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Lee 12-29-2016 09:45 PM

Roleplay Search
Since what I don't like is such a smaller amount than what I do (as well as subject to change without warning, I'm a little mercurial that way), I'm not going to to put anything down as a solid 'no' unless it comes up.
And even if it's on the list, feel free to pitch your idea containing it, anyway. I might like it in your light.

Politeness is key. By which I mean out of character. In character, be as horrid as you like.

I'll roleplay with anyone, regardless of length or style. Some of my favorite roleplays have been via icons and single sentences!

If I already roleplay with you, I'm still interested in starting another. As much as I love pasta, I can see where people might not want it for every meal every day. I don't mind throwing in a little variety.

There is no official form, and there won't be. I prefer a more informal approach to finding people. This is all in good fun, and I'll treat it that way.

littl3chocobo 12-29-2016 09:47 PM

ok, i have a few questions;

do you have a sample of your average post style/quality
do you do m/m or mxm?
are you able do do third-person past-present tense?

Lee 12-29-2016 09:56 PM

Yes, to all of those. Do you want a link, or would you rather me cut-and-paste?

littl3chocobo 12-29-2016 09:57 PM

if you cut then lurkers can see too ^^

MonBon 12-30-2016 01:14 AM


Lee 12-30-2016 03:11 AM

Via tumblr. as bodyslide-by-one and bodyslidebyone:



I got swallowed by tumblr. But those are pretty typical examples I have to hand. I can change them at a need, however.

littl3chocobo 12-30-2016 03:31 AM

uuuuh, let's rephrase, do you have any non-fandom examples? i cannot tell what is character style and what is personal skill in the spoken parts X''D

Lee 12-30-2016 03:51 AM

I unfortunately don't have examples of that on hand.

littl3chocobo 12-30-2016 03:57 AM

well, could you write one? it only has to be a couple sentences long ^^

i can even get you started;

he could not say for sure if the man sitting next to him was mental or simply lying though the conviction with which the words were spoken lended more to the former than the latter, "you don't say? well, why haven't i ever heard of lizard-men before? i've been a grip for six years, afterall."

MonBon 12-30-2016 04:00 AM

Lizard men xD

littl3chocobo 12-30-2016 04:02 AM

well i don't know if lee likes boy smoochies or medieval jerks so crazy bar theories it is X''D

Lee 01-04-2017 08:19 PM

He raised his eyebrows at the statement. "That's a fallacious argument, sir. There is always the first time to learn something!" he declared. "I say, instead, why would you have, when they take such great pains to conceal their existence? And in your adamant denial... Perhaps this is a case of 'the lady doth protest too much'?"

littl3chocobo 01-04-2017 08:23 PM

X''D ok, i am in!

do you have any general themes you'd like to explore?

Lee 01-05-2017 12:56 AM

I am an open book, my man. I know that doesn't help, but seriously, I'll give anything a whirl.

daikokunyo 04-23-2017 04:28 AM

I'd like to RP witchuu :3
Anything specific you're interested in writing atm?

Lee 08-05-2017 09:20 AM

Hmmm. Perhaps. What do you do? Or don't do? Any strong 'no's?

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