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littl3chocobo 09-28-2011 01:18 PM

blood ties(m)
this thread will be rated 'm' for possible blood gore adult situations abuse, torture and the whole nine yards because i'm not coming back to edit this post if any of that junk happens >>

all children are born in pairs, either by blood or circumstance, nothing in life is more sacred than the bond you have with your other half, no mate, no child, no parent, nothing comes between you, you are talios, a whole. to lose your other is to die yourself.

littl3chocobo 09-28-2011 01:19 PM

he notched his bow and let loose another arrow, the shaft bounced harmlessly off the wyvern's neck. the beast kicked hard with it's scaled chicken-legs cutting him on the arm, the gash was not so deep so he ignored it, he countered with another arrow, he needed to back up a bit, from such a close range he was at a disadvantage. he let out a shart short whistle signaling to his talios that he was going to get farther back, he hoped the other would be able to fight by himself for a few moments while he got far enough away to strike a killing blow.

Rosekitten 09-28-2011 06:41 PM

Hearing the whistle he knew that he'd have to fend for himself, that was more then fine by him. He had found it foolish for the other to be at such a close range to the battle anyway. If only he knew what was to come after this grand fight he wouldn't be as care free as he was now. Either way he readied his weapon and charged forward making a point to avoid being scratched or bitten, he couldn't afford for a beast of this size to land such a blow, it might cost him more then he could afford to lose.

littl3chocobo 09-28-2011 07:07 PM

he breathed a sigh of relief, his other had successfully distracted the beast. he slung his bow over his shoulder and hurried up the nearest tree. he crawled out on a branch and pulled his bow out. notching an arrow he took his sights.


the beast screamed as the arrow lodged crookedly into it's eye, the depth in which the arrow had sunk along with the manic spasms of the creature told him what he needed to know, it was a killing blow. he reslung his bow and threw himself to the ground his boots soaking up most of the impact. he straightened and ran to his talios "are you alright?" he ignored the dying creature next to the other

Rosekitten 09-28-2011 11:38 PM

He breathed out as he took a few steps back as the creature thrashed and flailed about in it's final breaths. Lowering his weapon he wiped his forehead a little before laughing slightly. "cutting it a little close there.. this one was nasty" He wasn't sure how much longer he was going to be able to avoid getting hit from the thing, not only that but early in the fight he had been slammed up against a tree before he had any time to react.

"I'm good though, what about you. You should know better then to get that close." He sighed shaking his head, though it was part his fault he wasn't keeping the beast distracted enough to ensure the safety of the other. Though he quickly noticed the blood on his arm as he frowned before pointing it out.

"Well lets get going and report that the beast is dead, and get that looked at or wrapped at least. You call me reckless and your the archer that tries to blood melee." He smirked a little though he had a point, little did he know of the wound, the beast they defeated wasn't native to this part of the land so it wasn't common knowledge of what it could do or what you should and shouldn't do when fighting one. Heck he though they got lucky getting only one scratch.

littl3chocobo 09-29-2011 08:39 AM

he laughed. "what can i say, i missed my calling as a martial fighter, but i am alright" he looked at the wyvern. are we only taking the head or is the rest of it salvageable? dragon hide is worth it's weight in silver, this thing is not so far off. i would not mind making a little extra for the effort." he rubbed at the bleeding arm and offered it to the other, 'at least stop the bleeding, it's ruining my leathers' he waggled his arm a bit.

Rosekitten 09-29-2011 12:49 PM

He shook his head again at the lame joke by the other. "I'd say... " Though he figrued he was going to be ok, it didn't look all that bad anyway. Though the next question made him onder a bit. "We could salvage a bit of it, the scales can be used for trade." Really the scales were probably the only thing worth taking back or wasting the time on, aside from maybe the fangs.

"well do that then for a bonus" He smirked a bit, it was more then annoying to scale a dragon but well worth in from the pay off in the long run, and the one they got the contract from never mentioned wanting the remains aside from the head of the beast to prove it was dead.

"your leathers will be fine" He said be absentmindedly grabbed his arm anyway and placed a hand a few inches above where the wound was as a soft green light flowed from his palm and into the wound, it seemed to work as far as healing the gash went and it closed up nicely as well leaving a small minor scar that would fade in due time. "there happy now? If so time to get to work then" He was referring to the fact they had to skin this beast before leaving.

littl3chocobo 09-29-2011 02:30 PM

he nodded at the words and grinned at the question. flexing his fingers to settle the familiar healing magic, he reached into his thigh holster for the hidden blade within. pulling it free he began helping the other skin the beast, it was long hard work for the joints were strange and the animal heavy but as he worked he thought of what they could do with the coin if it was worth even half of what a dragon-skin sold for. he felt pleased with himself.

an hour found them with a fresh skin and a head, both were washed in a nearby stream as were the arms that did the labors. they contemplated digging a whole to bury the wyvern in but in the end decided against it, even more work in that. so they left the carcass for the scavengers and headed back to the town they were camped in

Rosekitten 09-29-2011 05:02 PM

He sighed heavily as they started the walk back before voicing his complaint. "damn that took took long, why do dragons have to be such a pain to skin.." He grumbled a bit more under his breath but kept most of it to himself more then telling the other. Rest after turning the head over to the one they accepted the mission from would be a well needed one.

Though the other thought was finding a buyer for the scaling, and if they couldn't in this town they'd have to drag it along with them. It was half tempting to think about investing into horses or some other beast of burden, but that would be more of a nuance then it was probably worth and normally the two of them didn't carry back anything from the kills unless it was of value.

littl3chocobo 09-29-2011 05:21 PM

'ha, no more a dragon than a fish and it was easier to skin than either.' he smiled, he knew there was more to the other's bitching than what he said aloud but did not press, he had the same thoughts on the matter. he turned his thoughts instead back to the wyvern skin he was carrying and the head his talios held, the head was a set payment, it was simply a matter of taking it to the client and getting paid but the skin was iffy at best, his beastiary had little information on the animal and none on the uses of it's parts. for all he knew it could be worth nothing then they'd be stuck toting it around, he certainly did not have the enthusiasm for that though and he knew his other would not be pleased with the prospect either. he shifted the skin and scratched absentmindedly at his arm. it itched though the magic should have been finished by now. he sighed, as was life

Rosekitten 09-29-2011 06:13 PM

It was a good few hours before they got to the town once more. The sun was slowly starting to set in the distance.To admit it his arms were dead tired. "Well time to get rid of this damn thing" He said with a slight motion towards the head of the beast he was still having to lug around, happily he would get rid of it. With that being said he started to walk off leaving his partner in crime free to return to the room they had been keeping in the town or to do whatever really.

(sorry for the lame post! my brains tired)

littl3chocobo 09-29-2011 06:21 PM

(no worries, that you posted at all pleases me...though, what the hell is your name again, i can't remember)
he nodded. shifting the skin again he headed back to their room, when he got there he threw it on the floor and crouched down, he cut of a small slice of the skin and pocketed it, he was going to find a seller.

he smiled to himself as he rounded the corner, it was not worth gold but five silvers was a fetching price for the skin, it was covered their two in the inn and half as much as they were being paid for this job already, this endevor was turning out swell, it was all profit for a change, he was pleased with himself

Rosekitten 09-29-2011 07:11 PM

He made quick work to get rid of the head he had been carrying, one he was a wood elf in a mostly human town, two it wasn't something you saw everyday was someone carrying a beasts head.. he disliked drawing attention to himself. Thalion normally kept to himself aside from talking with his partner in his travels. Most of the time if he could avoid staying in a town he would do just that.

The price was what was promised and a slight bonus for the quick work that they had done. Though there was still no word on how or why such a beast was out here. It wasn't known to be of this area. He shrugged that off easily as he walked out of the office and down the roadway, he figured he'd have a few hours to kill before he was probably expected back to the room anyway.

littl3chocobo 09-29-2011 07:58 PM

he figured thalion would visit the armory/forge as soon as he was paid so he waited around looking at knives and horse-shoes waiting to tell the other his good news. he was sure he was scaring off the poor smithy's customers with his grin but that was ok too, at this rate he could get a new weapon, his talios too. he scratched at his arm again

Rosekitten 09-29-2011 08:05 PM

He had him figured out that was certain, he always had a fascination in metal works. Though it wasn't that odd, from where he came from it was unheard of to use most metal weapons, so it was probably more then a odd sight to see a half armored wood elf with a pole arm. Though for the time being he wasn't bothering the smiths too much.

The thoughts were that they could get new weapons or at least repairs... he'd run it by first before he just went ahead with it, besides the bow with with the other. Though the longer he lurked around the more odd looks he was getting, for someone who disliked standing out he did a damn fine job of it without meaning to.

After he grew bored with what was on stock at the first place he had entered he went about to find a different shop, it seemed there were at least two army shops in this town, whatever worked he guessed. Though in the second shop he found his partner looking at a few blades. "Well?" he said walking up behind him and standing there catching the odd looks once again. He let out a sort of stressed sigh as he waited for his answer, humans were annoying.

littl3chocobo 09-29-2011 08:13 PM

"well what? i want a new knife, something that shines" he held up his purse "it was worth five silver, the ten we got for killing it is all profit" he looked at the other mans grinning face. "oh? more good news?" the other pulled out a gold coin. it glittered. "ah, a bonus!" he glanced at the far end of of the shop. "you know..." he began. i saw something earlier you might like to see as well" he headed for the back section expecting the other to follow

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