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Coda 10-03-2019 11:30 AM

Ludum Dare 45
Ludum Dare 45 is tomorrow! I've been looking forward to this for weeks. I've taken Friday, Monday, and Tuesday off of work, and I'm gonna sleep in Friday to prepare and sleep in Tuesday to recover. I'm really looking forward to getting to build a game again after getting hammered so hard with work recently.

Anyone else participating? I've got openings on my team.

Francisco 10-03-2019 11:35 AM

If you need art or UI things, I can pitch in. :0

Stabbsworth 10-04-2019 10:47 AM

would join if i could, but i need to get more experience with everything tbh.

Coda 10-04-2019 01:44 PM

What better way to get experience than to try to do something with people who already have it?

Espy 10-04-2019 02:05 PM

Hah, knew Void would be interested. Called it last Ludum Dare.

Coda 10-04-2019 06:45 PM

The theme is "start with nothing".


We got nothin'.

Well, I guess that's as good a start as any?

Espy 10-04-2019 07:18 PM

...Really? That's the theme?

Coda 10-04-2019 08:06 PM

Yeah, that's the theme. We're STILL struggling with brainstorming up something that would actually be fun to play. Starting with nothing implies an early-game grind so you don't have nothing anymore, and if we can't capture the player's attention in the first couple minutes it's just bad news from there.

We've got some rough ideas that might work...

Coda 10-04-2019 09:01 PM

Three hours into the jam and I think we might have something!

Espy 10-05-2019 12:00 AM

Oh? Now I'm curious.

Coda 10-05-2019 12:50 AM

Kinda like Tron, you're a strong antivirus program fighting to protect your system, but when there's a massive system crash you're barely able to escape. There's only enough bandwidth to get your core program out.

Starting again with nothing, you set out to travel the network, recompile yourself, battle the corruption, and destroy the worm that attacked your home.

Espy 10-05-2019 01:01 AM

...Okay, this, I've got to play, after you're all done.

Stabbsworth 10-05-2019 11:49 AM

mm, i have a concept. basically you're in the void, and a colourful thing spawns every second. you can collect it, or ignore it to let it accumulate.

Coda 10-05-2019 12:12 PM

Tell me more. How does gameplay proceed? What's your objective?

Stabbsworth 10-05-2019 01:14 PM

i honestly have no idea other than a brief concept. could use some refinement tbh.

legally could probably be considered an idle game.

Coda 10-05-2019 01:15 PM

I meant I'm encouraging you to flesh it out.

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