough to get enough hourglasses to unlock all the ones you miss if you can't afford to spend money on the game.

daikokunyo 07-18-2017 11:42 AM

So, since making this thread I've played several of the routes, so I'm coming back to the discussion to comment-
They are typical anime boys in terms of looks, but definitely appealing. I may be biased because I prefer bishonen- but even so. I do think Zen's art is drawn exceptionally, so I'll share a couple. I'll put the pics in spoilers since they're quite large:

It's not your average dating sim, the characters are interesting and so is the story. I recommend it as worth playing, although I agree with Triste, it's difficult to play through if you can't afford to spend money on it. The chatrooms open at certain times throughout the day, according to your timezone, so that it feels like you're living your day alongside the characters. If you miss a chatroom, as in if the next chatroom opens (usually an hour or two later) before you play it, it's locked and you have to unlock it. And if you go on to the next day without finishing the previous day's chats, those chats can't be unlocked.

There are guides online for info on when the chatrooms open on each day, but it's troublesome to do every chatroom before the next one opens. I was able to do it because I started playing the game during my summer holidays. (I have three routes left and I'm nearing the end of my holidays, so I'm going to finish the game the next time I have a long break from college.) Also because I could buy some hourglasses.

Espy 07-19-2017 01:26 AM

I finally decided to try it a few days ago. And then I realized there's no way to play as non-female. And backed out of that pretty fast.

daikokunyo 07-19-2017 05:34 AM

True :( I like that there's same-sex romance in the Jaehee route but I don't like that it's only implied whereas with the guys, it's explicit.

It's sad, but the game was intended for a mostly Korean audience, and if they had made it gender and sexuality neutral its distribution would have suffered. Reminds me of the Chinese BL, A Round Trip to Love, which was forced to change its good end to a tragic one by the Board.

Of course, it's likely Cheritz never thought about making the game neutral... but the Jaehee route has people wondering.

Espy 07-19-2017 04:26 PM

Yeah, I'm slowly getting more comfortable w playing female characters again. I guess finally being more comfortable with /yourself/ does that. But like...romance stuff is still weird af for me because lol ace/aro, which is why I went nope.

Ah well. There were a lot of people saying how fun the game is and I wanted to try, but I guess I'll just stick to watching playthroughs for now.

Potironette 07-19-2017 04:31 PM

Finally started playing near the end of the anniversary update, so yay for free stuff to unlock with xD!
It's a shame all the pics have a female person since one of the dialogue options in the beginning have "I'm not a girl" as a choice.

I played the yellow haired boy's route first (Yoosung) then felt summer vacation's end creeping up and started the Deep Story mode...I wanted to play Jumin's route first but couldn't bring myself to be mean to Seven yet so I got on his route instead >_<

Interestingly enough, this game is fixing my sleeping schedule, since they give from around 3 AM something to 8 or 9 AM to sleep.

daikokunyo 07-20-2017 12:04 AM

Yeah, and yet I've seen screenshots of people who put different profile pics. I don't know if that's a feature you can unlock with hourglasses or what, I've never been able to figure it out. Anyway, it doesn't matter because when you have to play through a part in visual novel mode, you're a girl. And even when you pick 'I'm not a girl' Seven does a background checks and says you are a girl, so it's supposed to be a troll option rather than an assertion :/

Lol out of the three available player profile pics you know the one with the short hair? I was playing Yoosung's route and I sent a screenie of a chat to my friend. She misgendered us, switched our genders :s-sweat: and then when later Yoosung goes on about how he wants to be more manly (And I'm crying inside like dude I don't want him to be!) and I screenied that and sent it to her and told her 'This is all your fault' :p-laugh:

Oh wow :s-twitch: *tries to imagine your normal sleep schedule*

@Espy: I can play any gender (roleplaying ftw) so I'm fine with otome as well as yaoi dating sims. But I do have preferences.
Walkthroughs work, lol. It does have a good story in that stuff is foreshadowed well, and some of the humour I really enjoy.

Potironette 07-23-2017 02:47 AM

Poor Yoosung x'D!

They let you put different profile pics. If you have it updated, tap on your character's thumbnail then tap on the photo of the MC, then you'll see a button near the "use default pics" to use your own pics. If you don't have it updated, go to the cog icon and I think it'll be near there somewhere.

My normal sleeping schedule is:
sleep at 2-5 PM
wake up at 10 PM - 12 AM
It's too nice and quiet at night to not be a night owl ^^;;

daikokunyo 09-17-2017 10:29 AM

@Potironette: OT but I love your current avi! Soooo pretty :s-love:
I see ^^
I can't play rn because college. I miiight catch up on one route, probably Jimin's, over the midsemester break IF they don't load me with holiday homework.

ohhhh also

I'm on the fence about playing it because I'm sure it would be an unpleasant experience; but after I saw this screenie my collegemate who's playing it sent me, I feel like I'll eventually end up playing it:

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