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Nixxia 10-25-2017 12:22 AM

World of Warcraft
Anyone here play WoW? if so what class/spec and horde or alliance? :3

Nixxia 10-25-2017 12:26 AM

I myself play a rogue, assassination/outlaw and I play mainly horde, but I do have alliance toons

Azu-kun 10-25-2017 01:31 AM

I used to play quite alot until the later expansions, I still have an active subscription for when I go back to play occasionally, I used to play both horde and alliance and I generally play tank or healer

Quiet Man Cometh 10-25-2017 05:39 AM

I've avoided WoW initially because I was in Uni and didn't want to get distracted. I haven't played much Warcraft related since the second game expansion. I have Warcraft 3 but never actually played. I think I started life in Alliance but gravitated towards Horde later. Of course, we're talking some 20 years ago. Not sure I remember. ;)

Awen Moonshine 01-24-2018 04:47 AM

I haven't played properly for quite a while now but my main is a level 100 Belf Destruction Warlock (horde) and I have a level 96(ish) Nelf Frost Mage (alliance) over on Terenas(EU) server and I have a really low level Draenai Frost Mage over on Bronze Dragonflight that I was levelling with friends over there ages ago... ^_^;;

The last I played was shortly before the latest expansion to get my class order hall, but other than that I've not had much free time to play.

Vee 07-18-2018 06:01 PM

Soooo, anyone playing prepatch right now? Currently running Shadow Priest and doing my garrison quests. ;;
for the hordeeee :'D

Gogandantes 09-15-2019 01:59 PM

I really never understood why people are so addicted to this?

Coda 09-15-2019 08:26 PM

I mean, it's an easy question to answer: it's basically a social network crossed with a video game. It's always had great music and a well-written story, and there's always something new to experience. But on top of that, you've got to get together anywhere from 5 to 40 people to go after the big stuff, so you end up making a lot of friends -- and you have to play a lot in order to get the stuff you need to go after the next big thing.

8Nephila8 08-16-2022 05:44 PM

(I had to check the forum rules to make sure there was none about 'necroing', there was not so here we go!)


I stopped playing it though when all the horrible stuff came out about the hirer ups and the China support. I still like to RP as some of my toons though.

I had characters on both sides across multiple servers. Most of them never made it past 15, but such as the life of an altohlic. I had a main character of every race and class though. I currently have one at 60 and like 9ish at 50. I never could find anyone I liked to raid with, I mostly enjoy crafting and exploring and I don't feel like being someone's easy material person anymore. So I guess I kinda stopped playing.

Mah girls!

My girls are across several servers...

Azgalor Old PVP Now Reg (11 alliance) Although I never go on this server anymore because of personal reasons, most were low level toons used for roleplay anyway. I took all my high levels and made em' horde when I was finally done with the people there.

Hellscream Reg (13 Horde) All my high level characters.
I moved there because it was my little sisters server, but after she broke up with her boyfriend at the time she stopped playing and left me there with him and my now ex. I guess she didn't want to spend 50 to start on a new server.

Shadow Council RP (7 Alliance) A compromise with an ex boyfriend and I'll probably move them if I ever play alliance again, however I tend to go horde when left to my own devices)

I'm probably going to consolidate and swap servers eventually...

2 servers were from different ex's and one was from my little sister that doesn't play anymore.

Coda 08-16-2022 08:56 PM

We have the opposite of a necroposting rule -- we have a "if there's a thread, use it" rule!

Not having anyone to play with is the reason I stopped playing. I started in vanilla, somewhere around 1.6 I think. Vanilla was a mind-numbing grind during leveling, and I couldn't bring myself to keep soloing past the early 40s. I didn't play during Burning Crusade, but I picked the game back up in Wrath to try a Death Knight. Discovered I enjoyed it quite a bit, but by the time I got to 80 so I could start raiding, it was near the expansion and nobody was running the raids that dropped the gear that I would need in order to run the endgame raids.

And then the Cataclysm pre-patch hit and I was screwed. My two specs were dual-wield frost tank and unholy ranged DPS. Both of these specs ceased to exist when 4.0 dropped -- frost stopped being able to tank, and unholy lost its ranged DPS.

Yeah, I know that if I had ground my way through I would have replaced my epics with blues by 82 or 83. But that grind was made all the more unpleasant by not having any melee DPS gear -- and one does not solo level in a tank spec. I had two tank 1H weapons and two spell-damage 1H weapons. So I couldn't even equip my weapons in unholy spec because I lost dual wield, and my frost gear was all defense-oriented so my damage output sucked.

It was enough to make me quit. It just wasn't worth trying without people to play with. I managed to get halfway past 81 before I just couldn't take it anymore.

8Nephila8 08-17-2022 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Coda (Post 1949285)
and one does not solo level in a tank spec.

lol ain't that the truth. Or healing spec either. It's why I started PvPing on my priest instead of being yelled at by stupid strangers that would stand in shit and expect prompt healing.

I tried tanking and only doing instances for one expansion with my Orc bae... it was not enjoyable on a warrior. Also she ended up with a different name than she had originally, but I regret switching it. It was Scorpida but is now Nephzilla. My Troll (darkspear) hunter now has the name. It doesn't suit her as well. I just never knew what to call her.

However! It wasn't to difficult and kinda fun for me the second time I tried tanking because I was using my Demon Hunter in uhh whatever their tank spec is. I forget right now. I really enjoyed the gameplay of the demon hunter. The problem is was so did everyone else and I didn't have the time to like get super good.

It was also weird to have the level squish that put you back down to 50. I was like... ok, uhh this is fine I guess. It's so weird to think that 60 is current max level again.

Those dragon people are looking mighty fun tbh. I'm still shocked that no Ogres are are to be playable yet. Also the crafting stuff looks interesting to me for next expansion.

Coda 08-18-2022 06:58 PM

I mean, Moonkins use the Ogre skeleton, so... you kind of can? :P

I didn't expect to like tanking, but the way frost DK tanking worked was a lot of fun, and I found that at least for me it was easier to keep track of the important stuff in the world around me when it was my job to keep the enemies focused on me. Healing required spreading my focus around too much.

8Nephila8 08-20-2022 06:46 PM

It's SO not the same! lol.

My ex enjoyed tanking on a DK too. I made a couple DK's but never really got into them. Which, considering how bad I wanted a Necromancer of some type in game it's a little odd. I don't know if it was game or the fact that everyone was rolling one.

My favorite DK that I almost played with is a dwarf I named WeeBanshee But ya never really got that far on her.

Dalhanahue 08-23-2022 02:44 PM

I played WoW for a few months like... seriously 13 years ago. And the thing is, I actually really enjoyed it but life kind of happened and I just didn't have time for gaming much. I've often though of getting back into though because it's right up my alley in terms of kinds of games I like.

I almost feel now though that's probably changed so much that I wont recognize it or it'll take me way too long to get the hang of things again. OR that I'll become obsessed and neglect other things lol spending all of my free time playing it.

Kalei 08-29-2022 08:17 PM

Things have changed a lot, especially if the last time you played was pre-Cataclysm expansion. If you want to give it a go again there's an unlimited free trial, your character is capped at lvl 20. But I'd understand why not given your above reasons. I really like WoW, and there's something special about it it's vibe, especially in older zones. I came back to try it again after a hiatus, but some computer troubles cut it short.

Dalhanahue 09-01-2022 10:27 AM


Thanks for the info and that's really good to know! That's not a bad deal at all having the free trial set up like that. Should at least give a person enough time to decide if they enjoy it enough or will have enough time to play it that'd it'd be worth the money.

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