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Glitch 04-24-2011 04:18 PM

temp. closed
☃Winter's Art Shop!☃

Re-do re-do re-do! gaaah!

So here's the dealio! I had a charging shop and I couldn't take the pressure ahhhh!

SO. Freebie shop! I'm going to draw whoever I feeeel like however I like >.> But I can be bribed because . . . I like being bribed. SO if you really superduperdeduper want art. You may bribes me. :3 k? k. Please stay and chat :>

Won't draw - if it's not here I will draw it~:

*No-reference OCs
*Anime characters

Glitch 04-24-2011 04:18 PM

☟Samples! ☟

About Winter:
I'm 22! WOO! I like aminals. I sleep a LOT. I work more than I wish I had to but still not enough. I love people, I love company, if you ever find yourself in my neck of the woods- you'll always have a couch to crash on <3 I always try to do my best!

Glitch 04-24-2011 04:21 PM


(If you choose to offer a bribe, they will go in front of everyone/anyone I was drawing for frees. But they will also go in the order received)

If there is a specific sample you like - just copy the symbol and post that in the comments :)
Whatchu want/reference:

People with a lack of patience [lol]:

Serra Britt 04-24-2011 04:21 PM

Ooooo I'd love to see how your art turns out! -requests-

Glitch 04-24-2011 04:22 PM

Alright! :3 I'll get right on it! :D

Serra Britt 04-24-2011 04:24 PM

You can draw my avy if you need something to work from, but anything is fine really ^^

Glitch 04-24-2011 04:27 PM

I'm going to do a waist up since it's free and that will be the best size for me to use as a display I think. :) Feel free to resize anything and everyone has permission to use the art as they like.

Chi 04-24-2011 07:29 PM

If you could put me on the waiting list that would be awesome. o-o;

Name: Chi
Headshot[ ]waistup[ ]fullbody[x]
Lines?: No thanks
Comments: Draw my current avatar if I change it I'll post an image. :3

Glitch 04-24-2011 08:25 PM

I've got you added on. I'll start working on your art in a minute here. :p

Fey 04-24-2011 08:43 PM

Ooooooo, wait-list-meh!
Name: Fey
Check one---
Headshot[ ]waistup[ ]fullbody[x]
Lines?: er, assuming that's what's on your sample image yes please!
Comments: I'd love to see a version of my current av...I'll most likely not change it, even if I do I'll want THAT one LOL

Glitch 04-24-2011 08:46 PM

Haha I'll try and be quick then so I don't catch you after you've changed it!

Fey 04-24-2011 08:48 PM

LOL I mean no matter what I change it to I'll want whatever it currently is ;) sorry!

Glitch 04-24-2011 08:51 PM

Oh! oh oh oh ok. I am --- an idiot. Haha

Chi 04-26-2011 01:32 AM

Oh, thank you very much.
I'll send a trade now and complete it when you're done. ^^

Glitch 04-26-2011 02:46 AM

Ok I'm about 80% done. I will finish it tomorrow. :3

Serra Britt 04-26-2011 10:23 AM

Oh it looks great, I know you said it will be free but do you mind if I pay you anyways? :o

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