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PurpleBox 06-07-2018 10:33 PM

[M] Magically Modern World [PB+Biscuit]
this is a rp between myself and Biscuit, feel free to read the story we create XD

You'd think that magic, wizards, ghosts, elves, ogres, witches, dragons and many other magical things from fairy tales would have died out with time... this is not true. Magic and all its children have thrived alongside common humans into the modern times.

Magic is available for everyday use and convenience... of course the more well off you are the more potent and long lasting magic you can get ahold of if you are human. For those born with magic or a keen sixth sense there are many jobs and activities. Got a ghost rattling your pipes and waking your children every evening? Call a Professional Ghost Hunter to have the ghost removed. Have a problem remembering something very important even if you write it down? Visit a witch or warlock to have a potion brewed that will improve your memory for
a month.

Though for every good thing magic can do... there are a plethora of bad, wicked things that magic can do just as easily. There is a magical underground were forbidden magics are practiced openly and illegal potions are brewed to perfection.

So watch your step as you enter this Magically Modern World.

TheFabledBiscuit 06-08-2018 06:55 AM

The woman stared at the man in disbelief as he spoke to her, gritting her teeth turning back towards her home assuming the man in front of her was nothing but a fraud.
"As I was saying, you just need to hire an electrician to inspect your home, it isn't a ghost that causing your power outages you probably just have some old wiring that needs to be replaced." Ryan forced a smile while trying to explain however the woman didn't seem to be listening and instead complained about his incompetence and should having hired a real ghost hunter before letting the door slam in front of his face.
The young man groaned throwing a coat over his shoulder as he made his way back to the car ruffling his hand through his dark short cropped hair, packing equipment he had brought with him into the trunk. He glanced at the invoice of his job and crumpled it throwing it into the backseat before starting the engine. "I think all this hard work deserves another celebration at the bar." He pinched his fingers against his brow before heading to his favorite pub, wondering how he had been able to go on for so long with so many dead end leads, at this rate he was going he would end up filing bankruptcy before finding an actual ghost.
It had been only a year since Ryan had started up his business, and in truth he was very gifted in his ability to be able to see or even commune with the dead, however he had a hard time making a name for himself, the clientele who hired him either did not suffer from an actual haunting which seemed to be 95% of the jobs he was contacted for or they would opt for a more reliable name than his own when he did confirm a spirit residing in the house, either way it's been nothing but a headache for him, a headache he chose to relieve with a bottle of booze.
He glanced up to the dark building in front of him, only the neon green words against the small building would ever hint at it being any place of business. 'The Witches Brew' He gave another small sigh of defeat before exiting his car, it felt like he was coming here more and more often nowadays, something he wasn't proud of, nor ever would admit to anyone outloud.

PurpleBox 06-08-2018 11:10 PM

Class was finally over for the day, stretching his arms over his head Oliver sighed happily as he felt his shoulders pop. That felt good, not as good as a roll in the hay with a new partner might feel, the young man grinned to himself wolfishly, his eyes flashing amber for a moment before fading back to their dark green color. Tattooed covers tones arms and dark brown hair was cut into a stylish side swept cut. “Hey Oli! You heading to the pub tonight?” A pretty blond girl who had a dash of sparkle across her cheeks as iridescent wings flitted behind her.

Oliver grinned. “Was planning on it Farrah! Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He flirted with a wink and the fairy girl let out a laugh as she blew him a kiss and flew off. Campus was full of many different beings, a few human too that were brave enough to apply to the magic based collage that Oliver attended. He was glad that he didn’t have a shift tonight at the plant. He needed to get laid.

The dark brown haired man wasn’t watching where he was going when he bumped into someone, a pretty redhead with a black beanie over her fire colored locks glared up at him with brown eyes lined with dark makeup. “Watch where you’re going meathead!” she said with a scowl on her freckled face as she slapped his helping had away before she used a snap of her fingers to gather all her fallen things to her shoulder bag and then sprinted past Oliver.

“Witches….always so touchy….” Oliver rolled his eyes as he dusted his hands off and found his car in the parking lot.
HannaBelle was late… she hated being late… that would look bad on her records and lower her chances to keep her scholarships at the college...Crammed together with other people taking the subway train the flame haired witch looked at her watch and bit her lip to help keep her temper under control. It hadn’t helped that she’d knocked into a man in her dash to catch the bus and then train on time.

“You’re late… I’ll keep it off the records this time Miss Owens as it is your first time being late.” The nasally voice belonged to a green skinned goblin who was the manager of Potion House, a moderate potion making company that mass produced easy to make potions, they worked someone their workers to hard but the pay was good, and they had a benefits plan that covered a lot of magical mishaps that could happen when dealing with potions.

HannaBelle was hurriedly taking off her hoodie and beanie, pulling her red locks up into a bun and pulling a hair net over them before pulling on the gloves and apron that held the Potion House logo. “ Thanks Hugo, class ran late, I'll Try to be faster in my dash to leave.” The red headed witch said as she closed her locker and joined other workers, young witches like herself and some warlocks, lower class elves, a half dryad and a pair of centaurs all worked in this branch of the factory, brewing, bottling, sometimes testing the quality of a potion, and then loading them into trucks to be shipped around the city.

No one spoke, just nodes of acknowledgement greeted the red headed witch as she took her spot at a big brewing pot, looking into it and squinting she gathered what was needed to finish off this skin care potion, specifically for the lovely and fair skinned elven women who went gaga for the stuff in stores. Slowly HannaBelle settled in for a long and boring shift… how she longed to be back in the vine covered kitchen of her teacher, but she wasn’t a little girl with need of a guide anymore… even without a proper witches licence she knew how to control her magic and brew, she could also fly on things… like a broom, but she always felt that was overused for her.

To be able to cast freely she needed to finish her witches license courses… mostly it was learning about the rules of magic and the history of witches and warlocks. She was also gunning for a potions masters diploma one of these days. ‘One step at a time little raven.’ her teacher’s voice softly echoed in her head as she settled in for a long evening.
Green eyes were sparkling with mischief as they glanced around the pub called ‘The Witches Brew’ with glee. So many lovely people here tonight. “Twenty bucks says I can get the number of any cutie here tonight.” Oliver said and his group of friends laughed, used to Oliver’s sexual nature, he was a good friend to have, even if most of his friends started off as a one night stand, there was just something magnetic about the young shifter.

TheFabledBiscuit 06-09-2018 07:04 AM

Ryan watched as others passed into and out of the pub, it was a popular hangout spot, especially with other species than his own. He never really fit in with normal people, most treated him like some sort of freak, at least here, he had managed to make a friend or two during his many visits.

The man tossed his jacket into the passenger seat and untucked his own black dress shirt from his pants, he hated looking too formal though his attire really didn't change from what he wore now. His eyes shifted back to the building as thick fog rolled into the streets, giving the pub a more eerie vibe than usual. A perfect excuse to spend more of his time drinking.

Ryan pushed passed a couple of unhappy Vampires trying to charm him into taking a joy ride with them but turned them down, it wouldn't be the first time he denied their kind. He waved to the bartender inside who greeted him and pointed him to an empty booth before turning their attention to a few customers who shouted out for drinks. "I'll be with ya in a sec Ryan, just take your normal seat I'll put in the usual for ya hun" Ryan nodded appreciatively before taking his seat, he glanced around admiring the different creatures in the lounge, people watching was far more entertaining when you knew that they weren't all human.


Karla let out a relaxed sigh as the fog danced around her form, she twirled letting the wisps of moisture envelop her body giggling joyfully at the sight. She loved New Orleans far more than she ever imagined, every night seemed to be a new experience to her. It was no wonder so many creatures chose to live here, despite the city always having been famous when it came to the otherworldly or supernatural it was simply a beautiful place in general.
She hummed happily weaving in between trees as she made her way towards her destination. "I can't believe they wouldn't take it... If I'm right it shouldn't be long until I find that school they talked about."

As the woman walked green energy seemed to appear around her intertwining with the fog that seemed to followed her. She had been directed to a school for magical creatures for her talent, she didn't feel even they would find her useful others seemed convinced that she would find her place here.


Ryan took a large bite from his burger and sipped on a beer while reviewing a log of appointments he had for the week. Nothing seemed particularly promising but he always had hope that things would turn his way eventually. He glanced up every now and then locking eye contact with the various creatures or faeries that didn't seem too pleased to be sharing the establishment with a human but shrugged it off, even their kind required his talents at some point.
He didn't feel the need to prove he belonged, there were plenty of others who had stopped and made small talk with the man, whether it was of his personal life, or how business was going. He knew there were people there he could go to if things ever got ugly.

PurpleBox 06-09-2018 03:46 PM

The wolf shifter was buzzed by the time his friends had picked out someone they thought would outright refuse the charming young man. A human that sat in a booth by himself in the back of the pub, a regular like the young group at the table now, but rarely had they seen him interact much with people other than the bartender.

“Get him to at least talk to you for five minutes and you get ten… the full number and the talk I'll give you a fifty instead of a twenty.” A large orcish male said as he threw back his head to chug his large mug of beer.

“You’re on Wo'rug!” Oliver grinned as he polished off his own smaller mug of beer before getting up from the table and heading towards the lone human, a slight sway in his slim hips as he moved, only caused by the alcohol a little.
HannaBelle was shrugging out of her uniform late in the evening along with others from her shift. “You sure you don’t want to come with us for drinks?” A plump blond asked the ginger haired girl. Looking into the others dark blue eyes, freckled cheeks and plump tempting lips almost had HannaBelle saying yes… yes so hard… but she shook her head no.

“I don’t drink alcohol, plus you know what crowds do to me.” Her hand tightened reflexively at the thought of the last big event she had to go to that was so overly flowing with people she’d made a few things go pop… when they were not supposed to go pop. She barely managed on buses and the trains.

Plump lips pouted and the blond shrugged. “Alright… you have my number if you change your mind?” Long lashes batted as the other witch grabbed her bag and proceed to leave… and yes HannaBelle had the other’s number… but she would never use it...Shrugging her own shoulder the redhead witch pulled on her street clothes again and plugged some earbuds into her heads as she shouldered her bag and dashed out as the factory shut down for the night, wincing she saw it was later than she thought… her parents would be worried… they’d been worried about her being you so late for a while now…

Her human, non magical in any way, parents…. It always rubbed her a bit oddly that she had been born to folks with not a drop of magic in them...heck they had not even known that Granny Tamick had been a one on the block had a clue till she showed up after HannaBelle had inflated the family dog after it had been barking at the small girl nonstop.

The redhead thought nothing of the fog as she walked down the dark streets, the melodic and sometimes screamed lyrics of the Black Veil Brides filled her ears as she went deeper into the fog, not yet noticing the other figure in the fog with her. When the fog got thick the young witch sighed and lifted a hand from her pocket, a soft blue light encompassing her hand as she created a ball of light that seemed to push the fog away from her, that would work…
“This your first time here?” Oliver asked with a charming smile when he approached the human male. The shifter knew it wasn't the others first time but since he didn't know anything about the other it was a safe thing to ask. The piercings in his ears glitter in the light that bounced around the pub.

There was a air of confidence around the dark haired shifter, a little cockyness but nothing overly offencive. HIs green eyes where like emeralds with how deeply they shone in the light, it was almost hypnotising to watch flecks of amber move in and out of his green eyes.

TheFabledBiscuit 06-09-2018 05:28 PM

Ryan glanced up at his visitor and closed his folder in interest. "No, It's not. I can't say I've spoken to you before.. something you needed? And is it just me or does it smell like someone's wet dog got inside.." He sniffed the air glancing around trying to pinpoint the smells origin to no success. He shook his head forgetting someone had approached him extending his hand out. "Oh, I'm sorry.. I get easily distracted when I'm here. I'm Ryan, so is there something you needed Mr. uhh..." Some part of Ryan hoped he wouldn't end up as the target to someones prank, it seemed to happen all too often being the only human at the pub more times than not. He studied the young mans features, he was well built and didn't seem to put out any vibes of maliciousness which only seemed to confuse him more so.
Karla glanced up from her feet sensing the use of some sort of magic, her eyes pierced through the fog to the woman approaching her.
"Oooh, you're a cute one aren't you? Can you help me? I'm trying to find my way to the university ? Err.. the one meant for ones with magick in their blood. Like us."
She smiled letting her energy vanish from around her before the witch would be able to identify her, most of the time people tended to ignore her other than random men hitting on her most people never noticed it. However in the rare occasions she tried to socialize with others she chose to hide any hint of her powers from others, it was how she had been taught her entire life, though she never really understood what people found so appalling.
"If you're in a rush though, I don't want to slow you down." She took a quick at the young woman admiring her figure, she couldn't have been much younger than herself, her eyes turned to the orb of blue light coming from her hand a smile crept across Karla's face she was always so entranced by others use of magic no matter how small.

PurpleBox 06-09-2018 11:46 PM

Oliver blinked green eyes when the man didn’t respond like he’d though… most people where at least flustered or annoyed that he bugged them… this was new… and new was exciting. He flinched at the wet dog comment.. Great… someone with a sense… “Oliver, Oliver McDool… pleasure to meet you Ryan.” Oliver shook the others hand with a grin and a firm shake. A small tingle ran up his spine like every other time he’d come in contact with a human with a strong sixth sense.

Clearing his throat a bit Oliver spoke again. “Was wondering if what you do for a living...not many humans willingly enter a pub like this regularly...and seam me a curious cat.” Oliver grinned, his eyes flashing amber briefly, not threateningly but curiously, his eyes looked like that of a wolf for just a brief moment. In that moment he caught a breath of the human's scent… and it was strangely alluring to the shifter.
‘Cute! What the actual F…’ HannaBelle thought as hazel eyes looked towards the other women. “The University is on the other side of the city… you need to take a train and a bus to get there.” She found herself saying, a slight flush on her cheeks at being called cute… no one called her cute in a serious way… always a joking way.

The redhead noticed that the other was staring looking at her orb of light. “It’s just a conjuring of light… nothing fancy…” she wasn't used to anyone but her teacher or her parents watching her magic so intently. Even as the strange energy around the girl vanished HannaBelle could tell that there was something different about her.

“So… you’re gonna be attending the Uni?” She found herself asking after a moment of silence. The whole look of this girl is different than any the young witch had met. Sure there where the classical Witches that ended up with green skin and offensive noses… the new age looks for them and ones who were born to a high class society where they were immaculate in their image. Right up there with the elves in poshness.

The others white and black hair was strangely attractive… but HannaBelle put a stop to that right away. She needed to focus on her studies and her job...and taking care of Granny Tamick in her old age. HannaBelle lived with the old women now, helping the women with her clients and making smaller, more fit to each client types of potions. Feeding the women's 10 cats was also in that job description, she didn't mind the furballs… preferred them over dogs any day.

“Where you given a map or any directions?” She also found herself asking as she pushed some of her hair out of her face with her free hand that wasn't lit up with magic. The small pentagram styled ring she had on her ring finger sparkle briefly in the movement and the light.

TheFabledBiscuit 06-10-2018 08:40 AM

Ryan opened back up his files glancing over a set of names, He hated to be rude but his business was on the line here, and if he couldn't find actual clientele willing to pay his rates soon he would lose everything he had owned.
"That can't be the only reason you came to speak with me, Oliver you say? Especially with your friends over there peering towards us looking as surprised as you with when I actually introduced myself." He glanced up at the male in front of him studying his eyes for any sort of reaction before clearing his throat. "I don't find it weird at all that I come here, the booze is cheap and food is better than average, if you MUST know though I'm am.. I guess you can say Exorcist? I can see, touch and talk to the dead, I own a business trying to aide people, or creatures that may have a ghost problem. In truth, I have an extraordinarily powerful sixth sense as my sensei has said, but not being born in a wealthy bloodline has been quite hindering" Victor crossed out a few names from his paperwork marking them as cleared of any potential hauntings before returning his attention back to Oliver
"So what's the deal, why are you really talking to me?"
Karla was still transfixed on the glow of her hand, gently touching the girls hand with her own feeling the warmth of the magick emitting from it."Its.. just so beautiful.." She muttered softly before returning to her senses after the witch had spoke . "The OTHER side of town? You've got to be freakin' kidding me.." She let her head hang as she mumbled to herself about getting back at someone before pepping up to the question.
"Oh no! I'm not a witch you see... I'm.. err I'm just here for my work, I got put in charge of a relatively important task and it seems like I've been screwed over by a jealous colleague. Her face flushed when she mentioned she wasn't a witch, it would have been the easiest thing to claim to be in normal circumstance, she wasn't normally caught off guard by someones appearance or magic as she was with this redhead.
Karla blushed knowing why she was so flustered in the first place, if it had been anyone else she would have performed her work far better than she had.
"Anyways! I think I should be able to manage, a train and bus to reach it you say right? I'll figure it out, thank you so much for your help!" Karla bounced a few steps away from the witch before stopping in realization.
"OH! My names Karla by the way, I don't know many people here so it would be nice if we could maybe be friends, you can show off some more of your pretty magic for me maybe! That would make my day. Anyway here's my card, hope I get to see you again!" She shoved a small business card into the girls hand before sprinting off. The card itself was pretty bland being black in color, only Karla's name number underneath.

PurpleBox 06-11-2018 01:36 AM

HannaBelle wasn’t fazed at all when the other said they were not a witch… there where many magical beings that had magic. Why people assumed Witch first the redhead really didn’t know. “Ah...It’s the Uni-Way express train… and the number 158 bus!” HannaBelle found herself calling out as the other girl left, pale hands gripped the sleek black card, a flush on pale cheeks when her magic was called pretty, again… it was a odd, but not unpleasant feeling.

Stuffing the card into her pocket HannaBelle began to move to make the rest of the trip home. Headphones back in place over her hears as her boot covered feet crunched against the ground, she kept the ball of light out as it was dark and the street lamps where not working properly. She really needed to get her motorcycle fixed…
It was clear to the flirty shifter that his flirting was falling flat for this man. So he decided to be blunt. “Trying to flirt with you to get your number….most people cave by now and give me their numbers….and my friends and I haven’t really seen you talk to anyone outside of the bartender….” The wolf shrugged, his pride wounded a little from his flirtations not seeming to have an effect on Ryan… and when the man talked about his exorcism job Oliver sighed to himself.

Yup a sixth sense alright… and many up and comings had trouble getting started. HIs human neighbour had tried to stay out on her own before she’d caved and joined the workforce of a big name ‘physic’ company. Now she looked like a shell of her former self…

“Looks like I’ll owe my big friend twenty bucks now.” Oliver said running a tattooed hand through his dark brown locks.
“Granny I’m home! Hullo Ichabod, Maxly.” HannaBelle called out and greeted two of the old witches cats who purred at her entrance.

“Running late today in many ways I see Little Raven.” a wise and slightly cracked old voice echoed form the parlor and HannaBelle sighed to herself, she’d expected the old women to be asleep at least.

“Yes… last class ran late… history… we’ve just gotten to the Salem trials…. Not looking forward to that bit of charred history.” HannaBelle said entering the parlor, Granny Tamick was sitting in a old wicker chair with a black cat curled up on her lap, a old pipe puffing out rings of smoke hung from the older womens' lips and HannaBelle moved to cleanup the women's’ glass on the side table.

“There’s a strange air about you… did you meet someone on your journey home?” As the women spoke HannaBelle stopped.

“You could say that… she needed directions to the university...I think someone messed up her directions on purpose…” HannaBelle trailed off before she entered the kitchen to wash the glass, she grabbed herself a quick snack before kissing Granny Tamick’s forehead as a gesture in lew of a good night.

Heading up to her room HannaBelle didn't feel the old women’s grey eyes on her. “You try so hard Little Raven… yet you keep yourself caged… you must free yourself… you must fly…” the old women coughed as she spoke, rubbing the soft fur of her oldest familiar, she used a little magic to wheel herself into her first floor room and into bed.

Many questioned why the old witch called HannaBelle, Little Raven… it actually had to do with the red heads first attempt at transforming herself into a animal for a brief moment… instead of the cat she’d been aiming for… she’d ended up a baby raven… shocked and squawking up a storm in fright.

She had not tried that spell again until years later when her magic was more stable.

TheFabledBiscuit 06-11-2018 03:09 AM

Karla waved her hand in thanks towards the redhead, some part of inside hope she would take her up on the offer and get in contact with her, she checked her watch as she sprinted towards the train station and gritted her teeth, a little more angry that she had been lead astray. She pondered how she would get her revenge for the misinformation but instead decided to drop it, if it weren't for the false advice she would never have run into the witch. She cursed as she pushed through the train doors making it inside at the last moment.
"Damn it! I was in such a hurry I never got her name! Gaaahh!" she hung her head shaking her head at how careless she had been. She turned her attention in front of her as she saw a pair of black boots in front of her. A man stared hard at Karla who glanced around to see nobody else around. "Something you need? her voice was more serious in tone as she glared at her uninvited company, as much as she loved how unique the city had been traveling in this fashion always brought trouble to her.
The man grinned mischievously grabbing at her arm pulling her to her feet. "All I need is you baby, how about we have a little fun since we're all alone?" Karla smirked sizing up the guy, pulling his hand off her arm as the train entered a tunnel. "I suppose that's alright, after all I haven't eaten tonight!" she grinned letting her energy fill the cab with a green flash accompanied by a quick short scream. Karla sat back in her seat humming to herself in the empty cab, daydreaming about the witch she had run into earlier that night.
"Huh? Is that what you were doing? I'm sorry I'm not very.. receptive to that kinda thing, no offense of course. I'm sure it would have worked on anybody but me.. unless ya know, they were straight." Ryan babbled on about how it wasn't a bad attempt, just the wrong target in this case. He repeated the same thing over in cycle trying to not hurt the mans pride more than he already had. "I'm err.. not into people in that sorta way. Sorry. It's not you, I just haven't found anyone who I find to be my type.. and it seems to be a very broad range of not fitting the bill so I just label myself as Asexual." His palms began to sweat feeling he wasn't helping the situation any more before writing down a number. "I don't think you should expect much else from me but here's my number so you don't have to pay your friends any money, its the least I can do for you since you weren't here to run me out or somethin."
Karla stepped out of the bus, feeling a little guilty of the man she disposed of earlier. She ran her hands through her hair. Nobody would remember him, it was how her magick worked with her.. profession. Anybody she had killed with her magick simply ceased to exist any longer, families and friends would just forget that he ever existed.
Still it was a harsh way to act when he had done nothing wrong to her, how was he to know she was in a bad mood. "I gotta learn to keep my cool.. that wasn't right..." she muttered to herself feeling more guilty than before. She looked up to the university in awe as she approached pushing through the courtyard into the main building. She pulled a package out of her bag, the box was old and falling apart at the edges revealing a black book with an intricate cover inside. "Already destroyed the packaging huh? It's a good thing I've arrived then."
She walked fast through the school following the signs to the library, she approached the slender woman in the front desk sliding the damaged box in front of her.
"Hi there.. I was supposed to hand this over to you all to lock up, this is from the.. - - "
The woman interrupted her holding up a finger to her face and nodded "It's alright, I understand.. we will make sure to lock this up right away, nobody else will ever see it again." The woman studied Karla for a few moments before standing to her feet and placing the book into a wooden ornamental box. "You're a bit young, to have to handle these kind of burdens.. You shouldn't have to do these things at your age. Let the others.."
Karla shook her head and grinned at the woman "No, no! Its really alright! I enjoy being trusted with this kinda stuff, beats being stuck in a classroom all day that's for sure, plus I don't think it'd be good for me to be locked inside all day I would go crazy"
The woman smiled solemnly touching her face gently "Well dear, if you're ever in the area and want to talk at all, just ask for Tara alright? I'm sure its hard keeping friends around in your line of work."
Karla nodded sadly for a moment before exiting the room, her life had been quite lonely, Tara was right, it was hard keeping friends around for long at all in her line of work for others, she never had anyone who stayed around long enough to be able to consider one.

PurpleBox 06-11-2018 04:02 PM

“I’ve turned the eyes of a few straight males before...Asexual….”Oliver sighed, put out but not overly upset. He was bound to miss one or two times with his charms… “Thanks, I’d only try to run you out of here if you came here to cause trouble… and seeing as you come here a lot that’s clearly not the case… so you’re safe.” Oliver offered one more flirtatious smile before he accepted the number and went back to his group of friends who began to question him animatedly.

“Where's his number? It doesn't count if it’s a let down hotline!” Wo’rug snorted through hi big nose and carefully Oliver handed over the number. The big orc worked with telephones and their numbers, he had an uncanny ability to know if a phone number was fake or to one of those dump lines that some girls gave out to get creeps off their backs. “Well the ancestors be praised… it’s the real deal.” The orc had a mix of a frown and a grin.

“He clearly wasn’t receptive to your flirting wolf boy… but at least he was nice enough to not tear you down.” a male with red hair, pale blue skin and piercing yellow eyes said around a mouthful of fangs. The slits on his neck fluttering before he took a sip of his water, there where many glasses of water in front of the male that clearly was used to being in water.

Oliver shrugged as he pocketed the phone number before sneaking a sip of Farrah’s pixie martini. The overly bubbly texture strange on his tongue but it would affect him the same way it would a human. “Even with my charm I’m bound to miss the mark once or twice. I didn’t score with you either Derry.” Oliver tilted his head towards the fish man who grumbled to himself about already having a mate that would rip his fins off for sleeping with another man, flirting was fine.

The dark haired shifter settled in for a night of getting playfully ribbed about his miss by his friends, maybe he’d convince Farrah to have another roll in the hay with him… she was a free spirit of a fairy and she had about another 100 years before she felt the urge to settle down.

Green eyes with flecks of amber kept glancing towards Ryan with a curious nature to them.
HannaBelle had not gone straight to sleep that night, she looked over the card that Karla had given her, watching the iridescent letters move as she tilted the car this way and that. A soft mew from her lap had her moving one had to pet the calico cat that had decided to nap on her lap, another of her teachers many cats. The red headed witch didn’t have a familiar of her own yet. She needed her witches license for that… to bring her magic to a animal to make it her companion, letting it help her with spells and potions and things like that. Part of her thought that she might not even have one… because she wanted to focus on potions...not get pulled into the political shit storm that the world of magic was becoming. More and more illegal magicks where being practiced in the underground markets...sadly though those markets where the only places to get some rare ingredients for potions and spells, it was one of the reasons that the leaders of the magical realms had not cracked down fully on taking down the markets.

HannaBelle had accompanied Granny Tamick to one once… when she was 13, a vital year for a witch to find out what type of magic they were suited for...while she still hadn’t been allowed to find out her true magic nature… Granny Tamick had said that she had potential, and an aptitude for general magic, no real specialization...which oddly enough was a specialization in itself apparently… still...that was one of the reasons she wanted to focus on potions.

Shaking her head slightly as she placed the car down and scooped up the cat from her lap, already in her PJ’s she let herself fall to her bed, the cat curling up on her side as she fell asleep. A few more of the cats crawling into her bed during the night, most of the older ones staying with their mistress in the first floor bedroom.
Oliver was slightly drunk as he stumbled out of his car from the passenger seat, Farrah was in the driver's side, the least drunk out of all in the group that night. Hs families home was a little bigger than the average home, mostly because ALL his family lived in it… uncles or aunts that married into the family still moved into it, there were a few different names under one roof now because of that but they all were loyal to the McDool name.

“Th-Thanks -hick- a-again Fa-fa-Farrah.” Oliver grinned drunkinely as his fairy friend giggled as she helped him to the front door, he managed to unlock it and get inside with a parting kiss to the fairies cheek before she was zooming off on her own towards her apartment.

Oliver all but collapsed into his bed in his room, he no longer had to share one with his siblings and he was thankful for the solitude and the ability to bring people home if he was so inclined. Falling to sleep his mind conjured up visions of pale skin, dark hair and dark clothes, and that rambling voice….lingering traces of the humans scent clouded his sleep as he passed out.
HannaBelle was walking quickly from the campus cafe with a big cup of dark coffee with witches hazel sprinkles on top of the whipped cream topping the dark drink. She didn’t have any classes till after lunch today, but she was here to check on the prices of the mechanics classes, mostly their prices on fixing student vehicles… and while it was labeled a mechanic course, they learn to fix all sorts of transportations, from brooms, to vacuums to motorcycles like HannaBelle’s ‘Beast’ sitting in the town home garage.

“Hey sssexy witch.” A tall male with green scales greeted her. Rolling her hazel eyes HannaBelle approached the snake man.

“Vert… I’m here to-” “Check the prices again yesss?” Frowning at being interrupted she nodded with a sigh, she knew that Vert meant no disrespect… his kind always interrupt each other. It was their way of showing a level of comradery among each other and it seemed it had bleed over into their interactions with other species.

“Yeah… the Beast need fixing… and taking the trains and buses is getting to be to much…” HannaBelle said rubbing her forehead slightly, her long flame colored locks where all loose today, slightly disheveled as she had not had a chance to brush them this morning.

The snake man nodded, his tail rustlign behind him as he flipped through some papers to see the prices. This wasn’t HannaBelle’s first time coming here for repairs to her precious bike… the thing was it was a human made bike that she had upgraded magically herself… so parts where harder to come by. Letting out a surprised hiss the snake man pulled out a list and laid it flat for the witch to see.

“Because of the carnival coming up the big boss if giving big discounts, hoping to draw in more people for lots of work… says here that it would cost about 150 for your bike.” He noticed the witches wince and sighed with sympathy. “You know the boss doesn't like human made things.. But that’s the lowest price we have during this sale… i could try and clip on my student discount of that will help?” The snake man asked with soft hisses.

“It might… I need to check my account… thanks again Vert… I’ll make sure to have that lotion you like ready before this weekend then ok?” HannaBelle gave a smile to the snake man and he had a hissing laugh, neither of them were attracted to each other but they could half flirt with words and actions. HannaBelle never had her heart in the flirting though… because she was drawn to the more soft forms of her fellow females… and while that was no problem to the other magical people in the community.. It was still a issue with the humans she hung out with when she was home. Friends from her day in human school, her own parents who thought she was just too picky somedays to find a boyfriend… Vert had met the Owens before… nice couple and they would just be happy to see their daughter happy… with a male or female… at least that the impression the snake man had of them.

Watching the witch leave he sighed and went back to sorting papers.
His head was killing him…. He had drunk a lot last night and his dreams had not helped. Today he worked a full day in the factory, cutting and packing meat. All grades and types, the ones that humans were used to and… some more less savory kinds that magical creatures would eat now and then. Oliver tried to not think about some of the dark or overly bloody meats the cup up.

“You’ll get used to it son.” His father always said. Yeah.. Oliver didn’t think he ever would. Rubbing his temple with the inside of his wrist to try and stop the headache that the sounds of machinery wasn’t helping. The shifter knew it would be a long day.

TheFabledBiscuit 06-12-2018 02:15 AM

Ryan waved to his new acquaintance as his group of friends surrounded him, he shook his head not quite understanding what the big deal was before pulling out his cell. "Uhh.. hello yes, This is Ryan Favor with 'Favors for the Dead', yes I'm calling about your appointment on Tuesday are we still.... yes... yes no problem I understand. Yes, okay thank you." The man slammed his fist into the table letting out disgruntled mumbling mixed with cursing. He turned to find the bartender watching him amused by his frustration. "What is it Sandra, here to give me a hard time about giving into frustration again? Its been a month and I still haven't got a lead, If I can't find a big job soon then.."
The raven haired woman slid next to Ryan in the booth, making him feel a little uncomfortable. She was gorgeous by any normal persons standards easily, finding out that Ryan wasn't interested in sex in any way gave her more reason to flirt with the man, watching his awkward reactions always made her laugh. "Oh relax, I'm only this close to you because I care about you more than the average patron and know you've been having a hard time... which is why, I have a huge job for you. I'm friends with the CEO of a major company, he's having some, problems I think you'd be the perfect fit for." Ryan eyed the woman suspiciously as she leaned in whispering something seductively into his ear. "Are you serious? They want to hire me? That would give me enough attention that I could start taking serious clients!" She giggled at Ryan's change in attitude planting a kiss above the mans eye who almost seemed to be in tears from her news. "Now listen I'm putting MY name out there for you, if you fuck this up it effects me too alright? I hear that the spirit is extremely malevolent and has caused some serious 'accidents' which may have resulted in death, so it needs to be dealt with. Just speak with them when you have the chance they'll set up a time." Ryan latched to the woman who seemed surprised at how clingy a happy human could be. "This means so much, I could kiss you right now I'm so grateful" The woman pushed him away laughing as she picked up his empty drinks and headed back behind the bartop. "Kissing's only fun if you're into it dear, now go home and make sure you let me know how it all ends up!"
Karla watched Hannabelle wander the campus from the library windows, she intrigued by the girl. She felt drawn to her for some reason, she had even lost sleep with her haunting her dreams, whispering sweet promises into her ear. "Maybe she hasn't called because she's been so stressed.. I should try to help her out a little, I'd appreciate that if I were stuck in this kind of routine everyday."
The woman sighed, some out of boredom and some out of sheer loneliness it was odd being in a school and not socializing with anybody, though at the moment only the one girl had peaked her interest there were surely other students who would be intriguing in some regard to her.
The tips of her fingernails glowed with her green energy as she used her magic to listen into the girls conversation with the reptilian. It was subtle enough that nobody would ever be able to make it out, concealing her magick was probably Karla's best talent, next to using her powers outright in the open which scarcely happened.
Karla made her way to the snakeman after she was sure Hannabelle had left before entering the shop. "Excuse me, Vert? That girl, with the red hair trying to buy parts for her bike, I'd like to purchase the top quality parts she needs and pay for the labor as well to have it fixed. The price doesn't concern me as long as it seems fair I have the funds on me right now if you'd like it upfront. If she asks who did it, keep it exciting only give my hair color.. or something!" Karla's eyes sparkled in excitement of the deed, doing good things for people felt nice despite what her mentors had tried drilling in her head.
Ryan sat at his dining room table eyeing the number on his phone before taking a deep breath and hitting the call button. He waited a few moments after a couple of rings a voice answered him on the other side.
"Yes, this is Ryan Favor, I was told you would have a job for me?" Ryan's eyes grew wide in shock hearing the voice on the other side confirm the job Sandra had set up for him.
"Yes!! I can come over tomorrow morning for a first inspection, after that I will perform the cleansing to rid your business of the spirit. Can you just tell me some of its behavior, what kind of activity do you have at the moment? Ryan's excitement diminished almost as quickly as it came as he acknowledged the voice on the otherside of the phonecall. His tone took a more serious tone as he wrote a few notes and pulled out a notebook. "Oh, no.. I can definitely do it.. its just.. well you should have dealt with this before it got that bad. It's no problem though I'll handle it. I'll see you tomorrow for the inspection thank you."
Ryan stared at his own notes with concern building in his eyes, as he scrounged the room for all his research books and notes. He flipped through page after page highlighting certain passages and words knowing that sleep would not be possible this night after all for him.

PurpleBox 06-13-2018 12:55 AM

The yellow eyes on the snake man widened in surprise when the random girl with black and white had walked into the shop and spoke. He sensed no lies, no tricks….he narrowed his eyes slightly. “That can all be arranged… but what are you planning for sexy witch?” his tone was curious and how he said sexy witch was how someone would call their friend a nickname, no heat behind the words. Vert shifted threw the papers he had pulled out before to show prices to HannaBelle.

“Her bike is in need of many things to fix it… she did a decent job magicking the parts of it when she first got it herself… but the enchantments aren’t sticking, if the part is still good we just renew the enchantment, like i said the enchantments not sticking and in a way that’s what’s running her bike to the bolts.” He fished out a piece of paper and used a blue highlighter to highlight the parts and their prices that where needed, in his mind Vert was rounding numbers and thinking of any discounts he could apply. The dwarf that ran this part of the school was known for being greedy… but he was good with his work… so one had to be careful when asking him to fix something.

Once everything was handled Vert still looked at the strange women with curious yellow eyes. “You are new here...and doing something like this for the most underrated and powerful witch at this school…. Why?” again no heat behind his words just genuine curiosity. Behind him his tail flicked lazily in thought. A loud crash behind them in the garages made him wince as a angry loud voice began to shout at the students that had likely dropped something important.
HannaBelle was finishing off her coffee as she walked into her first class, today it was potions and their theoretical effects on humans, magic beings and the environment. The teacher was a witch dressed in hippie like clothing, extremely long hair in dreadlocks that had vines and flowers braided and growing in the matted hair.

“Greetings child of the sky.” The teachers airy voice greeted HannaBelle who rolled her eyes.

“Afternoon Madam Tenzky.” HannaBelle sat at a table with a cauldron at the front of the class, pulling out her notes form the last class, they were working on adapting a hair growth potion that could work on a dying plant. Both would need to stimulate growth but one revitilated hair cells and the other rejuvenated dead plant cells. Science and magic where more closely linked then humans gave them credit for.

The teacher grinned. “Still not embracing your spirit animal Miss Owens? I to was not happy with my spirit shape when i first attained it… who ever heard of a witch with a otter as a shifted form? Then it began to make sense when my love of the environment came to bloom.” The teacher smiled wistfully. Not all witches had spirit forms or spirit animals… and HannaBelle just wished that she’d gotten a cat like her mentor, would have been easier and expected… not a feathery mess of a raven that she’d turned into that one time… and very few times since.

Other students began to pour in, the bubbly blonde witch from the potion house smiled and waved at HannaBelle who blushed and hesitantly waved back. People began to seat themselves where their partners for the class would be and HannaBelle had been paired with a very Gothic looking warlock who was wouldn't think it by looking at him… but he was always dropping things and then apologizing like there was no tomorrow.

“Albert.” She greeted the tired looking man.

“HannaBelle….what were we supposed to do for homework again? I can’t remember if it was another theory paragraph or a full on essay about the potion….” he trailed off as he slumped into his seat and the redheaded witch sighed.

“Both… but they are not due yet you lazy buzzard.” She said and he snorted. He was a fellow feathered magic was one of the reasons she put up with him.

Soon the classroom was full of potion vapours and some of the more elite students where covering their noses when theri potions made bad smells. They’d forgotten to put in the daisy seeds before the lizard shavings….amiture mistake in HannaBelle’s opintion.
Just once… once HannaBelle would like to not be covered in her potions work...Albert had yet again spilled the sample of their brew on her when he was taking it up to the professor with the other students before the end of class… now she smelt like flowers and overly sweet perfume that made her feel ill.

“Shouldn’t you know anti tripping and anti spilling spells by now! For Hecate’s sake you attended a spellementary school for warlocks…. And i was taught by a old women at the end of the block!” HannaBelle spat at Albert who was, again, apologizing to the angry red head.

“We have a spare this block you have a chance to change right?” Albert's voice was high pitched in embarrassment over spilling something again, HannaBelle scoffed, grumbling angrily to herself as she marched towards the campus locker rooms, mostly used by students in the sports programs or those who used the gym equipment a lot, but the average student could rent a locker for thirty minutes to change wash up and other things.

Albert hurried off to give the fumign witch some space… while she didnt come from a magically inclined family, HannaBelle was oddly high on the power scale, even if she was good at little bits of everything.

Hurrying herself she cleaned herself up with some magic and some mortal means she didn’t want to be late for her history class. On her pale and freckled hip rest a tattoo that depicted the alchemical wheel of elements and runes.
Oliver was bored… he loved his younger siblings but they were so repetitive sometimes… he’d been told by his mother to pick up his youngest siblings who both had gained their shifted form, a mouse and a lizard….and she’d told him to keep a eye out for the tricky twins that had gained their forms, and now Oliver was walking back home with a horned Lizard on his shoulder and holding a plump mouse in his hands, no one on their block even looked twice as they would easily recognize Oliver and assume the assorted animals were his siblings.

“You two need to stop running off during class… you nearly gave mom a heart attack, what a way for her to find out you two have your forms.. Finally… now everyone in the house has their forms again, until Aunt Immagine gives birth to her little one.” The mouse nuzzled his fingers, whiskers poking out between tattooed fingers had Oliver snorting.

Once they got home Oliver handed the pair, in their humans forms to his mother who was scolding them, orange ears and a tail to match had popped out of her hair and back in addition to her youngest children pulling a prank like that.

“Maybe i’ll have better luck at the club down the street… the bar is getting pretty dry in the pickings…” Oliver mutters to himself as he ran a hand through his hair… the hangover had not been the only thing that had made sleeping difficult for him… he remembered little of the dreams… but the smell. Oh that odd yet unique smell that he remembered from the human, Ryan… it unsettled him that he remembered the others scent out of all the things….

Sighing again he leaned into the kitchen to tell his mom that he was going out, she just waved him off before he grabbed his wallet and began the walk to the club. It was five blocks away but it was worth it to get into a all magic club, no humans allowed meant that they would serve the drinks that could kill a human if they didn’t know what they were ordering. Also it meant that beings that worm glamors could shed them and be themselves more.

Oliver wouldn't need to worry if he lost control and slipped out some fangs if someone pissed him off, it would be allowed as long as he actually didn’t bite the person.
During lunch HannaBelle went to the mechanic shop on campus again and checked with Very , surprised to hear that someone. “She had black and white hair…. Markings under her lip and a strange air about her… she didn’t give a name but she paid for a full refitting of your bike with the best quality parts… that means that you won’t have to get the enchantments reset as often...and it will actually fly properly now too once everything is set in place.” Vert explained looking over the paper with all the information. HannaBelle’s hazel eyes were wide.

“WHo the fu-....” she trailed off and stuffed her hand into her bag to pull out the black card with the strange shimmery letters her eyes lingering on the number…. And biting her lip she thanked Vert before going off to find a bench to sit on.

Dialing the number she spoke as soon as the call was picked up. “You paid for my bike to be fixed…. Why.” simple but blunt.

TheFabledBiscuit 06-13-2018 07:29 AM

Karla grinned like a child receiving a holiday gift at the mention of the witch's nickname she let out a small laugh shaking her head "Let's just say, I'd hate to see her be held back or distracted because she doesn't have reliable means of transportation. Life is so much more enjoyable when you don't have such silly burdens tying you down." Karla glanced over the paperwork and nodded in agreement with the costs and labor. "So with these parts then her bike should run as good as new then? I'd like to see it last for atleast the majority of her remaining time here." Karla signed the paperwork acknowledging the payment of parts and labor sliding a copy of the invoice with her own belongings. She stared thoughtfully at the reptile wondering how to answer."That's just going to have to be my little secret! Let's just say she's caught my eye is all." Karla waved to the reptile as she headed back to the Library, hopefully Tara wouldn't scold her for interfering with student affairs. Her job afterall was to make sure the item dropped off and to remain until she was sure it was completely secured.

Ryan stood in front of the massive building in awe of how large the building was. Purple flame lettered the company logo as it shifted between purple, to green and finally blue before restarting its cycle. 'Magus Core' This was the largest manufacturer of enchanted items or magical focuses, pretty much any being with even an ounce of magick in their blood had their enchanted wares from magus core. Ryan swallowed approaching the large stone doors in front of him, they groaned as the weight shifted when he approached revealing an entrance for the young man.
He stepped inside to find himself in a large lobby sculpted from marble. "You must be Ryan Favor, Xelthar will see you immediately please step this way sir." The gargoyle Ryan assumed was only a statue hopped from his pedestal giving a small bow and pointed to the door behind him. He returned the motion before rushing through the door to find a middle age man sitting behind a desk with a quill and parchment.
"You must be Ryan, I expect you are ready to start your inspection?" The mans golden eyes gazed up to Ryan glancing at the suitcase he had brought.
"Uhh actually sir, I'm pretty sure i know what its causing your problems, I hate to suggest this but I'd like you to clear the building out for an entire day to do my work. I know its alot to ask but this matter is rather serious..." He glanced up to the creaking wooden beams above him, he shuddered a little before returning his attention to Xelthar awaiting his answer who eyed him suspiciously.
"Impossible. If we were to stop production for even one day we'd fall behind. You are to rid us of this spirit so we can move forward from this headache immediately, you have come highly regarded however don't believe you are entitled to order me such things."
Ryan sighed knowing it wouldn't be so simple to convince the man, no matter how important he felt it was. "Sir.. I'm afraid I've already determined the spirit to be a Skadegamutc. It's also known as a ghost witch, they are very malevolent spirits who only wish to cause serious harm or death to any living being it crosses. I'm afraid if I started when the building was occupied your workers lives would be in jeopardy."
Xelthar stopped the motion of his quill studying Ryan's face carefully as the man explained the situation and nodded. "Fine, very well you have 24 hours. Tomorrow at this time the witch ghost better have been taken care of Mr.Favor until then, I will let you begin your work."
Xelthar clapped his hands together sending a wave of energy traveling the entire building once it hit Ryan he found himself in a dark room, it was the same one he had entered however it appeared to be empty, he glanced around finding the entire building seemed to be empty though he could still sense the witch ghost's presence near by.
Karla answered the phone excitedly knowing Hannabelle had just reached the workshop. She frowned while she spoke into the phone. "Awww... not even a thank you first? I even went as far as to make sure you wouldn't have a problem with your bike any time soon. As for why...." Karla paused for a moment with a voice behind her interrupting her and the phone call. "Lady Karla! Its Tara! You better get over here right away, something is happening with the Book of the Dead!

Karla glared at the librarian sending the woman tripping over her own two feet in fright at the sight of her. "Do NOT mention the artifacts name here! Its to be kept hidden!! I'll be there in a moment to deal with it, just don't let anybody else enter the library for now." She glanced down at the phone realizing the witch probably overheard her and sighed before placing the receiver back up to her face. "I'm sorry Hannabelle, I'm afraid something important just came up, if you must know though I paid for your bike to be repaired because I find you to be fascinating and I'd hate for someone with such potential to be distracted from stressing about such a small thing, is that a good enough answer for now my 'sexy witch' ? " Karla looked towards Tara and jumped to her feet seeing something was indeed happening with the book she had brought with her. "I REALLY gotta go! I'm sorry. How about we meet up tonight? For dinner maybe? My treat! I'll meet you at the station if you are interested otherwise I can just head home from there! Bye!" Karla hung up the phone not letting the witch answer and rushed to Tara's side staring at the book that started to emit a strange energy. "What... the hell..? Its still sealed right? how is it doing that? Tara glanced out the window and pointed across the campus towards the large building overlooking it all.
"It seems like the book is reacting to another beings power in that building, I wonder who could be in the Magus Core at this moment to cause this..."

PurpleBox 06-13-2018 08:05 PM

Vert nodded in agreement, seemingly placated in his curious thoughts over Karla and this ‘gift’. “She does put a lot of weight on herself to do her best. I can guarantee that the enchantments for these parts and the assembly have a 6 year warranty, even after she graduates she will be able to come back and get repairs.” The snake man tucked the signed paper into the pile that would be dealt with today, he set it on the top… partly to piss the dwarf off in a few minutes but it would be worth it.

Yellow eyes watched the strange female go...and the snake man hoped that this female would bring a smile to HannaBelle’s face… it had been a while since Vert had seen his friend smile.
HannaBelle blinked when she heard the librarians voice… was Karla in the library? Something about a book… a chill ran down her spine when she heard Karla speak to the librarian….it wasn't a pleasant chill.

“Don’t call me that!” There was clearly a blush in the redheads voice as she gripped her phone a pink blush over taking her pale and freckled face. “I’m not fascinating… I’m just a average witch that happened to give you directions the night before.” She said with a frown, the blush still clear in her voice, before she could say no to the dinner idea the line went dead when Karla hung up.

“What in Hecate if going on here….shit I’m gonna be late again!” HannaBelle noticed the time on her phone and began to dash towards her last class of the day, it was a short day today, a class about enchanting items to be of use to non magical folks. This class was sponsored by the big company Magus Core who where big benefactors to the Uni.

As she settled herself in the back of the big lecture hall she pulled out her notebook with Karla’s card where it had been hastently tucked. She knew that the professor would be talking about today, so she set about writing a list of positives and negatives to attending this dinner….date…. With Karla….
The club was closed today and Oliver wasn’t the only patron pissed off because of this. Kicking a stone on the ground in front of him Oliver was machine home with a sulky pout on his face. “Maybe I can catch Farrah when she leaves her last class...I’m sure she’d be up for another tumble in the flowers.” The shifter was grumbling to himself as he walked up to his home and pulled out his car keys before pulling his car out and got on the road to the campus.

Oliver had no clue about the goings on at the campus library, and he had no inkling that anything sinister was happening at the big corporate building he drove past. When he arrived on campus he sent a quick text to his fairy friend, knowing she’d turn her phone back on when class ended and sat himself down in the cafe, he saw that same red headed witch from the other day dashing past the cafe and smiled.

“Probably has a fully loaded course roster…. Glad I decided on the part time classes.” He grinned a fanged grin as he nibbled on the bagle he’d gotten along with his coffee.

TheFabledBiscuit 06-14-2018 06:54 AM

Karla stared at the book gritting her teeth, she didn't like the feeling of the energy protruding from the book, she took a elegant switchblade from her pocket and pressed it into her arm leaving sizable slice on her arm before stepping to the book.
Tara turned towards the woman in alarm "What in the world do you think.." Karla interrupted her not letting her finish and closed her eyes muttering something softly under her breath, green energy crackled around her wound and down her arm to her hands as she gripped the book. Tara stared at the woman speechless at the energy that seemed to pour out of her. "Blood Magic?! That's why you don't.." Karla shot her a look that shut the librarian up immediately who silently watched Karla's magick force the energy emitting from the book back into its pages, her blood soaking the binding of the artifact. "Miss Tara, thank you for your service, but due to unexpected complications I'll be procuring this artifact from you, can you direct me to your enchantment class? I need to speak to a representative of Magus Core immediately." Tara nodded understandingly and pointed out the window across the courtyard to another room not far away. Karla gave a small nod and reached into her pack putting a small white mask to cover her entire face, though her hair was rather visible there were no rules saying she had to conceal that as well. She pulled her hood over her head and leaped through the window landing near a crowd of students who muttered about her strange attire before she sprinted off in the direction of the maguscore class.
Ryan felt his way through dark building, even with his sixth sense the darkness seemed to suck away his senses, it was too quiet in the building now. The boards in the building creaked, settling as he made his way through. He sighed taking a deep breath, holding his notes tightly against him as he ventured to the upper levels. The spirit was avoiding him entirely, though its malice seemed to make the air unbelievably thick, he had a hard time breathing growing nervous, he never expected his first job would involve something so dangerous, or strong for that matter, the spirit he identified was one of the most feared legends the tribe had tales of, but like many legends there was always some origin of truth, sadly they did not get much wrong when it came to terms of what he hunted now.
tap...tap...tap... Ryan spun around to a sound seemingly by his ear, he gritted his teeth closing his eyes trying to sense the spirit, if he could only pinpoint its location then things would be easier.
I don't knowww you... why are you intruding in my homeeee? The voice seemed to come from every direction as Ryan twirled trying to see if he could spot the spirit.
"I've come to send you to your next life Skadegamutc! You are not welcome in this establishment, make it your journey easier and come find.."
Multiple laughter seemed to erupt from around Ryan at the same time, he clapped his hands over his ears while tearing open a bag of salt creating a protective circle around himself.
"Weeeee... are not leaving this place... we were brought here for a purpose... cannot leave until our tasssk is done.." the voices spoke together seeming to circle the man. Ryan watched seeing dark silhouettes seem to pass by his field of vision or peripherals, beads of sweat poured down his face as he planned his next move.
Karla barged into the enchantment class, her arm still crackled with energy though she had placed the book into her bag. [color=darkslateblue] "I demand to know what is occurring in the Magus Core Headquarters, she gripped her arm which throbbed from pain, the backlash of power she received from the book was almost enough to tear her arm off, somehow she managed to add another seal to its pages and stopped it from breaking itself free.

The students in the class murmured at her intrusion, some whispered about her strange attire or the blood in covering her arm while others just made jest about her over theatrical entrance. Some of the students shouted down to her complaining about her intrusion on the class . "You can't just barge into the middle of class like this! You're causing a disturbance from those of us that are trying to learn, better yet you don't even look like a student here what gives you the right to come in here and speak to any of us like that? You should learn.. -- " Karla snapped throwing her head to the student who addressed her [color=darkslateblue]"Shut your mouth before I rip your tongue out and force you to." She glared at the student through her mask speaking with a nasty snarl before pausing. She spotted Hannabelle in the back of the room staring at her still holding the card in her name. A wave of joy filled her face before she realized the situation hoping the redhead wouldn't catch on that it was her until she heard another student speak to her. "Uhh I think she knows you Hannabelle, she seemed to be staring straight at ya for a moment there." Karla clenched her fist feeling a little shame at her approach but turned back to the professor.
"I need to know what's going on at Magus HQ. Something or someone is with remarkable energy is causing a reaction in an object of interest, more importantly a reaction that the world would be better not to experience." She couldn't help but finding herself peer towards Hannabelle again admiring the witch before clenching her arm in distress, the curse left in her arm from the necronomincon seared like a flame, burning through to her shoulder like an uncontrollable wildfire destroying everything in its path.

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